Part Seventy

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A few years later, you were doing the work for the Stark Industries, while Tony was playing with Morgan outside, and Nathan was sat in front of you and doing his maths homework.

"How is it going, buddy?" You asked him and he looked up at you.

"I'm all done, mom."He said, closing his notebook.

"Already?" You asked and he nodded. He couldn't possibly be that quick."Let me check it."

He slid the notebook towards you and you opened it, your eyes scanning over the pages. Your lips twitched up in a smile, just as the door opened and Tony walked in, carrying Morgan. He put her down and walked over to the table where you were sat.

"Hey, guys. What are you doing?" He asked you, moving past you and to the kitchen to pour you, Nathan and Morgan three glasses of juices.

"Mom is checking my maths homework." Nathan answered.

"Is it correct?" Tony asked as he walked back towards you and gave you your glasses, just as Morgan sat down behind the table as well.

You smiled at Tony and closed the notebook, pushing it back towards Nathan. "All correct." You said.

Tony smiled before placing a kiss on Nathan's head. "That's my son. I told you our kids are gonna be geniuses."

"Yeah, you did." You said as he walked towards you, placing one hand on your chair and the other on the table before kissing you.

"Ew." Morgan and Nathan said together.

Tony parted from you and looked back at them. "You know, I wouldn't complain. This is how both of you were made."

"By kissing?" Morgan asked curiously, which made you sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose.

"It's... it's a long process, Morgan-"

Tony quickly interrupted you, looking at Morgan and Nathan."Which you two don't need to know anything about."

"Tony." You looked at him, placing your hand over his own. "They're gonna find out, anyway. Kids today are like that. I told you no kissing and touching in front of them."

Tony rolled his eyes. "They don't need to know. Morgan won't know until she's at least 30, and Nathan... well, if he's gonna be anything like me in my younger days, we're gonna become grandparents in a few years."

You glared at him. "Really?"

"I don't want to kiss girls, that's disgusting." Nathan said.

"I... " You sighed, not knowing what to say. "See what you did?"You asked Tony. "It's not disgusting, baby."

"Mommy?" Morgan spoke up.

"Yes, sweetie?" You asked as Tony sat down on the chair next to you.

"How was I made then?"

You looked at her, and Tony chuckled."Go on then, babe. Explain it to her."He gestured at you to go on.

"Shut up, Tony." You mumbled out before turning towards Morgan, trying to come up with something.

Tony spoke up, interrupting you before you could tell her about the birds and bees. "See, when mommy put her beauty, and dad put his smarts in the pan, we got you two as the final product."

"A pan?" You looked at Tony. "Do our children look like pancakes to you?"

Tony glared at you, while Nathan looked horrified.

"I was made in - in a pan?"

"Oh my God." You whispered out.

"Really?" Morgan asked.

𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now