Part Sixty Nine

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Days later, you were still adapting to the life after the snap. Life without Tony became much worse, especially since you were dealing with a toddler that looked just like his father.

You parked in front of the house and got out of the car, before walking to the back seat. You opened the door and found Nathan sleeping in his car seat. A smile appeared on your face as you watched your son. It was almost a full month without Tony, and both of you missed him. Nathan could barely fall asleep at night, and you weren't much better.

"Hey, buddy." You said as you were caressing his face. "It's time to wake up. We're home."

He let out a yawn and started to rub his eyes as you undid the seatbelt."Come on, you can sleep when we're inside."You told him and he got out of the car while you opened the truck and took bags full of groceries.

You opened the door, allowing your son to go inside first. He walked to the living room, while you went to the kitchen.

As you were putting the groceries away, you heard Nathan let out an excited squeal and you went to the living room to see what was happening. Your jaw dropped open at the sight of Tony playing on the mat with your son and you had to hold onto something so you don't faint.

"Tony?" You stuttered out, and he looked up at you. A smile appeared on his face and he got up just as you rushed in his arms, wrapping your own around him and he squeezed you back just as tight. Tony closed his eyes and breathed in your scent, hugging you tight. He was afraid of that moment being another dream on the ship he was stuck in for days, and that he'll wake up from it the next moment.

He frowned when he felt you cry on his shoulder and he parted from you, taking your face in his hands. "Love? What's wrong?"

"I can't believe you're here." You said as you wiped your tears away. "I thought you... " You trailed off and Tony gave you a sad look.

"I thought the same about you two."Tony said, glancing at Nathan before looking back at you.

"Where were you?" You asked Tony, still holding onto him.

"It's... " He sighed. "It's a long story."

You smiled at him, wiping away the tears that just kept falling.

"What's going on with you, huh?"Tony asked, tickling your sides. "You've never been this emotional, except..."He trailed off and looked at you in thought. You could almost hear the wheels turning and crashing into each other in his head. "Are you..."

"Am I what?" You asked.

"Listen, I have a theory, okay? When you were pregnant, your mood would change approximately every seven seconds, you cried over random, smallest things, and I saw you bought the food you were craving when you were pregnant." He explained, watching your face for a reaction."Technically, the pill is not that much effective so there's a chance you could be-"

"You know, we could've saved so much time if you just asked me if I am pregnant." You suggested.

"As I was saying-"

You raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for him to realize and he stopped rambling as he looked at you, lips parting.

"Are -" He licked over his lower lip."Are you pregnant?"

"I am." You said.

"WHAT?" Tony suddenly yelled out, which scared Nathan and he looked your way. "Sorry, buddy. Everything is fine, go back to playing."

"Tony, you scared him-"

"You're actually pregnant?" He asked you and you nodded. "Like, really pregnant?" You nodded again, watching him panic. "We're gonna have another baby."

"We are."

A large smile appeared on his face when he realized what that meant."We're gonna have another baby!"He exclaimed, wrapping his hands around your waist and picking you up before he began to twirl you around the room.

"Tony." You laughed at him and he put you down before grabbing your face and kissing you, making you smile into the kiss.

"I can't believe this is really happening." Tony whispered on your lips.

"Well, your wish came true."You said with a smile, while Tony placed his hand on top of your stomach.

"And I clearly remember you being against it." He raised an eyebrow at you, a playful smirk on his face.

You smiled, "What's one more for us?"You asked, placing your hand on top of his on your stomach.

Tony smiled before kissing you again.

It was eight months later when you both welcomed a girl into the world, and named her Morgan Stark.

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