Part Twenty Eight

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You were sitting by the kitchen table, as Tony was feeding you breakfast.

He'd kiss you in between bites, while you'd giggle.

Your morning was interrupted by your phone ringing. Tony took a look at the caller ID and saw it was Daniel, making him groan. "Don't answer him."

"What if it's something important?"You asked and, before Tony could say anything, you answered the phone.

He put the fork down on the plate and watched you as you talked to Daniel. The smile disappeared off your face and it turned serious. "No, I haven't seen the news, why?"

"Jarvis, turn the TV on." Tony ordered and looked at the screen as the TV turned on, latest news displaying on it.

You turned towards it and as soon as you saw it, your whole face started to burn. It read, 'Is Tony Stark abusing his wife?'

"Oh, my God." You said, looking at Tony who held a smirk on his face."It's not funny."

"As it was reported from Vanity Fair, by Christine Everhart,... "

Tony chuckled. "Who else would it be?"

"You know her?" You asked him.

"She did a spread on me for Vanity Fair." Tony said, wiping his mouth.

You scoffed, knowing his reputation,"I bet she did quite a spread."

Tony looked embarrassed, while you turned back to listen to the news, where they showed a picture of Tony gripping your neck back on the balcony at the party.

"Oh my God." You repeated, hiding your face in your hands.

"Mrs. Stark's friends are worried for her, as Ms. Everhart reports. In an audio which was leaked from last night's Stark Industries party it can be heard... "

You looked over at Tony, who leaned back on the chair and spread his legs while looking at you. "This is your fault, you know?"

"My fault?" Tony raised an eyebrow at you.

"You just had to leave marks, didn't you? With how they look, anyone would think I'm being abused."

"Yes, I did have to." Tony smiled.

"Deal with this." You told him before you got up from your chair.

However, before you could walk away, Tony pulled you by your wrist and you ended up in his lap."Let them think whatever they want to think."He mumbled into your neck ad he started to kiss it while squeezing your ass over your shorts.

"No, no, no biting!" You slapped his chest, making him part from you and look up at your face with a pout."Don't you think it's enough biting? You saw what happened."

"Please, sweetheart." Tony said with a pout.

"How would you feel if I bit you?"You asked seriously, but Tony's face light up.

"I would like it very much." He said, wiggling his eyebrows at you.

"Well then", you said before lowering your head. You placed kisses along the side of his jaw, before they dropped down to his neck. Tony squeezed your waist as you started to suck onto his sweet spot, swirling your tongue over it. You sucked on the spot until it turned into a hickey, and you bit down onto it. Meanwhile, Tony threw his head back on the chair, moaning.

You parted from him and inspected your work. Then, you looked at Tony."Looking good."

"That was so hot."Tony mumbled out before pulling you in for a kiss.

The door slammed open and Daniel walked inside with a grin. "I have arrived!"

You went to pull away, but Tony geabbed your jaw and deepened the kiss. You let out a groan as Daniel walked into the kitchen and saw you.

"Do you have to do that?" He asked you and Tony while he approached the table.

Tony pulled away to look at him and saw his uncomfortable face. He sighed as you got up and sat back on your own chair.

"Hey, Dan."You said with a smile.

"Hey." He said, then looked at Tony who was annoyed. He saw the hickey on Tony's neck and snickered. "So, you're abusing each other."He looked up, only to see you and Tony with serious faces, staring at him. "Okay, okay. I'm here to help you guys."

"Help us how?"Tony crossed his arms over his chest.

"Well, I'm here to help you handle this disaster. I'm still your PR."

"Says who actually?" Tony looked over at you. "I'm serious. What is he still doing in our company? I thought I fired him."

"Tony... " You warned, but he wasn't listening to you.

"Well, I'm still Y/N's PR, and this situation includes her, so... "

"No, you're fired." Tony said, making Daniel's eyes widen.

"You're going to fire me?" Daniel asked.


"Well, I'm going to quit before you can fire me!" He argued, as you looked between the two of them.

"Even better!" Tony argued back.

The room went silent for a few moments. They stared at each other, until Daniel sat down on a chair in front of you and took a piece of toast with avocado, biting down onto it."I'm serious, what are we going to do about this?"

"I have no idea, man." Tony replied calmly, while you still looked between the two of them.

"Didn't you two just fight?" You asked.

"Yeah, it happens." Daniel replied, taking another bite.

"I've never been more confused."You said, leaning back on your chair. Their relationship was more than complicated, you never knew if they were in a serious fight.

"I'd suggest Tony to tell the reporters he didn't abuse you but-"

"No way. I don't want anything to do with Christine."

"--there we go." Daniel finished his sentence, pointing at Tony.

"What's your job exactly?" Tony asked him.

"Keeping your reputations clean. And you're not making it an easy job for me."

You rolled your eyes and got up from the table. "I'm gonna change. I don't want to hear you two fighting."

"I know how to help you." Tony shrugged and took his phone. Daniel watched him closely, not sure what he'll do. Tony typed something in his phone for a few moments before locking it and putting it back down on the table.

Daniel got a notification on his phone and opened it. As soon as it loaded, he felt a heart attack coming.

Tony posted a picture he took of you and him earlier that morning before going back to sleep. Your body was covered in a thin white sheet, with sun rays bathing it in golden glow, and you were sleeping on Tony's chest.

The focus was on your neck, which was covered in, both, new and old hickeys. He also saw the smaller hickeys in shape of a heart on top of your chest. His eyes dropped to the caption, which read:'it's called hickeys, google it.' and you were tagged in the photo.

"That's one way to do it."Daniel shrugged as he saw the picture get hundreds of likes in just a few moments it was posted.

Tony started the countdown in his head and, as he got to zero, he heard you yelling from upstairs after you saw the picture.


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