Part Fifty Two

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Turns out, you didn't go back home the next day. The morning after, Tony told you he wanted to get a surgery for removing the arc reactor in his chest. He was thinking about it for months now, and he finally wanted to get it.

You agreed with staying there a few more days.

You were watching from the glass at the room above the surgical room, where Tony was laid on the table and looked up at you. The doctors were preparing to operate on him.

Happy and Rhodey stood next to you, but Tony could only focus on you.

As he was put to sleep, you gave him a smile which he returned before his eyes closed. As soon as the surgeon picked up a scalpel, you pat Rhodey's back before turning to walk out of the door.

"I can't really watch this. I'll be waiting in front." Rhodey nodded and you left the room.

It was another few hours before the surgery was over, and another few while you waited for Tony to wake up.

You were by his side the whole time when he was moved into a room. The doctors did final check ups on him before he was left alone with you, Rhodey and Happy.

"So, you're sure you're feeling good?"You asked him and he quickly nodded.

"Absolutely. You heard what the doctor said, honey. I'm feeling better than ever!"

"Well, good. Because I would hate to be a single mom." You said, which made Tony stop everything he was doing. His jaw dropped open and he was staring at you. You bit down onto your lip as you were waiting for his reaction.

As Tony processed your words, you saw a smile making its way on his face before he glanced down at your stomach, then back at your eyes."You are?"He asked hesitantly, still unsure if it was true.

You nodded your head with a smile."I am."

Tony was quick to pull you into a hug, and you yelped when he hugged you tight, even though you tried not to touch his chest. You heard the beeping sound coming from the monitor, indicating his heart started to beat faster, making you part from Tony.

"Way to give the man a heart attack."Rhodey mumbled out where he was seated and eating a bag of chips. You glared at him, before turning back to Tony.

"Are you okay? Do I need to call someone in here?" You quickly asked him, but Tony kept grinning the whole time.

"Baby, I'm fine. I'm just happy."

The door bursted open and the doctor rushed back inside the room, glancing between the two of you.

"Mr. Stark, we thought-"

"All good here." Tony told the doctor, who stared, confused. "Did you hear I'm going to be a dad though?"

The doctor smiled at you and Tony, figuring out the reason for the beeping of the monitor."Congratulations."You thanked him and he left the room.

"When are you naming the kid after me?" Rhodey asked again.

"It's obvious he's gonna be named after me."Happy argued.

"What made you think it's a boy?"You asked from where Tony was back to hugging you.

They ignored you, and just continued their discussion. "They can name the girl after you."

"Like... Jamie?" Rhodey asked.


"No."Rhodey, Tony and you said together.

"My child won't be named after either one of you."Tony said.

Just then the door slowly opened, and Daniel peeked his head inside. "What about me?"

Tony scoffed, "Definitely not."

"Oh come on, I basically brought you guys together!" He argued. "I deserve for the kid to be named after me!"

"Yeah well, get in line." Happy said.

"Well, if someone needs to take credit for bringing them together, it's Howard and Y/N's dad."Rhodey said.

Tony smiled at you. "Yeah, Howard did a huge favour for me even though he's no longer here."

"Don't tell me you're gonna name the kid Howard 'cause-"

"Out. All three of you." Tony ordered to the three of them.

"What?! Tony-"

"Get out." He growled over your shoulder and they left, muttering something about how it was unfair.

You sat on the bed next to Tony and he put a hand over your stomach, smiling softly while you looked deep in thought. "Honey? What are you thinking about?"

"Can I ask you something?"You looked back down at him.


"Does this mean you're a dilf now?"

His lips parted open in surprise."What? That's what you were thinking about?"


"Well, if I'm a dilf then that means you're a milf, as well."

You grinned and pecked his lips."You're a really hot dilf."

"Oh honey, if I didn't have a heart surgery I'd show you just how hot I can be."

You chuckled while Tony pulled you to lay next to him on the bed. "Are you sure this is safe?" You asked him.

"I don't care." He said, wrapping his hands around your body and pulling you closer to his side.

You placed your head on his shoulder as you enjoyed being in each other's presence for a few moments.

Then, you remembered something and looked up at Tony.

"Who's going to tell my mom about this?"

Tony groaned. "Hell no. We'll send her a postcard from back home."

You shrugged. "Fine by me."

𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now