Chapter 14, Safe On My Own

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I keep trying (and failing) to keep a schedule by posting every Saturday. Here is me trying to honor that:)



When I wake up, I lay in bed for a while, mind instantly going from a sleepy state to thinking about what to do with my day. After running over all of my options for a while, I grab my phone from my nightstand and click on the number I'd saved the night before. After two rings, a voice comes through the phone. "Hello?" Harry speaks into the phone, voice slow and deep. I realize I've probably woken him up, and look at the time realizing that it's barely 8 in the morning. I clear my throat, and bring the phone back up to my ear. "It's Louis, pick me up in 30." I wait a few seconds, and after getting no audible response from Harry, I hang up. I lay in bed for a few more minutes, allowing myself to collect my thoughts. When I've deemed myself ready enough for the world, I sit up and make my way to the bathroom. After doing my business and finishing my skincare routine, I put concealer over the spots on my face that need it, and put a little eyeliner along my waterline to make my eyes pop. When I think it looks good enough, I make my way back into the bedroom and into the closet to get dressed. I stop by my dresser that's next to the closet door, grabbing a thigh harness and knives to go into it, strapping it onto my thigh before going into my closet and grabbing a pair of white sweatpants and a white cropped top to match it.

As I slip my underwear on, making sure not to catch the lace on the harness, I hear my doorbell sound, followed by knocking and Clifford barking. I grab my sweats, quickly pulling them up my legs before grabbing my shirt and walking to the door. I look through the peephole, and with confirmation that it's Harry, I open the door, and step back to signal that he can come in. "You're early '' I say, and as I look back, I see him looking around. My words snap him out of it, but his eyes immediately center in on my bare chest. I roll my eyes, taking the shirt in my hand and slipping it on. Finally, his eyes meet mine, and he responds. "Yeah uh, I was in the area." I smile with my back turned, and grab my mug from the kitchen counter, sipping the tea as i pick up Princess' and Cliffords' food bowls, scooping food out for them and then setting the bowl with a letter P onto the floor, hearing the bell on her collar jingle as she runs towards the noise. I grab Cliffords bowl with his respective letter, and go to open his door. He immediately darts to the kitchen where Harry is still standing, before realizing his bowl isn't there and running back to where i'm standing. I coo at him, saying "Hi bud, need something?" I shake the bowl, and he barks at me once in response. I laugh and move to the back door, grabbing his collar from its hook and putting it on him. Then I take his bowl of food and lead him outside with it, setting it down before patting him on the head. I close the door, and make my way back to the kitchen, picking up my mug from where I'd sat it and finishing off my tea. I put the mug in the sink, and turn back to Harry, who's followed every movement with his eyes. I raise my eyebrows in question, and when he doesn't take the hint, i say "You ready to go?" With a nod in response, I make my way out the door, Harry following a few steps behind me.


Harry drives as Louis looks out the window, occasionally responding to whatever makes the phone in his lap buzz. When he leans against the door of the car, Harry can see the straps of the harness around Louis' waist, the same harness he had seen earlier when he put his shirt on in front of Harry. This makes him realize that the first night that they met, Louis probably wasn't wearing lingerie but something to hold a weapon. After a 30 minute drive in comfortable silence, Harry turns the car into a gated area. He clicks the remote that's attached to his visor, and the heavy metal of the iron gate begins to move, revealing a ginormous fenced in property. Louis knows he's probably gaping, but when Harry said they were going to his house, he did not specify that he lived in a mansion. At the end of the long driveway sits the biggest house he's ever seen, with an equally large parking area, and a short walk away from the house are what look like smaller matching houses. He looks to Harry, who doesn't even look twice at the location. When the car rolls to a stop, Harry climbs out and walks towards the monstrous house without waiting for Louis. There's two men two yards away from the front door, Louis notes as he walks in behind Harry, already planning his exit strategy if he needs one.

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