Part Forty Nine

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The next day, you came out of your room and into the kitchen, where the team was gathered around the table, eating breakfast.

You saw Dona in Natasha's arms as she was eating breakfast and you smiled at them.

"I was wondering where she is." You said as you took a seat next to her.

"She wandered out of your room this morning." Natasha said, scratching Donna's head. "She's a nice cat, aren't you?"Natasha asked her while Tony looked in disbelief.

He still wasn't in good relations with your cat.

Suddenly, the door opened and you heard a familiar voice calling out your name.

"Dan!" You exclaimed as you got up from your chair and went to hug him.

"Hey girl."He smiled as he hugged you tigthly. "I missed you."

"Great, this guy still exists." Tony mumbled out as he took a bite of the food.

"I had to come and see you here."Daniel said to you when he pulled away. "By the way, congratulations, you're getting married!"

Your eyes widened and you gripped his arm, a warning look on your face which he immediately understood and his own turned serious, too.

The rest of the team was in shock. All of them, except of Bruce, had no idea that was happening. Even though Bruce knew you and Tony are back together, he was still just as surprised as the rest of the team to hear you two are getting married.

Meanwhile Thor, who knew of your and Tony's divorce, clapped Tony on the back, a sad look on his face. "I'm sorry, Man of Iron."

"What?" Tony turned to ask him, his eyebrows furrowing.

"I know you still love Y/N... it's obvious... " Thor said.

"Oh, right." Tony remembered, meeting Thor's gaze. "Well... as long as she's happy... Gotta go now, I have some work in the lab."

Meanwhile, you dragged Daniel out of the room to explain everything to him. Natasha looked after Tony as he left the room and frowned. "Does anyone feel bad for Stark?"

"I do." Thor was the first, and only one to speak up.

"He's an arrogant shellhead, but if there's anything I'm a hundred percent sure of, it's that he loves her."She explained while Dona snuggled more into her.

"Why did they get divorced for again?" Steve looked up from the newspaper he was reading.

"Well, Tony was dumb to let her go."Natasha said. "He thought he was dying."

"Stark dying?" Steve asked. "He's gonna outlive us all!"

"I worked for him, it really looked like his days with her were numbered. But, as you can see, he's very much alive now. They got divorced for nothing."Natasha then grinned."I bet she found some hot Italian guy, though."

"A little sympathy for the guy?" Clint asked.

"Okay, okay! Bruce... " Natasha turned towards the scientist. "Aren't you awfully quiet? Wouldn't you defend your best friend?"

"I don't know anything!" Bruce scrambled to get to his feet, gather his stuff and then he was rushing out of the room, while the rest of the team watched in surprise.

"That was... " Natasha licked her lips as she looked after the scientist, who was rushing down the hallway while you were in a heated discussion with Daniel. Luckily, they couldn't hear you.

"Very much like Bruce." Clint finished.

Just a few hours later, you were on your way to your room after just coming back from a shopping spree, when Natasha showed up by your side, grabbing you under the arm and grinning at you. "Hello there."

𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now