Chapter 32: Job Site With Mum

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Chapter 32: Job Site With Mum

Thomas was in his room, finishing up his report on his job with his dad. Thomas sighed as he sat back in his seat trying to think of what more to put in his report. Deciding to put his mind off just to relax a little bit, Thomas put his report to the side and started drawing. Besides playing music, it was another thing he loved to do just to pass the time and clear his mind. There was a knock at the door while Thomas was drawing. "Come in," Thomas said while drawing more. "Hey mate what are you..." Bandit said but stopped himself, after seeing his sons drawings. "You draw mate?" Bandit asked now looking closely at his son's paper. "I do, mom taught me," Thomas said looking up at his dad. Bandit placed his hand on his son's shoulders and looks at the paper. "I guess you really got both of out talents," Bandit said with a smile.

Thomas smiled back at his father. "Yeah I guess I did," Thomas said softly. "What else did you mom teach you?" Bandit asked, sitting on his son's bed. "She taught me how to draw and cook some of her favorite meals from traveling," Thomas explained. "She sure liked to travel," Bandit said with a smile remembering all the good times. "Actually, that was the reason why she came to study here in Australia," Bandit added. "Yeah..." Thomas said spacing off. "What's wrong mate?" Bandit asked notching his son spacing out. "Just miss mom, that's all," Thomas said turning away from his dad. "I know you miss your mother mate and I do too," Bandit said standing up placing his hand on Thomas's shoulder. "What did you do when you found out mom had cancer?" Thømas asked looking up at his father.

Bandit sighed, as he remembered that day, the one day Emily called him to tell him about the cancer. He still remembered the heaviness on his heart when he heard her saying those three words: 'I have cancer'. "When your mother called me and told me about the cancer... it was like... the all world just fell on me, I love Chilli with all my heart, but your mother... she was my first love, and you never forget your first love, even after... what happened between us, I cried... a lot, all I wanted was to vent my frustration, to break everything at my sight," Bandit told. "That sounds... exactly what I felt when mom told me about the cancer," Thomas confessed. "It took me a lot of strength to contain myself at school... to not vent my frustrations on my colleagues... and my friends," he added. "With me, I had Chilli and your sisters to help me, but you... it must have been hard," Bandit said. "I would talk to uncle Stripe on occasion, but... it was never enough, he didn't quite understand me," Thomas said.

"If only I found the courage to talk to you..." he added. "It's okay, son, now we have each other to support one another," Bandit replied, putting a hand of his son's shoulder, with him smiling at his father. "Yeah, we do..." he said. "Okay, let's talk about something more cheerful," Bandit told. "Are you ready for tomorrow? Chilli is excited to have you at her work," Bandit asked. "I guess... I just hope her work can be as exciting as yours, dad," Thomas said. "Don't worry, it will, I mean, all I do is being in an office studying old bones, going only occasionally on a field work, but your stepmom gets to help to keep our country safe by watching over who gets in and out of airplanes," Bandit told. That caused Thomas to drop a chuckle. "You really know how to make anything look cool, can't you?" he asked. "Hey, I am cool, you know? Between me and your uncles, I was the one with more style," Bandit replied, causing Thomas to laugh. "Yeah, sure..." he said. "However, sometimes there's no need to make anything look cool, and Chilli's job is one of them" Bandit told, before giving a tap on his son's shoulder and getting out, leaving Thomas to finish his report.

Next morning, Thomas got in the kitchen, where Chilli was ending up making breakfast. "Hey, there, sweetie, I'm just finishing making you pancakes," Chilli said. "That's great, mom, thanks," Thomas replied, while sitting down. Chilli then proceeded to put some before Thomas. "So, excited to come work with me?" she asked. "Yes, I am, I loved seeing dad's job, so I can't wait to see yours," Thomas replied. "I know that it may not be as impressive as your dad's, but you'll see that is not that bad." Chilli replied. "To be honest, mom, the main reason why I wanted to see dad's job first was because his last one wasn't that much interesting," Thomas confessed. "Yeah, I know what you mean, especially because it was not his real dream job," Chilli commented. "Yeah, I also wanted to see why dad loved archaeology so much... I think I got to know it," Thomas replied. "I'm glad for that... Okay, eat everything, you'll need all the energy you can get, we're going to let your sisters in school first, before going to the airport."

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