Part Twenty Three

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"Tony?" You called as you walked down the stairs to Tony's garage. He was working on something and didn't want to tell you what.

"Yes?" He looked up as you came into his garage, wearing only a tank top and a pair of shorts.

You frowned when you saw him, "I can't sleep."

Tony checked the time on the monitor, only to see it was close to two in the morning.

"Why?" He asked.

You shrugged.

"Alright." His tongue came out to wet his lips. "Wanna stay here with me?"

You nodded your head excitedly and Tony smiled.

"I'll sit here and you can do whatever you're doing." You said and sat behind the table close to where Tony was working on. You didn't know why, but being around him, you felt comfort in some way and felt safe.

You sighed at your own thoughts. A few months ago, you couldn't even think of being in the same room as him.

Tony looked up at you. "You want anything?"

"No." You leaned on the table.

"So, you're not hungry?"Tony asked again, raising his eyebrows at you."cause I'm starving."

"Well, now that you mention it... "You smiled and Tony chuckled before grabbing his car keys and motioning for you to follow him.

You stood up from your chair and followed Tony. He was about to open the front door, but stopped halfway, making you bump into his muscular back. You looked at him in confusion as he turned to look at you.

"You're gonna be cold." He told you before taking off his hoodie and offering it to you.

"Thank you." You said and put it on as you followed him outside. It went a bit over your shorts, but it was cozy.

Tony opened the door of his Bentley for you and you sat inside, before he walked to the other side and sat into it.

As Tony was driving, you were watching the city lights. Almost no one was outside. Tony stopped at the red light, before turning his head to look at you. He smiled, seeing you look at him, too.

You accidentally looked at the car that stopped next to you, and saw a couple kissing in the car. "Oh my God." You laughed.

"What?" Tony asked, confused, before turning his head to look at the direction you were looking in."Oh."He said, while you kept giggling. Tony had tinted windows, so they couldn't see you looking at them. Not that they were looking anyway, they were too busy kissing. "That's what your pretty eyes were looking at."

You let out a small laugh, embarrassed.

"That could be us." Tony said and looked over at you.

The smile immediately disappeared from your face. You didn't kiss or even touch each other for months now. You gathered courage before you leaned over to his seat. Tony watched, confused what you were doing. You smiled and pecked his lips, before pulling away and sitting back down on your seat.

Tony looked at you, shocked. He didn't know what to think.

"Was that enough?" You asked.

"You know I can't get enough of you, sweetheart." He said with a raspy voice.

"Too bad, that's all you're gonna get."You said, putting your seatbelt back on.

Tony scoffed, "Like hell I am."

Before you could process what was happening, Tony reached over to you and grabbed your face in his hands before lowering his head and pecking your lips a couple of times.

Your stomach fluttered at the attention. The light turned green a long time ago, but no one was behind you, so Tony didn't drive right away.

He pecked your lips repeatedly and you felt his beard rubbing against you.

"You planning on driving soon?" You asked him and that made Tony part from you. "It's red light again. We have to wait again."

"And who said that?" Tony winked at you before pressing on the gas. Your eyes widened and you grabbed onto the seat as Tony started to speed down the streets. You had to be honest, you were expecting him to do that. He was driving at the speed limit for 5 minutes already, it was bound to happen.

"Hold on, mama."He said, making you gulp as he made a sharp turn. He held his arm out in front of you just to be sure you were safe, making you bite your lip.

You felt butterflies every time he called you that nickname.

You arrived safely at the drive through and Tony ordered cheeseburgers for himself and everything you wanted, along with the drinks.

You were eating fries while Tony was driving home after he was finished eating his cheeseburger.

Tony glanced down at you and smiled to himself.

You caught his gaze, looking away when you saw him looking at you, feeling your face heating up. You felt like a teenager with the way you were acting.

"Don't get embarrassed now." Tony said and chuckled. He grabbed your jaw, not being too rough, and turned you to face him. He kissed your cheek and you smiled.

"Want some fries?" You offered and took two fries, bringing them up to Tony's mouth. He bit into them.

A few minutes later, you arrived home and Tony led you back down into the garage. You took your old place and watched him as he worked.

Tony looked over at you half an hour later and saw you leaning on the table with your elbow, sleeping.

He smiled to himself and dropped all the tools before he walked over to you. He gently picked you up in his arms and you snuggled into his chest.

Tony placed you on the bed in his bedroom and placed a kiss on your head after covering your body, making sure you're not cold.

"I'm sorry for everything, baby." He placed another kiss on your hair. "I love you."

He got up and walked over to the door. He turned one more time to look at you, and smiled before turning the light off and closing the door.

𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now