Part Thirty Four

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"Right here, Miss." Sadie led you to the table that was prepared for you.

"Thank you." You told her before you sat down. Daniel and Rose sat around the table as well.

A few minutes passed and you were talking about the company work, when Tony approached the table behind you. You two shared a quick look, and you looked away first.

You could feel him sitting down behind you, your backs almost touching with how close to each other you were.

Daniel looked at you and gestured for you to take his place, but you stopped him. You didn't want Tony to think you were scared of him, or something else.

"Excuse me." You apologized before leaving the table. You walked down the small hallway to the toilets and you walked inside the one for females, closing the door after yourself.

A few minutes passed before Tony got up as well and walked down the same hallway. Daniel got up to follow him, but he was stopped by Rose's hand on his own. She gave him a look and he sat back down on his chair.

You were just leaving the bathroom, fixing your dress. You didn't look where you were walking, so you bumped straight into someone's hard chest.

"Sorry-" You cut yourself off when you raised your head and saw Tony. You tried to walk around him, but he grabbed your hand and pulled you back towards him.

"Y/N, wait-"

"No." You tried to free yourself from his hold, but he was too strong for you. With a sigh, you looked back up at his face, your heart beating faster than before. This was the first time you two had any type of contact after the divorce.

"I wanted to talk to you." He said. A few people that walked around you gave you strange looks.

"There's nothing to talk about." You said, finally pulling your arm out of his hand.

"Please, can you just listen to me-"

"Goodbye, Tony." You interrupted him and walked away from him.

After you returned to the table, Tony never returned to his own. Some time passed and you were now signing a paper Sadie gave you when Daniel touched your hand, gesturing to the TV with his eyes.

"What?" You asked, taking a better look. It was a car race, happening just outside of the hotel. Your eyes widened when you saw Tony driving a car as well. You shrugged. "That's not my problem."

"Uh... " He shook you again and you looked up to see a man with two electric whips attacking and slicing up the oncoming cars in the track. You watched as Tony got closer to him.

You gulped before looking down at the papers. "Not my problem."

"Miss Y/L/N!" You heard someone calling from the entrance and you raised your head again, only to see Happy making his way through the crowd with a red case in his hands. He finally made his way towards your table, out of breath. "Thank God. You're the only one I know here."

"Can I help you, Happy?" You asked with a smile.

"Can you... " He leaned on the table to catch his breath. "Can you get this to the boss?"

"Why can't you?" You asked.

"I'll be driving, someone needs to... "

"Sorry, but I can't."

"He's... he's going to kill him if we don't get this to him." Happy anxiously looked towards the TV.

You bit the inside of your cheek before you pushed your chair back and got up. Daniel looked at you in surprise. "Where are you going?"

"I'm not an ass like Tony." You said, walking towards the door with Happy following you. "We'll take my car."

In just a few moments, you were outside. Your car was still waiting by the entrance and you got in the back seat, while Happy got in the driver side. "Go!"

"Hang on!" Happy said as he crashed through a barrier and onto the track heading the opposite way to the race cars.

Your head bumped against the window as Happy took a sharp turn.

"Sorry!" Happy said as he avoided the oncoming cars.

"Just drive." You said.

Soon, you saw Tony's car sliced onto the track. There was fire everywhere and Tony was fighting the man with the whips. Happy pressed on the gas and ran the man into the fence. Tony jumped down from the fence, relaxing when he saw Happy.

"Are you okay?" He asked.


"Were you heading for me or for him?"

"I was trying to scare him." Happy argued back.

"'Cause I can't tell!"

You placed your hand over your chest to calm down, the other gripping onto the case.

"Get in the car." Happy told him.

Tony mumbled out something as he walked around the car and opened the door. "First vacation in two years." He quickly moved his hand as the man sliced the door in half. You let out a scream when you saw what happened to the door of your car.

"Oh my God! I'll kill him myself!" You screamed out as Happy reversed a bit and ran into Ivan again.

"Stay in the car!" Tony yelled at you.

"I got him!"Happy said.

"Hit him again! Hit him again!" Tony said as Happy hit the man with your car repeatedly.

"I got him." Happy said.

"Take the case!" You tried to give the case to Tony, but Happy hit the man with the car again, making you fall back against the seat. "Stop banging the car!"

The airbag came out, making you almost cry out. The man sliced the car in half and you were close to crying. He didn't stop there, he just continued to slice the car.

"Give me the case! Please! Come on!"Tony was saying to you. You finally threw the case at him and Tony stood on it, and it turned into the Iron Man suit. He pushed the car away before they began fighting. You couldn't bare to look at the fight, until you heard it stop a few minutes later.

You looked up, only to see Tony ripped out the arc reactor, shutting off the man's suit.

Immediately, he was arrested by the police, but he still kept looking at Tony with a smile on his face. "You... You lose. You lose, Stark."

Tony turned towards the car and helped you come out. Your body was shaking from the whole experience, but when you looked up at Tony, he gulped when he saw your glare.

"I will send you a bill for the car." You said.

Two days later, Tony returned home, only to see a few papers placed on the table. He took them into his hands to look them over and let out a breath.

There, on the paper, was the damage done to your car and the bill. He smiled and put them down onto the table.

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