Chapter 68: The Wedding

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Chapter 68: The Wedding

Rad looked in the mirror and took a deep breath. He adjusted his tie nervously trying to fix it. Suddenly there was a knock at the door of the room he was in. "C-come in," Rad said looking at the door. Bob walked into the room and looked at his oldest son. "Hey mate, how are you doing?" Bob asked, coming into the room, closing the door behind him. "Nervous dad, what if Frisky changes her mind?" Rad said while looking at his father. Bob then walked closer to his oldest son and placed his hands on his shoulder. "She wouldn't mate, you make her so happy and she makes you so happy as well," Bob said with a smile. Rad looked into his fathers eyes and nodded. "When I first met your mother, I knew I wanted to make her the happiest dog on the planet," Bob said as he started to explain his story.


Brisbane Australia, 1964

Bob was mowing the lawn for his parents just as new neighbors were just starting to move in. Bob stopped mowing and wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at the new neighbors house. Bob titled his head seeing that they were a family of dark blue Heelers. Bob's eyes widened when he saw that they had a daughter about the same age as him. Suddenly a feeling came over Bob as he started to wag his tail while looking at her. His heart flickered as he continued to stare at her. Bob then adjusted his glassed and whispered to himself.

"Wow," he said while wagging his tail. "Bobby! Mum said you'll be late for work if you don't finish with the yard!" Billy teased his oldest brother. "Gerald! Ricky! I-I mean Billy! Get in the house!" Bob shouted turning to his youngest brother. "Sits yourself mate! Mum was just looking for you!" Billy said before going back into the house. Bob then looked at the girl again and noticed she was looking at him and chuckled before waving at him. Bob blushed hard and waved back. The girl then went into the house to help her parents and grandmother with the house.

(Bob's narration)

"From that moment I knew I wanted to make your mum the happiest dog on the planet, even if I didn't know her name just yet,"

(Present day)

"You're not going to mess this up mate, you are enough for her and you always will be," Bob said as he placed his hand on his son's shoulder. Rad nodded now with a soft smile. "Okay, ok going to check on your mum and we will see you out there okay?" Bob asked with a raised eyebrow. Rad chuckled with a nodded. "See you out there dad," Rad said just as Bob nodded one last time before leaving the room. Rad took a deep breath before looking in the mirror again. "Dad's right, I love her and she loves me," Rad said with confidence. Another knock was at the door as Rad turned to look at it. "Come in," Rad said wondering who could be at the door. "Hey big brother!" Stripe said as he and Bandit came into the room. "Hey mates," Rad said with a warm smile.

"Look who's finally getting married! Better late than never right mate?" Bandit teased. Rad rolled his eyes with a light chuckle. "Congratulations mate, I'm really happy for you," Bandit added with a smile. "I am too! It's great to see you happy as ever," Stripe spoke up. "Thanks mates, I'm happy too," Rad replied before giving them each a hug.

"Was dad just in here?" Bandit asked his older brother. "Yeah, we had a little chat before you two came in," Rad said before remembering the story their father had told him about meeting your mum at a young age. "Oh? Giving you some marriage advice?" Stripe asked his oldest brother. Rad chuckled before answering as he rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah, something like that," Rad said softly. "Then I guess... Can we give you some?" Bandit asked, crossing his arms. "As long as it's not bad advice," Rad replied.

"Hey! Since when do I give bad advice?!" Bandit asked just as his brothers gave him a look. "Ah! Why I never!" Bandit said with a laugh. The three brothers then started laughing before calming down. "Alright, alright, yes you can give me some advice," Rad said again looking at his younger brothers. "Okay mate, Frisky's right even when she's wrong she's right mate," Bandit said as he placed his hand on Rad's shoulder. Rad nodded taking in that information. "You've always looked after us mate, and now you have her to look after and whatever your heart tells you just follow okay mate?" Stripe said with a light smile.

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