Part Forty Seven

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"Well?" Tony asked with a huge smile on his face. "Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" You said, wiping off the tears from the corner of your eyes. Tony grinned before he took your hand and slid the ring on your finger.

You pulled him to stand up and threw yourself in his arms, while he grinned. At the moment, he was the luckiest man alive. He had everything he wanted right in his arms.

"I love you so much." He said into your hair, breathing in your scent as he gripped onto your body.

"I love you more." You said, pulling away to look at him.

Tony laughed when he saw the tears in your eyes and his thumb reached out to wipe them off. "Don't cry now, love."

"Those are happy tears." You said as you looked at him.

"And just so you know, I love you more."He said, making you pout.

"That's impossible."You began to argue, but Tony silenced you by placing his lips over yours, pulling you in a kiss.

You gripped onto him, kissing him back with the same passion.

As soon as you pulled away, Tony pulled you towards the table where he pulled the chair for you to sit, before he went to sit on his own place.

You admired the ring on your finger, then looked up at Tony with a smile on your face. "It's so beautiful, Tony."

"Only the best for you." He smiled at you. "Are you hungry?"

"I'm starving." You said, making him laugh before you started to eat.

Half way into the meal, an idea flashed in your head. "Hey."

Tony looked up at you with a questioning face. "Yes, love?"

"Let's go swimming."

"What?" He asked with his eyes wide."Not a chance."

"Why?" You pouted at him again, making him shake his head.

"No. Stop pouting, that face is killing me." He said. "The water is ice cold now."

"So what?" You grinned. "Come on, old man, live a little."

"Old man, huh?"He asked you as you got up from your chair, pulling your dress down from where it has ridden up. Tony's eyes closely watched you and you could see the hunger in them."Oh, I can't wait to take that little dress off you tonight." He said, making you blush.

"Speaking of clothes... you don't want me to go swimming in this dress? It'd be a shame to ruin it." You asked him, making Tony sigh.

"There's a bikini in the closet." He said as he got up as well.

You grinned before pecking his lips."You know me too well."

You followed him to the inside, and Tony walked you to the bedroom. He opened the closet and pulled out a black bikini, handing it to you before he began to take his clothes off as well.

"You're gonna swim with me?" You asked in surprise.

"How could I leave you alone?" He asked as you took off the dress, leaving you in your underwear. Tony looked you up and down, which made you smile.

You watched as he pulled on his shorts, and you pulled on your bottom piece, until you got to the top.

"Wanna tie it for me?" You asked and Tony gladly accepted. His hands moved over your back and he placed a kiss on the skin between your shoulder and your neck before he tied the top on your back.

𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now