Part Seven

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You were woken up somewhere after midnight with horrible pain in your stomach. With a groan, you sat up in bed, feeling something gushing out of you. You rushed inside the bathroom and sat down on the toilet, only to see you got your period.

With another groan, you got up to change into new clothes and put on a pad when you realized that was your last one. And on top of that, you were craving something sweet.

Telling yourself you'll just get both in the morning, you tried to fall asleep but you couldn't. You kept turning and tossing around in the bed. You laid down onto your back and you could scream out of the frustration.

Slowly, you got up from the bed and tiptoed towards the door. Slipping out of your room, you walked down the hall and softly knocked on Tony's door, but you got no answer.

"Tony?" You whispered as you opened the door. You took a look inside, only to see Tony sleeping in his bed, shirtless. The moonlight was shining on his body. You slipped inside the room and walked over to the bed.

"Tony?" You called again, but he mumbled something out and turned his head to the other side. You bit your lip, feeling bad you have to wake him up.

"Tony, can you wake up?" You asked and Tony opened one eye, looking at you.

"The house better be on fire or I'm gonna be seriously pissed you woke me up."Tony said with a raspy voice.

You laughed as you sat down on the bed next to where he was sleeping."Nothing's on fire... yet. I just need something from the store."

"Now?" He asked, sitting up in bed and checking the clock on the nighstand."You need something from the store at one in the morning?"

"Yes." You said with a straight face.

"Are you crazy? What's so urgent it can't wait for tomorrow morning?"

"I got my period." You said and Tony sighed, rubbing his hand over his face.

He looked at you and smiled softly."Let me put my shirt on."

You smiled back at him and he got up from bed and walked towards his closet. He threw his hoodie over at you and you caught it, looking at him in question.

"Wear it, it's cold outside." He said, looking at you wearing only a pair of shorts and a crop top.

You nodded your head and put it on. You were instantly wrapped up in Tony's scent, which you enjoyed. When you looked towards him, he was already dressed and he was grabbing his car keys.

You got up from the bed and followed Tony downstairs and into his garage. Tony unlocked his Audi and you both got inside before he started to drive away.

You kept moving in your seat, which Tony noticed and looked at you briefly."You in pain?"

Your lips parted as you looked at him."Yeah, a bit."You said, looking at the buildings you were passing by."I expected you to yell at me for waking you up."

Tony looked over at you and sighed."Listen, we're married and now I put you into this position where we have to pretend for the cameras. The least I could do is help you through your period. Besides, I remember the kind of pain my mother went through and honestly... as a great fan of females, I can say you're incredible."

You laughed at him, reaching under Tony's hoodie to move your shorts off your stomach where it pressed into ths skin."One of the biggest fans."

"Can't deny my love for women." Tony said, making a turn towards one store that was still open.

He parked and you both left the car, walking into the store. You walked inside carelessly, while Tony took a cart and pushed it after you, following you where you went to pick your pads.

𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now