Part Fifty Three

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It was four months later when you were coming down the stairs to Tony's lab, only to find him frustrated about something. You kept your hand on your belly the whole time as you walked downstairs.

He didn't look up at you as you entered, just continued paying attention to the hologram of the suit in front of him. Nothing was going as he wanted it to, and he was getting more frustrated by each passing second.

"Tony?" You called out, but he ignored you. Thinking he didn't hear you, you walked up behind him and wrapped your hands around him, pressing against his body.

He sighed before turning to look at you, your hands dropping to your sides. "What, Y/N?"

You didn't think much of it when he addressed you by your name."What are you doing here?"

"New features for the suit. Why?"

"Could you go and get me the chicken nuggets? And also some cheese. Oh, and we're out of the peanut butter."

"Seriously?" It came out even harsher than Tony had intended it to. "I bought the peanut butter two days ago, don't tell me you already ate all of it."

You bit on the inside of your cheek and looked away from Tony. The baby made you crave it, and you couldn't help your cravings most of the time."Okay, I'll go get it myself."

He sighed and got his wallet from the table, along with a pair of keys before he was out the door.

He was gone for the next half an hour. As soon as you heard the sound of his car, you got up from the couch and walked towards his lab. Hearing Tony talking inside of it, you stopped where he couldn't see you and listened in when he mentioned your name.

"She's just been so clingy and annoying lately."He said and your heart dropped to your stomach, realizing he was talking about you.

"Tony, come on, you don't mean that."You recognized Rhodey's voice coming from the phone. He was put on speaker while Tony was back to working on his suit.

"I do." Tony said. "She doesn't give me space anymore. And she's always either moody, or hungry, or moody because she's hungry."

As he started complaining about how he just had to go and buy food for you even if he had work to do, you turned back and raced up the stairs. You closed yourself in your bedroom and curled up in the bed.

That was when you let the tears fall, your hormones making it even worse and turning you into a crying mess.

You felt Dona jump on top of the bed and put her paw on your shoulder. You looked up at her and she left out a soft meow.

"Come here, baby." You picked her up in your hands and wiped off the tears from your face with your hand. She curled up next to you and looked at you sadly. You scratched the top of her head as tears started to fall down your cheeks again when you remembered Tony's words.

The movement in your belly made you snap out of your thoughts and you smiled softly while rubbing your bump.

Somewhere between rubbing your own belly as the baby moved inside and scratching Dona's head as she let out soft sounds, you fell asleep.

It was two hours later when Tony finished everything. He was happy when he realized what was wrong with the suits, and all of his previous anger passed. He quickly finished up all of his work and left the lab, wanting to spend time with you. On his way to the bedroom, he saw the food he left for you on the kitchen table was still there. His eyebrows furrowed as he made his way through the unusually quiet house.

He pushed open the bedroom door, only to be met with the sight of you sleeping on the bed, your one hand on your belly. He smiled to himself as he approached the bed and sat down on his side before he noticed Dona, who watched him closely. As he was about to get closer to you, her paw slapped his hand away and he gave her a glare. "What are you even doing in bed, you devil?"

Her eyes narrowed as she looked at him, ready to attack him.

"Off you go." He grabbed her while she scratched on his hands, but that didn't stop Tony in carrying her out of the bedroom and placing her on the floor in the hallway. He closed the door in her face and returned to his previous position.

He smiled as he watched you sleep, undisturbed by the fight between him and the cat that just occured. His hand made its way down to your belly and he rubbed over it for a few seconds, before he raised your shirt and placed his hand on the naked skin, feeling the baby kick from inside. His face scrunched up in pain as he realized that must have hurt you, it was a hard kick from inside, after all.

He was right, your eyes fluttered open and you rolled over to lay on your back. You were met with Tony's face and you went to greet him, but remembered what you overheard and bit your tongue.

"Hey there, sweetheart. Had a nice sleep?" He asked with a smile on his face.

You sat up in bed, rubbing your eyes that were still red from crying."It was fine."

When you pulled away from his touches on your stomach, Tony didn't think much of it. "You didn't eat anything I bought you."

"I wasn't hungry." You answered shortly and got up from the bed, while Tony looked after you in confusion as you left the bedroom.

He got up from the bed and followed after you, only to find you in the kitchen, opening a jar of pickles and taking one out, biting into it before you took the box of ice cream out of the fridge and dipped the pickle in the ice cream. Tony made a disgusted face.

You turned around, and that was when you felt Tony's hands wrapping around your body, pressing against your back. "Wanna cuddle with me?"He asked you, but you took his hands and moved them off your body as Tony gave you a strange look.

"Not tonight." You mumbled out before taking your pickles and moving to the living room, where you sat down on the couch as you turned on the TV.

Tony followed after you, looking like a lost puppy. He sat down next to you, which made you move away from him towards one end of the sofa.

He sighed as he watched you.

The next day wasn't that much better. Tony woke up to an empty bed, after you didn't let him cuddle you for the whole night, sleeping on the far end of the bed and away from him.

He found you in the garden, drinking some tea after you'd been nauseous all morning. He came over to sit next to you, but not before he dipped his head towards yours. "Good morning, love."He said and went in for a kiss, but you turned your head and he ended up kissing your cheek instead.

Tony pulled away, completely confused."Are you okay?"

"Perfect." You mumbled out as Tony stared at you. He saw your mug was empty, so he spoke up.

"Do you want me to make more tea for you? You'd been nauseous, haven't you?"

"I got it." You gave him a forced smile before you got up and made your way back into the house. Tony stared after you, watching as you made your way back to inside the house and disappeared from his view.

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