Part Nineteen

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The tears fell down your cheek as you looked down at the picture in your hands. A lot happened over the last year.

The first few months you spent with Tony were the happiest months of your life.

But then, the problems started to happen one by one.

First, you two merged your companies into one under Tony's name and you stepped down as the CEO, only occasionally helping Tony in the job when he needed something. Then, Tony noticed large amounts of various weapons went missing from the company. He couldn't find out who was at fault for it, so he was constantly stressed and then one day, it exploded. From that day, you two were always fighting and it was mainly Tony yelling at you for... well, for whatever you did. Then, his drinking problems began again. Rhodey told you he had drinking problems before, but they stopped a long time ago. But, Tony started to drink again.

That's why you had enough of the whole marriage. At that point, you two were already married for long enough that you could divorce him without losing anything of what your father left you.

Tony showed up drunk to the meeting with the lawyer. His head was pounding and he didn't hear a single thing the man told you, but one thing made him sober up - you two had to have a male heir before you could get a divorce, or you'd both lose everything you had.

You were desperately trying to find a way out, but at one point you gave up. There was no way out of the marriage.

Until, the night where you both were drunk happened and a few weeks later, the symptoms started.

Tony didn't believe it at first. Both of you didn't want the baby - Tony more than you. He accused you of cheating and called you horrible names you didn't even want to remember again.

Now, it was the night before Tony's flight to Afghanistan and he was drunk again. You just came down the stairs and groaned when you saw him. "Can't you stay sober for one hour?"

"Shut up." He said and looked away from you.

"It smells like someone died in here."

Tony could do nothing but chuckle. You were pissing him off. "Thank the baby in your stomach I didn't pack up your shit and take you back to your mother."He said, gesturing at your stomach that still showed no sings of a baby growing inside.

You froze in your place. As the shock wore off, anger took its place. "There's no baby."

Tony finally looked at you, his lips parted. "What?"

"I got rid of it." You said and began to walk up the stairs.

"You killed my baby?" Tony asked, getting up from the chair. When you didn't answer him, he rushed over to you and harshly grabbed your wrist, making you turn around to face him."Answer me."

You almost lost your balance, but managed to hold onto the railing. You looked up into Tony's eyes, not afraid of him. "Yes, I did."

"You crazy bitch." Tony chuckled in anger. "You can just say you didn't want the divorce."

"No." You said, stepping closer to him."I didn't want to have a child with you. Can't you see what you're doing?"

"Get out." Tony said through his teeth and you harshly pulled your wrist out from his hand and ran up the stairs, closing yourself up in your room.

𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now