Chapter 1: The Move

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Chapter 1: The Move

"I'm sorry son but I really would like for you to live with your dad," Emily a black and white husky said with a cough. "Mom, he doesn't really call he's too busy with his new family," Thomas a blue heeler husky mix said crossing his arms. "Now, Thomas he does call. You just don't want to talk to him," Emily said with a chuckle. "So..." Thomas said sitting back in his seat. "Your stubbed like him too," Emily said with a weak smile. "Are not!" Thomas said sitting up. "Besides don't you want to see your sisters Bluey and Bingo.?" Emily asked "They're not my sisters," Thomas mumbles. "Honey, they have your fathers blood their your half sisters," Emily said again with a cough.

Thomas rolled his eyes but knows his mothers right. "Do I have to go?" Thomas asked. Emily nodded. "I'd rather for you to live with your dad than a strangers house," Emily said while shedding a tear. Thomas fights back the tears and holds his moms paw. "Only 15 and losing a mom," Thomas said as a tear slipped away. "You still have-" Emily started to say but was cut off by her son. "Dad and Chilli and my sisters I know," Thomas said with a light laugh. Emily chuckled as she lays back in her bed and takes one last breath and passes on.

Three days later...

Thomas takes a flight to Brisbane, Australia.  As the plane lands Thomas gets off and tries to find his dad. Thomas sees his father with a sign that says Thomas Heeler. Thomas then walks over to his dad with his bags. "Hey Mate!" Bandit said as he hugs his son. "Jeez dad," Thomas said trying to breathe. "Sorry mate," Bandit said releasing his son. "You've gotten taller," Bandit said with a chuckle. "Well you haven't seen me since seven so," Thomas said. "Right well... your mother sent me pictures and I've tried to call you," Bandit said. Thomas looks away from him father. "Yeah," Thomas said as he grabbed his bags again. "I can take those," Bandit said handing out his paws. "Okay here," Thomas said handing his bags to Bandit.

"Oh boy," Bandit said carry the heavy bag back to the car. Once at the car Bandit puts the bag back in the back of the car as Thomas sits in the front seat. Bandit then gets in the driver seat and starts the car. "Where's everyone else?" Thomas asked before looking at his phone. "Oh, they are at the doctors for Bluey's appointment," Bandit said as he starts the car. "Oh," Thomas said sitting back in his seat and taking a deep breath. "But they should be home when we get there," Bandit said with a smile. "Goody," Thomas said looking out the window. Bandit then starts driving.

They reach home and park the car. "Home sweet home kiddo," Bandit said looking to his son. "Right..." Thomas said as he looked out the window and looked at the house. Bandit then rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm sure your uncle Stripe and aunt Trixie will want to see you soon after you unpack and settle in," Bandit said with a smile. "Let's just get through unpacking first," Thomas said as he got out of the car. Bandit and Thomas both walked into the house just as it started to rain.

"Now kids I want you to welcome your brother when he comes inside with your father," Chilli said to her daughters as she was finishing dinner. "Doesn't Thomas remember us?" Bingo asked while coloring in her coloring book. "Of course he does," Chilli said with a warm smile. "Mum, how come Thomas had to live so far away?" Bluey asked. "Well he lived with his mum in America," Chilli answered. "How come he had a different mom?" Bingo asked. "Well your dad once was married to his mom, before he met me and had you two," Chilli said as she washed her paws. "We're home!" Bandit shouted from the living room.

Bluey and Bingo both rushed into the living room and greeted their father. "Dad!" They both jump into their fathers arms almost knocking him down. "Hey squirts," Bandit said with a smile. Thomas awkwardly stands to the side with his bags. Bluey and Bingo then look to their older brother and smile at him. "How come you have two different color eyes?" Bingo asked. Thomas rubbed the back of his neck, he know Bingo was really young and didn't really know him very well. "I have my moms eyes," Thomas said. "Oh, I like them," Bingo said with a smile. Thomas chuckled rubbing the back of his neck again. "Alright kids let me get your brother situated," Bandit said as he grabbed his sons bags.

Bingo and Bluey both went up stairs to play while Bandit and Thomas took the bags to Thomas's new room. Bandit and Thomas went through the kitchen to get to a spare room. "Hi Thomas," Chilli said before hugging her step son. "Hi," Thomas said softly hugging her back. "In here mate," Bandit said placing the bags in the room. Thomas then went into the room where he would sleep and places down the bags he was holding. "The rest of your stuff should be here tomorrow and then we can make your room how you want," Bandit said with a smile. "Right," Thomas said as he sat down on the bed. "Help yourself to anything, it's your house now too son," Bandit said crossing his arms. "Okay," Thomas said looking down to the ground. "I know this is change, it's a change for everyone mate," Bandit said now a little worried for his son.

"Yeah, I know dad," Thomas said looking up at his dad. "I know you miss you mother-" Bandit started to say. "Dad can I just go to bed," Thomas asked Bandit nodded before leaving the room and shutting the door. Bandit then went to the kitchen and sighed before sitting down at the counter. "Something the matter? Isn't Thomas joining us for dinner?" Chilli asked. Bandit looked at his wife and shook his head. "Am I doing the right thing as a father to him?" Bandit asked. Chili then place her hand on Bandits shoulder. "He loves you and you know that," Chilli said with a warm smile. Bandit perked up. "Yeah, your right," Bandit said.

Thomas laid in his bed and looked up at the Ceiling.  A few tears slipped out of eyes as he laid their. He knew he was safe with his dad and family but there was a straight hole in his heart that would take time to heal. "I miss you mom," Thomas said as he turned over and closed his eyes and went to sleep.

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