Part Thirty Six

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You were making dinner, while Daniel was helping you pack up your stuff. You turned off the stove just as he came out of the bedroom. The top few buttons of his white shirt were unbuttoned, showing just a bit of his chest, while his sleeves were rolled up. "I packed up your makeup. How much stuff do you even have in there?"

"A lot." You answered as you took the plates from the cupboard.

"And you use all of it?" He asked again.

"Yes." You said, walking past him and towards the table.

"Women." He mumbled out under his breath, unaware you heard him.

"Just because you men use one bottle of shampoo for... literally everything doesn't mean women should be the same." You said.

"Damn." Daniel said as he opened another cupboard. "You don't have any wine?"

"You drank everything."

Daniel pouted as he looked at the empty cabinet. "I'm gonna buy some. I'll be back in ten minutes."

"Hurry, or the food's gonna get cold. And Rose's gonna be here soon."

"Got it." Daniel winked at you as he walked out of your apartment.

You chuckled, leaving the food on the table as you walked to your bedroom to change into your new clothes.

Before you could do anything, the doorbell rang and you sighed. You walked towards the door with a smile on your face and opened them. "Don't tell me you forgot-" You trailed off when you saw it wasn't who you were expecting it to be.

You stared at your ex husband, who looked apologetic. As soon as you opened the door, he looked up towards you.

You gulped. "Can I help you?"

"I'm here to talk." He said.

"You can talk to my assistant." You were about to slam the door closed in his face, but he stopped you.

"Please, Y/N." He pleaded, and you looked at his eyes.

You bit the inside of your cheek, thinking what to do. Stepping aside, you opened the door more for him to get inside. He did, and closed them after himself.

"Well, talk." You said.

"I wanted to say I'm really sorry for everything I said and did to you. I only wanted what's best for you-"

"Best for me?" You chuckled. "Yeah, right."

"I... It was..." He licked over his lower lip, trying to find words to talk to you."What I thought is best for you."

"Clearly, you were wrong." You said.

"I lied." He said out of nowhere, looking up at your eyes. "What I told you that day... I lied. I never meant it."

A small smile appeared on your face."It's too late now."

"Please... "He reached out to touch your hand. "Don't say that. It's not too late. I'm sorry about everything. I just want you back, I promise I'll be better."

You shook your head. "I'm sorry, Tony."

"I was dying. I didn't want you to be married to me. I thought it'd be better if you-"

"Why didn't you tell me? I would stay with you no matter what. Nothing could separate us... besides you. " You interrupted him. "But no, you had to make those decisions for me."

Tony rubbed his eyes. "Look, I'm sorry. I really am. I still love you, I never stopped." He looked up at you, expecting for you to say you love him as well. He found you shaking your head and his heart dropped.

"I need time." You said.

Tony nodded. "I'll be here. Take as much time as you need. I'll be waiting for you." Only then, he looked around the apartment and noticed there wasn't a single thing, that was yours, in sight. He gulped, "Are you g - are you going somewhere?"

You nodded, your gaze dropping down to the floor. "I'm moving."

"Where?" Tony quickly asked.

"To Washington."You answered. "I don't think we'll work out, Tony. You're always keeping something from me. You didn't even want to tell me you're dying. Your own wife. And I can't just believe those things you told me aren't true."

Tony's eyes filled with tears, as did your own. "So, this is a goodbye?"

You nodded, "Probably."

"Can I, uh, hug you?" He asked and you nodded again before you were wrapped in his strong hands, his scent taking over your senses. You placed your head against his shoulder, while he had his one arm wrapped around your waist and the other hand wrapped in your hair. He felt your tears soaking his shirt. One of his own escaped from his eyes, but he quickly wiped it off before pulling away from you.

He placed his hands on your cheeks before he pressed a kiss to your forehead.

"Goodbye, my love."

You smiled at him. "Goodbye, Tony."

You watched him as he walked out of your apartment, shooting you a smile before he walked away. You sat down on the chair, wiping your tears and biting your lip as you thought of whether you made the right decision.

A few minutes later, Daniel walked inside, carrying a bag in his hands. His face dropped when he saw you and he quickly placed the bag on the table before wrapping you in a hug.

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