Part Seventeen

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The next day, you and Tony were visiting the building where your company was to check on the work done. That was, until Tony saw Daniel staring right at you. He wrapped a hand around you and pulled you to his side, making you look at him, confused.

"What?" You whispered to him and he smiled before placing a kiss on your cheek.

"Nothing. Just wanna show who you belong to."

You smiled, feeling like teasing him."To who?"

Tony glared down at you, poking his inner cheek with his tongue as he rolled up his sleeves. Your lips parted at how hot he looked doing that."Want me to remind you who you belong to with a very public display?"

You looked up at him through your lashes. You were about to answer him when you heard someone calling you over. You looked to the person, then back to Tony, shrugging. "Looks like you'll have to save it for when we get back to your house."

Before you could walk away, Tony gripped your wrist and pulled you back towards him. You came face to face with him. "Our house." He reminded you."Understood?"He asked and you quickly nodded your head. He gripped your jaw and placed a sloppy kiss on your lips. "You can go now."

He looked at your embarrassed face and smirked. Clearly, Tony had no problem with the PDA.

As you walked away, Daniel appeared in front of Tony and looked at the car behind him, then at your dress, which he knew was a new one. Tony looked him up and down while he walked towards him. "Nice car."

Tony nodded his head, saying nothing.

"Is it yours?"Daniel asked.

"Actually, it belongs to my wife."Tony said and watched as Daniel grimaced.

"I see you're showing her how big it is."

Tony tilted his head and smirked. "She knows."

"Your bank account, I mean." Daniel added.

Tony shrugged. "That too."

"Look, I don't want any problems with you." Daniel said. "I just came to apologize. I know I caused you guys to fight and I didn't want you to fight because of me."

"What did you think by kissing her?"

"I didn't know if you guys were going to make up, and I... I still have feelings for her."

Tony tensed up immediately, which Daniel noticed.

"I can see she's happy with you, though." Daniel quickly said. "I promise I won't stand in your way, I'm happy as long as she's happy, even if that's not with me."

Tony looked at him cautiously. He wasn't sure what he should do or say.

"Just, please... don't make her sad."Daniel said and Tony nodded. "I should get going now. See you around, Anthony."

He walked away with Tony's gaze following him.

"What did you two talk about?"Tony was pulled away from his thoughts by your voice. He looked down at you and smiled.

"He just came to apologize."Tony said.

"Oh." You said. "What did you tell him?"

"Nothing." Tony wrapped his arm around you and pulled you to his side."Don't worry about it now. How's the work going?"

"Horrible", you sighed, "There's more damage than I thought."

"I have an idea." Tony said and you looked up at him. "Why don't we unite your company with mine?"

"You're serious?" You asked in surprise. Tony nodded his head. "I... I don't know, Tony. That's a big decision."

"I just want to have you as close to me as you can be." Tony said. "I don't want something like this to happen again."

You smiled at Tony. "Why don't we go back home now and I'll answer you when I think about it?"

"That's a great idea, baby."

As soon as you arrived home, you were met by Elizabeth, who looked surprised when she saw you. She was even more surprised when Tony came up to you and kissed you.

"Elizabeth, you're here, good." Tony said, pushing past her and into the house.

"Mr. Stark?" She said.

You glared at her as Tony gestured for you to join him where he was standing. He took your phone into his hands and found the message she sent you, sliding the phone across the table towards her."Mind explaining this?"

She gasped and looked at you. "I... I... Mr. Stark, you-"

"I know very well I didn't sleep with you. Were you really that desperate to do this only to make Y/N leave me?"

"Mr. Stark, please, I know I made a mistake-"

"At least you admit it. You're fired."

You looked at Tony in surprise as Happy came into the house and escorted Elizabeth outside.

"Did you really just fire her?" You asked.

"Of course I did. She wanted you to leave me." Tony said, walking toward the stairs with you following him."And besides that, I found out she was the one who stole your clothes and jewellery."

"What?" You rushed to catch up with Tony. "How did you find out?"

"We have cameras in the house." Tony said. "I just checked the footage."

"What? Where?"

"Everywhere. Well, except the bathrooms."

"Hold on, so did they... You have videos of us having sex?" You asked and saw Tony's smirk.

"Those are my favorites." Tony said and then he saw the look on your face."Don't worry about it, everything that's not important ends up deleted by Jarvis and no one except from me can access that footage. It's only there for security reasons."

Your lips parted - you didn't know what to say.

"Now, mind leaving the talk about Elizabeth for later and let me remind you who you belong to, baby girl?"

𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now