Part Five

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The next day, you were just done with cleaning the shelf you were going to put your books on. You needed to go to the bathroom and you would go inside, if you weren't stopped by the door opening before you could process it and you walked straight into hard chest.

"Whoa there!" Tony exclaimed, placing his hands on your shoulders to keep you in place when you bumped into him.

You looked at him and saw the little droplets of water making their way down his chest and down to his stomach, disappearing into the towel he was wearing around his waist that showed off the V lines that lead to his... You shook your head, snapping yourself out of your daydreaming. He was obviously out of the shower and the only thing he had on was a white towel wrapped around his waist.

"You going somewhere?" Tony asked and you felt his breath on your face from how close he was.

"Yeah, I was gonna go to the bathrom." You said, looking into his eyes, and quickly collecting yourself.

"You can go now." He said as he passed by you, leaving the door open.

You were about to listen to him and go inside, when you remembered something. "Actually... " You trailed off and Tony turned towards you.

"Did you need something?" Tony asked.

"Actually, we need to talk about Elizabeth." You said.

"What about her?"

"Are you sure it's a good idea to keep her here?"


"She can't clean and she can't cook, so what's the reason you keep her here? She's not exactly an eye candy either."

Tony took another towel and brought it up to his hair, drying it as you talked. His hair always looked so fluffy, you just wanted to run your fingers through it and...

"I don't know why I keep her here."Tony shrugged. "I'm almost never home and even when I am, I don't have time to eat her food."

"Well, you should've seen what she prepared yesterday. It looked like someone threw up on that plate. And the house looks like it wasn't properly cleaned for a whole year. And, she's weirdly obsessed with you."

Tony looked up when you said the last sentence, and smirked at you."So, that's the reason."

"Reason for what?"

"That's the reason you want her gone - she's obsessed with me. You're jealous."

"What?" Your eyes widened. "I'm not jealous. Stop saying I'm jealous. She's just... weird. And you probably already slept with her-"

"I didn't sleep with her." Tony corrected you.

" Yet. "

"No, I won't sleep with her."He said.

"Great, you still have some taste left."You smiled sweetly at him and he glared at you. "Another reason for her to be gone."

"We'll see about that. She's just grown on me since you said she's obsessed with me." Tony teased you and you rolled your eyes.

"Whatever. I'm gonna have a shower. Can you go get dressed already?"

"Why?" He asked, approaching you."Am I distracting you?"

"No, the water is dripping all over the floor."

Tony winked at you. "Sure, that's the reason."

"I'm going to shower." You said, pushing him away and going into the shower.

Tony looked after you, biting his lip before he went to his room.

After you were done, you walked outside in your bathrobe. You walked into your room, leaving the door open, thinking Tony was gone.

You untied the robe and took it off your body, leaving it on the bed. Under it, you were dressed in your underwear and you walked to the closet to pick your clothes when Tony passed by your door.

He looked at the open door when his gaze fell on you. His eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw you. You were standing there in a lacey pair of underwear. He let his gaze wander over your curves and down your body.

Suddenly, someone's phone rang out and you turned to the door, seeing Tony standing there. You almost screamed out and placed your hand over your chest. "What are you doing there?"

"Watching the show, what does it look like I'm doing?"Tony shrugged. There was no point in lying.

"It's my phone." You said and picked it up from the nightstand and sat down on the bed.

"Who's calling?" Tony asked, stepping into your room.

"It's... Daniel."

"Great, your lover boy." Tony said.

You silenced him before you picked up the call. You heard Daniel's panicked voice. "Is Tony there with you?"

You looked up at him. "Yes, he is."

"Put me on speaker."

You put the phone on speaker and you looked at Tony's confused face. "What does he want?" He quietly asked you and you shrugged.

"Someone leaked it to the press that your marriage is not real." Daniel said and you and Tony looked at each other in panic.


"Someone leaked it and it's all over the news. Did you see it?"

"No." You said before Tony took out his phone and saw dozens of missed calls.

"Do we know who was it?" Tony asked and your gaze snapped towards him. He was suspecting Daniel.

"No." Daniel said. "I hope you both know I wouldn't do it. I only got Y/N's best interests in mind-"

"Well, no one else knew-"

You interrupted Tony. "It wasn't him. I trust him. He didn't do it."

Tony fell silent.

"It doesn't get any better from that, Y/N. There were girls confirming that story."

"Which girls?" You asked.

"Girls Tony slept with after your wedding day." Daniel said and you closed your eyes. Tony cursed and sat down on the bed next to you.

"What do we do now?"

"You should stay home until we figure this out." Daniel said. "I hope you're both ready to do a lot of stuff to prove the press wrong."

You looked at Tony, who nodded his head.

"We are." You said quietly.

"I have to go now. I'm halfway through to taking down those rumors from the internet."

You nodded your head and ended the call, before looking at Tony who cursed again, falling back against your bed.

"We fucked up." He said, moving his hand from his face to look at you.

"You fucked up." You corrected him."But, we'll make this right together."

Tony nodded his head. "We'll find who did this, together."

𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐄 ~ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤Where stories live. Discover now