Part Fifty

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Somewhere in Italy

Just after the whole thing with the Avengers, you and Tony returned home. You both lived there and Tony rarely visited his home in Malibu and, even if he did sometimes, it would be only for work.

Now, did Tony have a whole other floor built at your house? He did? Correct! Did he also turn almost the whole first floor to his lab? Also correct!

Your house went under some changes in the last few months since Tony started living with you.

Now, you were watching Tony as he was in the lab, injecting himself with some devices. You were sat in the armchair, scratching Dona's head while she sat on your lap. You were watching everything Tony was doing with a confused look on your face. It was the middle of the night.


"Sir, please may I request just a few hours to calibrate..."Tony quickly interrupted Jarvis. Yes, he also had Jarvis in your now shared home.

"No." He said while injecting himself and letting out another yelp of pain, while you rolled your eyes. "Ah! Micro-repeater implanting sequence complete."

"As you wish, sir. I've also prepared a safety briefing for you to entirely ignore." Jarvis said, while you chuckled.

"Which I will." Tony agreed. "Right, let's do this."

His gaze fell on the robot that was using a broom to clean the rubbish off the floor.

"Dummy!" Tony called out to it. "Hey, Dummy. How did you get that cap on your head?" He asked, gesturing at the cap on the 'head' of the robot. He walked towards him, while the robot didn't stop what it was doing. "Hey. Hey! What are you doing round in the corner? You know what you did. Blood on my mat, handle it."

Dummy looked at you sadly, and you looked towards Tony with a stern glare."Don't be that harsh to Dummy, Tony."

The robot chirped happily and you smiled.

"Right, your mom's defending you again, isn't she?" Tony asked the robot.

Jarvis cut in. "Sir, may I remind you that you've been awake for nearly seventy-two hours?"

"He's not listening to either of us, Jarvis." You said while Dona jumped off your lap and knocked over some metal parts off the table.

"I can see that, mo- er, Mrs. Stark."Jarvis corrected himself, confused by Tony's earlier sentence to Dummy. You and Tony had gotten married just a few months ago. It was a very small, intimate ceremony which included only Happy and Rhodey with you and Tony.

Meanwhile, Tony was speaking to Dona. "I hate you."

She left out a soft meow and looked at you, noticing you giving her a smile.

She jumped in front of Tony's suits, closely watching him.

"Focus up, ladies." He said to the suits, then looked at Dona. "And cats. Good evening, and welcome to the birthing suite. I'm pleased to announce the imminent arrival of your bouncing, badass, baby brother."He turned towards the robot arm recording him, and spoke to Jarvis. "Start tight and go wide, stamp in time. Mark 42 autonomous prehensile propulsion suit test. Initialize sequence." He raised his hands and motioned them to activate the new suit. "Jarvis, drop my needle!"

You rolled your eyes as the music started to play, and Tony danced to it, looking at you and wiggling his eyebrows. You chuckled before he pointed the arm towards the dismantled, new Iron Man suit on the table opposite. Nothing happened."Crap."

He bit his arm where he'd injected himself once and then hit it a few times before he pointed his arm again and, this time, a part of the suit flew over to Tony and attached itself to his hand and extended to his arm and shoulder. Tony then pointed his other arm toward the suit and the second part attached itself to his hand and arm, making Tony laugh.

"Alright, I think we got this. Send 'em all."

The leg part flew over and attached itself to Tony's leg, then as another part flew over, it crashed into one of the Iron Man suit glass cages. Then, another part hurled itself at Tony and Tony deflected it with his arm, making it almost crash into you. Dona let out a screech and jumped onto the headrest of your chair.

"You alright, sweetheart?" Tony asked you.

"Yeah, I'm fine." You responded, grabbing the cat in your hands.

"Probably a little fast, slow it down. Slow it down just a-"Suddenly, another part of the suit shot over and Tony ducked as it narrowly missed hitting him in the head. Another crashed into the pipes." ...little bit."

The other parts flied over and attached themselves with force to Tony's back and crotch area. You winced in pain, closing your one eye.

"That must've hurt." You said.

"Cool it, will you, Jarvis?" He asked, flying back to the original place.

Then, all the other parts shot over and got attached to Tony, cutting off the music in the process, except for the final face piece, which just hovered in the air, facing Tony.

"Come on. I ain't scared of you."

The face piece flew over and Tony flipped over in the air to grab the piece and, finally, the suit was fully attached to Tony.

"Good boy, Jarvis." You quietly told the AI, who let out a happy noise.

"I'm the best." Tony said. At that moment, one of the stray pieces of the suit shot over to Tony, knocked him down, which then knocked the entire suit, except for the head piece, off Tony.

"As always, sir, a great pleasure watching you work." Jarvis said while you rushed over to Tony, who sat up.

"I think it's finally time you go to sleep. What do you say?"

"I say lead the way." He said, taking your hand and getting up.

Just a few minutes later, you were asleep next to Tony. He watched your chest move up and down as you breathed. He had you thinking he was asleep but, the truth was, he couldn't sleep at all.

He reached for the remote and turned on the TV in the bedroom, the light illuminating the dark room. He raised the volume just enough for not to disturb your sleep and watched it. He saw a guy speaking on the TV.

"Some people call me a terrorist, I consider myself a teacher. America, ready for another lesson. In 1864 in Sand Creek Colorado the U.S. military waited till the friendly Cheyenne braves all gone hunting, waited to attack and slaughter their families left behind, and claim their land. Thirty-nine hours ago the Ali Al Salem Air Base in Kuwait was attacked. I...I...I did that. A quaint military church filled with wives and children, of course. The soldiers were out on maneuvers, the braves were away. President Ellis, you continue to resist my attempts to educate you, sir. And now, you've missed me again. You know who I am, you don't know where I am, and you'll never see me coming."

As the footage ended on the TV, the channels changed and all the news channels were talking about The Mandarin.

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