Part Thirteen

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That night, Daniel took you to an apartment you inherited from your father. As you expected, you couldn't sleep so you kept turning around in bed. It was around six in the morning when you decided to take a bath.

Your muscles finally relaxed in the warm water when the door to the bathroom opened and Daniel walked inside.

"We're moving the company over to another location in the city, as you requested, until the renovations are done. You gonna show up today?"

You sighed and opened your eyes to look at him leaning against the door frame.

"I separated from my husband last night, can't I get some rest?"

"What happened when I left?" Daniel asked, looking you over. "Have you been drinking last night?"

You giggled. "I've been drinking since last night." You gestured at a bottle of vine resting on the floor next to your tub. "Want some?"

"Are you going back into that phase? Again?" Daniel said, rushing over to grab the bottle and place it on the sink, away from you.

"He fucking told me he's done sleeping around." You said, the smile disappearing off your face.

"Oh, Y/N..." He sighed and went to approach you, when you put your hand up and he stopped. "I know you have feelings for him."

"I'm fine." You said, trying to convince yourself, as you wiped the tears off under your eye. "Let me get up."

You stood up from the water. Daniel's eyes never left your own eyes, trying to remain respectful to you. He handed you a towel, which you took and wrapped yourself in it. Only then, he looked down at your body.

An hour later, Daniel stopped his car at the other end of the city where the company had been relocated.

He looked at you as soon as he saw the press inside the lobby, where a girl from his team, Rose, was giving an official statement.

"Don't do anything stupid." He told you. "You're drunk. If they ask you anything, let me handle it."

You nodded your head and pulled out a small mirror from your purse, along with your lipstick. You applied it with your middle finger and put on your sunglasses. "All done."You grinned at Daniel, who watched you the whole time with a raised eyebrow.

"You're so drunk."

As soon as you walked inside, the press circled around you and Daniel. He tried to keep them away from you, but they kept shoving the cameras into your face.

"Miss Y/N won't answer any questions today." He said as the security tried to keep them away from you.

"Miss Y/N, do you know who is behind the shooting?"

You stopped in your tracks and looked at the reporter. "Yes, I do." You looked directly at the camera. "And coming after my friends and employees? That was a bad move. If you're a real man, why don't you come to face me? I'll leave the doors unlocked. Here's my address-"

"That's enough." Daniel said, placing his palm over the camera, cutting you off.

He pulled you off towards the elevator.

"I... think we're done here." Rose said, picking up the papers laid on the table in front of her in a rush.

"I told you not to say anything and let me handle this!" Daniel said as soon as the elevator doors closed.

"I may have been a bit dramatic-"

"A bit dramatic?" He repeated. "You almost revealed your address to... everyone in the world! But most importantly, to whoever is after you. It could be a terrorist, mafia or - or something! What are you going to do if they show up, tickle them to death?"

𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now