Part Sixty Six

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Tony didn't know how he ended up at the hospital, but once he was in front of the surgery room, where they were doing numerous surgeries on you, he collapsed, sliding down to the floor and Vision and Natasha watched. He broke down in front of the room, crying as the images of you being revived in the ambulance car kept resurfacing in his head.

"Mr. Stark." Vision placed his hand on Tony's shoulder and he looked up at him.

"I can't lose her... " Tony's voice was barely over a whisper.

Vision looked at him with sadness in his eyes. "You won't, Mr. Stark."

Tony shook his head. "I was the one who dragged her into this mess."Tony said. "She was supposed to be at home now and - and-" He never finished his sentence as he broke down crying again. Natasha's heart broke at his cries, and for how afraid for you she was. "I can't lose her." He kept repeating.

"She'll be fine." Natasha finally spoke up. "She would never leave you and Nathan."

Tony gave her a glare before looking away from her.

"Mr. Stark." Peter, who just joined them, called for Tony. "You're hurt. You should check that out-"

"I'm not going anywhere." Tony interrupted him quickly. "I need to see she's alright."

They all went quiet. Hours had passed. Natasha got into a fight with Tony and had left, leaving Tony alone with Peter and Vision. When the doors to the operating room opened, all three of them got up to their feet and faced the doctor.

"Y/N Stark?" He called out, and Tony quickly approached him.

"It's us, we're with her." Tony said, wiping away his tears.

"What's your relation to her?"

"I'm her husband."

The doctor nodded, and looked at all three of them."Mrs. Stark survived."He said, which made Tony breathe out in relief. His hand ran through his hair, and he closed his eyes. "However, her condition is still critical. We had to put her in an induced coma to give her body time to heal." He said, and Tony looked away, while Peter looked at him.

"Do you know when you'll wake her up?" Tony asked.

"No. As soon as we see she's getting better, we'll tell you."

Soon, Tony found out you had a concussion, many damages to your organs, broken ribs and internal bleeding, which they succeeded in stopping.

"Can we see her?" Tony asked, and the doctor shook his head.

"Not yet. At least not until she's out of the ICU."

Tony nodded, before his jaw clenched and he had a strange look in his eyes. The doctor walked away and Tony had already began to walk towards the exit, which made Peter and Vision look towards him.

"Mr. Stark!" Petter called.

"Where are you going?" Vision asked.

"I'm going to find Rogers and Barnes and deliver them to Ross myself."Tony said before he walked through the exit, strange determination and anger visible on his face.

Weeks had passed. Tony walked in the room where you were. He could still feel the pain in his chest after what happened in Siberia, but with one look at you he forgot all about his own pain.

He let out a sharp breath as he sat down on the chair next to your bed. They put you out of coma, and the only thing remaining was for you to wake up.

"She's getting better." Peter, who sat on other side of your bed, said.

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