Part Forty Eight

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You walked into the top floor of the tower, carrying Dona in your one hand while a boy that worked at the reception carried your bag for you.

Tony left earlier than you, so it wouldn't become suspicious to the rest of the team.

They looked up when you entered, Tony's face holding a huge grin.

"Hey everybody." You greeted.

"You arrived!" Natasha got up from the table to pull you into a tight hug.

"Yes, I did." You said, smiling at them."So, what's the exact reason I'm here?"

Natasha shortly looked at Steve before she gestured at you to sit. You greeted the rest of the team, before you sat down on the chair. They were all gathered around a table.

"We need to tell you that... the SHIELD has fallen."

"What?!"You asked, shocked at her words. "Where's Fury, I need to call him-"

Natasha exchanged a look with Steve again, before Natasha placed her hand over yours that was about to pull out your phone. "You can't."


"Because... " She took a deep breath."Fury's dead."

"What? How? I... I talked with him last week."

"He was killed in Washington. I'm sorry. Really."

You sat in silence for a few moments before you could finally collect yourself and look at Natasha. "Why am I here then?"

"Loki's sceptre has disappeared. We're hoping to find out about its location and take it back."

"Did you start?"

"Uh, Banner and I did." Tony spoke up."We're hoping to get the location soon."

"Where is my room?" You asked them, and Natasha got up to show you to your room. As you passed by Tony, Dona reached out to scratch him but your hold on her tightened and you pulled her away from him.

After you got to your room, you took some time to settle in before you made your way down the stairs, where you found Steve sat by the kitchen table and Thor, who looked sad, in the living room.

"Hey, Cap." You smiled at him and he looked up when you entered.

"Hey Y/N. How are you?" He asked.

"I'm fine."

"I saw how the latest... news had affected you. I wanted to say I'm sorry. I know you were friends with Fury."

"Thank you, Cap." You said as you took out a cup to make yourself a cup of coffee before you looked back at Thor. "What's up with him?"

"Loki was killed." He whispered to you and you nodded your head before taking another cup for coffee.

Thor was just staring at the empty wall when he heard someone approaching him. He snapped himself out of his thoughts before looking at you, only to see you approaching him with two cups in your hands.

"Lady Y/N!" He said, mustering a small smile.

"Hey, Thor. How have you been?"

"I'm fine." He nodded his head, trying to convince himself in the same thing.

"Here, I made this for you." You said, placing the cup in front of him.

"What is this, Lady Y/N?" He asked, peeking inside the cup.

"It's coffee. The one I drink." You answered his question as you sat on the couch next to him. "Try it."

He brought the cup towards his lips and took a small sip before he decided he liked it. You looked at him with a smile on your face as he started to drink.

"You like it?" You asked.

"I love it! Thank you, Lady Y/N." He said to you.

You watched as he drank the entire cup, your eyes slowly widening, then he slammed the cup onto the floor, making it shatter as he yelled,"ANOTHER!"


"Did I just hear something breaking in my tower that was built with my money?" You recognized the voice of Tony as he hurried into the living room.

"Tony, look-" You tried to explain but Tony let out a shriek when he saw the broken glass on the ground. He placed a hand on his chest as he gasped.

"Are those my cups?"

"Stark, Lady Y/N makes the best coffee, you should try it!" Thor exclaimed happily.

Tony's eyes snapped towards Thor."Was it you? Did you break it?"


"Did you break those very expensive cups that I had imported from Europe?!"

"It was me!" You said suddenly, making Tony stop.

He just shrugged like it was no big deal. "Okay. I'll have someone clean this up then."

"Excuse me?" Thor asked you. "You can break stuff and we can't?"

You shook your head as you walked outside, along with Tony.

"It wasn't me, by the way." You told him, which made Tony stop in his tracks and he turned to go back to the living room.

"I knew the Golden Retriever had something to do with that!"

"Hey, hey, stop!" You said, placing a hand on top of his chest. "It's fine. I'll buy you another ones."

"No, it doesn't matter." He said.

"Do I need to calm you down?" You asked with a pout and Tony smirked.

"And how do you plan on doing that?"He asked as you approached him.

He quickly pulled out his phone to hack into the cameras as you grabbed him by his tie and pulled him into a kiss. Tony hummed into it, kissing you back as he grabbed your waist and slammed you against the wall.

Your nails scratched against his neck as you kissed him again and his tongue slipped inside your mouth.

You heard footsteps getting close to you and you two quickly parted before someone could walk in on you.

"I expect you tonight in my room."Tony whispered to you.

"Yes, sir." You said before rushing down the hallway and away from Tony.

That night, it was two in the morning when you left Tony's room, dressed in a pair of shorts and Tony's shirt. You carefully closed the door behind you, trying to tiptoe so you don't wake anyone up.

Just as you turned around, you were met with a dark figure staring at you and you almost let out a scream. Your hand was placed against your mouth, trying to stop yourself from screaming, and your heart was beating faster as you looked at the person.

"Y/N?" You recognized the voice.

"Bruce?! What are you doing here at this time?" You asked the scientist, who looked confused.

"I was grabbing a glass of water. What are you doing? Hold on, isn't this Tony's room?"

Your eyes widened. "What?"

"You were at Tony's room? And you're dressed in his shirt? Did you two - OH MY GOD!"

"Please don't tell anyone." You said quickly. "Nobody knows."

Bruce quickly nodded. "Of course, of course. Your secret is safe with me. You should be careful around the rest of the team though. They're already suspicious of Tony."

You nodded your head. "We will. Thank you. Good night, Bruce."

"Good night, Y/N." Bruce said and you rushed to your room, breathing in relief when you closed the door and slid against them to the floor.

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