The Epilogue

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- Some time later -

Tony made his way back to the living room with a mug of coffee in his hands. He sat down on the armchair before taking off his glasses and pinching the bridge of his nose, letting out a long, exhausted sigh. You tried to keep yourself from chuckling as Tony lifted his gaze, only to find all of the Avengers sat on the couch in front of him.

They were all quiet, keeping their hands in their laps and looking down at the floor as a child would do after making a mess and getting in trouble.

Tony sighed once again, like an exhausted parent, before he placed his glasses back on his face and decided to speak up. "I'm disappointed. I'm not angry anymore, I'm just disappointed now." He said."You're all just a bunch of children I'm trying so hard to manage."

Peter looked towards the rest of the guilty Avengers, speaking up. "But Mr. Stark-"

"Hush when your father is speaking, Peter."You said, moving to stand behind Tony's armchair.

"Thank you, honey." Tony said before speaking to them again. "You're all trouble. Except for you, Bucky. You're an angel and we couldn't be more happy that you're here." Tony added to the blue eyed boy who was sat on other side of the room.

He nodded with a proud smile. When Tony turned around, Sam nudged Bucky hard with his elbow, making fun of him, which made your eyebrows furrow.

"Sam, stop fighting him."You scolded, which made Sam roll his eyes before parting from Bucky.

"Loki. Going against a Titan with a butter knife? Really?"He looked at the raven haired boy sat next to Thor, who was back in his old form, getting better with each passing day.

Loki shrugged, "How was I supposed to know?"

"Hey, at least we got him back." Thor said. "I couldn't possibly be more happy to have him back."

Loki chuckled, "I've never meet this man in my life.'

"Natasha." Tony said, which made the redhead look at Tony, guilt written over her face."You didn't try to find a way out, you just had to yeet yourself off a cliff for a stone?"

Natasha's expression changed into a frustrated one. "I know if you were there, you would talk the Red Skull into throwing himself off that cliff, but we didn't think of it."

"Obviously." Tony scoffed. "Don't talk to me that way, or I'm gonna ground you. Steve." He now turned to the blonde, who was sat next to Natasha. He looked up when his name was mentioned. "I specifically sent you to put the stones back and retrieve Nat, but now I hear you were thinking of staying behind in the past with that girl of yours?"

"I'm sorry." Steve mumbled out.

"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to your friend." Tony gestured at Bucky and Steve quickly looked at him.

"I'm sorry, Buck." He mumbled out once again and Bucky smiled.

"Hey, no hard feelings, punk."

"Wanda." He turned to the other redhead, who looked extremely guilty."How did holding a whole town hostage work out for you, huh?"

Wanda was quiet.

"You did all that, but didn't think of coming here to me and having me put your boyfriend back together?" Tony asked.

"What?" Wanda's eyebrows furrowed as she looked up at you, and you nodded.

"He got Vision back. He had to fight Hayward for it, but hey, at least Vision is back with us."You said.

"Yeah, you can have him when he's done charging or something." Tony said, which made Wanda tilt her head as she looked at Tony."I'm kidding, I'm kidding! Gosh, those kids nowadays. Can't take a joke. He's waiting for you at my lab, you can see him in a few minutes."

"Also, making me a grandma when I'm this young?" You told her, which made Wanda blush as she looked at Tommy and Billy next to her."Not nice. I told you to use protection."

"Yeah, you could've waited a bit before my son put his baby viruses in you. He's barely four years old."Tony agreed before taking a long sip of his coffee.

"Also, do not count on us two to babysit. We've got our hands full already." Tony added, and you nodded while your hand rubbed over your pregnant belly.

"Now, kid. What do you have to say for yourself?" Tony turned to Peter, whose eyes widened.

"I - I'm sorry?" Peter stuttered out and you both looked at him in disbelief.

"For what exactly? For that stunt with Mysterio, damaging the Statue of Liberty, helping open the Multiverse or going to Strange so he can make everybody forget who you are?"

Peter looked at you, unsure of what to say. "All of it?"


"I'm really sorry, Mr. Stark. I didn't know what else to do, you and Mrs. Stark retired and I thought it would be best not to disturb you and this seemed like the best option-"

"I've already got a headache."Tony said as he rubbed his forehead, trying to ignore the other two Spidermen in the room. "I'm still trying to get used to the fact there is three of you."

"Hi." The other two Spidermen waved at you awkwardly and you shot them a smile.

"Intense."Kate Bishop said, stuffing pizza into her mouth as Yelena stood next to her with a disapproving look.

"Zip it, Merida. The adult is talking. Also, Barbie Nat, try to look at least a little bit friendlier."

"I hate you." Yelena said.

"Now, the third legal oldest son of mine." Tony spoke to Nathan, who looked at you for help."No, no, no. I know you're mama's boy, but there's no getting out of this one. If you put Thor's hammer on the toilet seat one more time I'm gonna cut it to pieces."Tony told him. All of you were surprised when one day you saw Nathan wielding the hammer after Steve accidentally left it on the porch. He didn't know what it meant to pick up the hammer, he just brought it back to Steve, which made Tony almost faint. Now, he seemed to like putting the hammer on the toilet.

"I'm sorry, dad." The boy apologized."Can I go play with uncle Daniel now?"

"Not yet. Morgan." Tony clasped his hands together as he looked to his daughter. "I told you you can't take the shield to go sledding."

"I'm sorry, dad." She mumbled out and Tony's gaze softened. He loved his daughter too much to be mad at her any longer.

His eyes turned to Dona, who was licking her paw as multiple small kittens fed from her."Now, you devil. You're a pure breed, clean cat. I can't believe you just went and got yourself a stray cat as the baby daddy."

"Tony." You put your hand on his shoulder, trying not to laugh.

"No, she hates me, I bet she did this to get me even angrier."

"She was in heat." You told him. "On the bright side, we got kittens!"

"Woo-hoo!" Tony sarcastically said."More kids to manage."

He leaned back in his chair and breathed out.

"Alright. Who broke the Multiverse? I'm not mad, I just want to know."

You looked to see Loki pointing at Wanda, who pointed at Strange, who pointed at America, who pointed at Peter, and Peter just shrugged.

Tony sighed, making you smile. "Now this is gonna be a long story."


and that's the end of another story. thank you, everyone, for reading it and i hope you liked it. the ending was a bit different - there was no final fight in endgame, due to the fact everything went well and nebula never did what she did.

also, i know the ending like this is impossible, but hey, i wanted to see them all happy and give everybody a happy ending.

that's it for now, and see you ❤

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