Part Two

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Tony parked in front of a mansion and then left the car without shooting another look at you. You opened the car and quickly followed him inside. He opened the door and walked inside.

Pretending to not be interested in anything, you walked in after him and he went up the stairs, while taking off the tie around his neck.

"I need to leave." He finally said to you when you walked into a hall. "My maid, Elizabeth, is supposed to be working today. She'll show you around the house."

You nodded your head and looked at him. "Where... uh... where are you going?"

He stopped in his steps and turned towards you. He quickly stood in front of you. "You do not need to care about where I'm going, understood? This... This is not a real marriage. This is an imprisonment. Don't expect anything of me. I will do whatever I want to do and you're free to do the same. I do not need to tell you where I'm going."He said while looking at your face. "Understood?" You gulped before you nodded your head.

"You can take whatever room you want to, including the master bedroom." He continued to talk and then opened the door to the master bedroom and walked inside. "Your stuff is here. I'm going to change."He grabbed his clothes from the closet and walked to the other door, disappearing inside.

You hesitatingly walked inside and towards your suitcase. Taking some clothes to change into, you disappeared in the other room, which was another bedroom.

You took off the wedding dress and kicked it aside, glad to finally be out of it. You changed into a pair of jeans and a crop top. When you were done, you walked outside and heard voices coming from down the stairs. You walked downstairs and saw a girl straightening out Tony's clothes while he stared into her face.

She heard your steps and looked towards you. As soon as she saw you, she stepped away from Tony. Tony followed her gaze towards you and raised an eyebrow. He stared at your body, getting a much different look at it than before when you were in the dress.

"Oh, don't stop because of me." You said as you finally came down the numerous stairs. "I was gonna go prepare something to eat-"

Tony rolled his eyes before interrupting you. "I told you you don't have to act like my wife-"

"For myself."You finished while glaring at him.

The girl quickly cut in, "You don't have to, Miss Y/N. I can make something for you."

"I have someone that will make my lunch and that is not you...?" You looked at her, expecting her to say her name.

"Elizabeth." She said.

"Right, the maid." You remembered."I'm gonna have my own maid coming over in a few days."

"And who allowed her to be in my house?" Tony asked, looking at you.

"I did. Even if you don't want me to act like your wife, we're still married. We share everything now." You said and walked into the kitchen, not in the mood to argue with him when Elizabeth was drooling over him.

You heard him leave before you even started making lunch for yourself.

By the time the night fell, you moved into a guest bedroom and were just finished sorting your clothes into the closet. The door was open and Tony was on the way to his bedroom when he saw the light was on in the guest bedroom.

He stopped walking and leaned on the door frame. He crossed his arms as he looked at you. You didn't notice him standing there, being too busy with your clothes. He noticed the white material of your dress laid on the ground, peeking out of the trash bag. You were planning on throwing it away.

𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now