Part Twelve

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Tony led you inside the house, keeping a hand on your lower back. He gave you his suit jacket earlier to keep you warm and you gripped onto it anxiously.

"Where do you wanna go, sweetheart?"He asked softly.

"I... "You coughed up, cutting yourself off. "I want to shower."

"Let me take you to the bathroom."Tony said, leading you up the stairs and into the bathroom. "Do you want me to get you some clothes?"

You nodded your head and Tony left the bathroom while you took off his suit jacket, along with your dress and underwear. You stepped inside the shower, eager to wash off the dried blood that was all over your body.

You turned on the hot water, and stood under it, letting it fall over your body before you started to wash your hair.

When you rinsed it off, the door to the bathroom opened and Tony walked inside. His breathing stopped when he noticed you were still inside. He went to close his eyes, but he saw the steam had covered the walls of the cabin and he couldn't see anything except the top of your head.

"Y/N?" He called out.

"Yes?" Your shaky voice answered.

"I've brought you clothes. I'm gonna leave them here. Call me if you need anything more." He said.

"Thank you." You said.

You heard the sound of door closing just as you started furiously scrubbing your skin, desperate to get the blood off, leaving red bruises everywhere behind.

The memories resurfaced in your head and the water had started to burn your skin, but you didn't care.

You weren't sure how much time you spent inside, but once the cold water started to cool down your aching skin, you turned it off and wrapped yourself in a towel before leaving the shower.

The clothes Tony left for you were your underwear and your favorite pyjama.

When you walked outside, you found Tony walking around the room, angry, as he talked to someone.

As soon as he saw you, he ended the call and looked at you, the anger completely disappearing from his face. "Let me dry your hair." He said to you, leading you over to sit on the chair.

He took a hairbrush into his hands and gently brushed your hair, before he dried it. The whole time, he kept looking at your face in the mirror. Your eyes were red and besides that, almost no emotions were showing on your face.

He turned the dryer off and looked at you. "All done."

You slowly got up, walking over to Tony's bed. You laid onto it, before Tony came over to cover your body.

When he pulled away, you grabbed onto his wrist and looked at him."Stay with me."

He nodded his head with a gentle smile. "Of course."

He walked over to his side of the bed and laid down onto it before pulling you into his arms.

You fell asleep quickly and Tony waited until your breathing evened out to gently place you back on the bed and cover you up.

He went downstairs to the bar where he pulled out a bottle of whiskey and poured it into a glass. He grabbed the glass and the bottle before going back to the living room. He sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. He didn't watch it, he only turned it on for the background noise as he was deep in thought.

Tony rolled up his sleeves and took a long sip of the whiskey. He fell back against the couch with a deep sigh.

He rubbed his hand over his face. As much as he wanted to deny it, he couldn't. He was starting to have feelings for you and he didn't like it.

Only the thought that something happened to you drove him mad. He was almost lost, not knowing what to do with himself if something happened.

He didn't like even the thought of that. He was sure you were still in love with your PR, or you simply didn't see Tony in that way. He convinced himself in that thought.

He needed to distance himself from you.

And that's what he did.

Over the next few days, you tried to talk to him, but he was always busy and he never had time for you. After he ignored you for two full days, you moved back into your room.

Tony ignoring you only added to your insomnia. Even if you closed your eyes for just a second, the images of dead bodies and blood appeared in your head, while the guns firing and screaming filled your ears. While Tony was with you, you slept peacefully, feeling safe next to him. But, things changed.

A week after the shooting happened, you got the police report on the bullets and the weapons used. It was your own company's weapon, made by your father.

Just as you expected, they had no proof to connect the shooting to Dreykov. When you got the photos the security cameras took, you saw one of the cars, from which they shoot at the building, was the same model of the car that followed you.

You also got the report on your employees that died that day. When you reached out to their families to offer them some kind of help, you heard the same response from every single one - your husband, Tony Stark, had paid for all of their expenses and offered to take care of them.

You tried to talk to him about it that night. You went to knock on his door, only to hear the familiar female moans coming from inside. Your hand remained in the air. The smile dropped from your face and you lowered your hand.

You turned around and walked back into your room, pulling out a bag from under your bed. He obviously didn't want you there, he made it clear when he brought another girl home, even when he said he wouldn't do it anymore.

You packed only some of your clothes. You'd come back for the rest of them later. When you were done, you zipped up the bag and looked around the room.

Your gaze fell down to your hand and you took off the ring and placed it on the cabinet, along with keys to the Audi he gave you.

You grabbed the bag and walked out of the room, closing the door after yourself. You weren't even sure he'd notice you were gone anyway.

Walking outside, you saw Daniel's car parked right in front of Tony's house where you told him to wait for you.

You opened the door and put your bag on the back seat before you sat down on the passenger seat, letting out a deep breath.

Daniel looked over at you as he turned on the car. "You okay?"

You nodded as he started to drive away from the house. "I'm gonna be fine." You bit your tongue, not wanting to admit to yourself that you fell for a playboy.

You looked at the house in the mirror until Daniel made a turn and the house and its lights disappeared from your view.

𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now