Part Sixty Eight

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Some time later, the ship you, Tony, Peter and Strange were in, landed on Titan and Peter descended from above it, hanging upside down from his web and speaking to the rest of you."Let me just say, if aliens wind up implanting eggs in my chest or something...And I end up eating you, I'm sorry."

Tony pointed at Peter. "I don't wanna hear another single pop culture reference out of you for the rest of the trip. You understand?"

"I'm trying to say that something is coming." Peter said.

Suddenly, a grenade rolled on the floor towards you, and exploded, throwing all of you back. You hit the hard ground with your back and groaned in pain as a few figures made its way into the ship.

Your helmet was placed back on your head as they began to attack you and you flew up, shooting beams at the man who had a mask over his face, along with Tony.

Meanwhile, Peter ran away from Mantis who walked towards him. He spoke in a panicked voice, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Please don't put your eggs in me!" The webs shot out of his hands, webbing Mantis' arms to her body. The man kicked Peter back down. "Stay down, clown."

Tony and you fired at the flying man as Peter extended his spider legs and jumped at him, but the man threw an electric cord that wrapped around Parker, sending him to the ground.

Meanwhile, another man was struggling with Strange's cloak, which had wrapped itself around him. "Die, blanket of death!"

Tony pulled free of the magnet the man put on him and they both pulled out their weapons. The man had Peter in a head-lock, while Tony stood over Drax with a gun, and Doctor Strange and you stood ready near Mantis.

The man spoke, "Everybody stay where you are. Chill the F out."Quill powered off his helmet and pointed his weapon at Tony."I'm gonna ask you this one time. Where's Gamora?"

Tony was confused. "Yeah, I'll do you one better. Who is Gamora?"

The man who was under Tony spoke up."I'll do you one better! Why is Gamora?"

You and Strange exchanged confused glances.

Quill spoke up again. "Tell me where the girl is, or I swear to you, I'm gonna French fry this little freak."

"Let's do it! You shoot my guy, I blast him. Let's go!" Tony said as he extended his nanotech gun towards Drax.

"Do it, Quill! I can take it." Drax said.

"No, he can't take it!" Mantis cried out.

"She's right. You can't." You told Drax.

"Oh yeah? You don't wanna tell me where she is? That's fine. I'll kill all four of you and beat it out of Thanos myself." The man said and looked at Peter."Starting with you."

Strange spoke up, "Wait, what, Than - All right, let me ask you this one time. What master do you serve?"

The man looked confused. "What master do I serve? What am I supposed to say? Jesus?"

Tony looked at you."You're from Earth."

"I'm not from Earth. I'm from Missouri."

"Yeah, that's on Earth, dipshit. What are you hassling us for?" Tony asked.

"So, you're not with Thanos?"Peter asked.

"With Thanos?" He scoffed."No, I'm here to kill Thanos. He took my girl- Wait, who are you?"He lowered his weapon and Peter's helmet came off.

"We're the Avengers, man."

The man sighed, while Mantis spoke up, still tied in webs."You're the ones Thor told us about."

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