Part Fifty Five

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A few months later

You got out of the elevator in the tower and made your way towards the living room where you knew the rest of the team was. As soon as you stepped inside the room, all eyes were on you.

"You're here!" Natasha screamed out before she pulled you into a bone crushing hug.

"Hey, Nat." You smiled while hugging her back just as tightly.

"Welcome back, Y/N." Steve spoke up and got up to give you a handshake when Natasha pulled away.

"Thank you, Cap." You said and looked at everyone else in the room. Bruce and Clint waved at you, and Thor who just entered the room from the other door grinned when he saw you.

"Lady Y/N!" He quickly approached you. "Bring it in!" He said as he pulled you into a hug.

"Hey Thor."

"This child is something else." Tony said as he entered the room while carrying your son, who was already five months old. Everybody in the room stopped what they were doing and looked at Tony, then at the baby in his hands. "He threw up all over me then cried when I tried to place him in his car seat." An intern trailed behind them, carrying the baby's car seat in his hands.

"Whose baby is that?" Steve asked and Natasha looked between you and Tony, her eyes wide.

"Stark...?" Thor asked.

The baby started to cry and Tony tried rocking him in his hands, the baby's hands clenching on Tony's shirt when he turned him around in his arms so his head rested on Tony's shoulder while he was rubbing his back.

"Where did you get that baby?" Clint asked him, getting up from his seat.

"Well, I would gladly explain the baby making process to you, as well as how he came into the world, but I don't have time for that now." Tony answered sarcastically.

"So, he's yours." Steve concluded.

"Of course he is, Cap. Don't you see the resemblance?"

"But who's the mother?" Thor asked Tony.

"Yeah, Stark, who's the baby mama?"Natasha asked teasingly. She was the first to put two and two together and she winked at you.

"Why is he crying?"Bruce got up as well to get a closer look at the baby, while you were biting on your lower lip to try and not to burst out into laughter.

"Try asking him, I'm sure he'll answer you." Tony said as he pat the baby's back.

"Can I take him?" Bruce asked, but the baby just kept crying louder at the unknown person trying to take him from his father's hands.

"I don't think he appreciates that."Tony said, turning around.

Everybody watched as the baby caught sight of you and raised his hands towards you, signalling for you to take him. You approached Tony and took the baby in your hands and he almost instantly calmed down. Tony looked at him over your shoulder and sighed.

"See? He just wanted his mom." You told Tony, who kissed your bare shoulder.

"Obviously, he's a mommy's boy, aren't you?" He asked the baby, touching his cheeks which made the baby giggle and clutch onto the front of your dress. "You threw up over my Tom Ford suit. That was very rude of you, little man."

When you both looked up, the team was standing there with their jaws dropped to the floor in disbelief.

"I... " Steve began, but cut himself off. He stared between you and Tony, still confused.

"I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't that." Clint added.

"You owe me 20 dollars." Natasha nudged Clint, who groaned. "What, I knew they were together and you said they're not."

"I can't believe this! You have a baby!"Thor exclaimed a bit too loud.

Tony looked at them with a proud smirk on his face. "We do."

"Can I take him?" Thor asked you and you looked down at the baby, then gently handed him to Thor.

Immediately, Thor took him under his arms and raised him in the air."Welcome to the team, young Son of Stark!"

You winced and grabbed Tony's arm, who immediately snatched the baby out of Thor's hands.

"He's not a toy, Point Break!"

"Can I hold him?" Natasha approached Tony who hesitantly handed the baby to the spy. She cooed at the baby, and he took her finger in his small hand and just stared at her in wonder. "He's such a cutie. What's his name?"

"Nathan James Stark." You answered with a smile.

Natasha smiled down at him and placed a kiss on his hand, while he smiled.

"See, that's how you hold him." Tony told Thor, who rolled his eyes.

"Where is my godchild?" Rhodey asked, entering the room and he saw the whole team gathered around the baby.

"You knew?" They all asked him and Rhodey looked between you and Tony.

"I'm his godfather."He answered and approached Natasha, taking the baby from her hands.

"And the godmother?" Natasha licked her lower lip and looked at you and Tony.

"He doesn't have one."

"Perfect." Natasha grinned.

"He's also named after me." Rhodey said, then looked at the baby."Yes, you are. Little James, aren't you?"

"His first name is Nathan." Tony corrected his friend.

"Then it's the perfect opportunity for you guys to name your daughter after me. It's gonna go well together, don't you think?"Natasha wrapped her hand around your arm and smiled sweetly at you. "Nathan and Natasha."

"No." You pat her hand and pulled away.

"That's not fair!"

The baby started to cry and you took him out of Rhodey's hands. "Alright, time for sleep."

"Don't take him away!" You immediately heard the protest of the team and Tony sighed.

"Just like that, the Earth's mightiest heroes turned into a bunch of children."

𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now