Chapter 28: Haunt You

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Chapter 28: Haunt You


"Remember to call me if you need anything and keep the door lock and don't open it for anyone," Emily said before placing down a box of pizza down at the table. "Mom, I'm eleven years old I think I can handle a night without you," Thomas said before getting a slice of pizza. "I know you can kid I just want to make sure," Emily said looking at her son. "It'll be fine mom," Thomas taking a drink of his milk. "I know it's just... I haven't been on a date since your father and me... well you get the picture," Emily said looking in the mirror making sure everything was alright. "Speaking of your father you should call or FaceTime him," Emily said looking to her son who was eating pizza. "He's probably busy with Bluey," Thomas said before taking another bite of pizza. "You never know if you don't call," Emily said sitting down at the table with her son.

"Right," Thomas said eating his pizza. "He does love you very much," Emily said looking to her son. "If he did he wouldn't have missed my birthday," Thomas said taking another bite. "Sweetheart that moment hurt your dad as much as it hurt you," Emily said as placing her hand on her son's hand. "It did?" Thomas asked looking up at his mother. Emily nodded in response. Suddenly the door bell rang as Emily and Thomas looked to the door. "You better go with you date with Adam," Thomas said as he continued to eat his pizza. "Do you like Adam?" Emily asked nervously. Thomas smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I do," Thomas replied. "Okay," Emily said as she kissed her son on the head. "In Bed by 9 and call your father," Emily said as she stood up and walked to the door. Thomas sighed as he finished his food and went over to the tablet. Thomas hesitated whether to call his dad or his uncle. Thomas took in a deep breath and then pressed on one to call.

Calling Stripe....

(Present Day)

As the day of the first game of the season was approaching, Thomas could feel the intensity of the touch football training sections increasing. Coach Wolf wanted to make sure that all of his players were at their top form as he wanted to win the competition that year and every player wanted to correspond to his expectations. Fortunately, Thomas was able to keep up with training, much to the dismay of Zach and Peter, who were just waiting for Thomas to make a mistake or start get behind to make him feel like he didn't belong to the team. Just to see their frustrating face made Thomas get really glad. But there was a downside to all that. Thomas still hadn't managed to find the perfect balance between his academic life, the team and family and friends, what caused him to focus more on his studies and the trainings than his social life, what caused his sisters to get a little angry at him for not playing with them. Not to mention that his weekly meetings with Dr. Beagle, despite allowing him to vent some of his worries, didn't help that much. At the beginning of a new day of school, he and Liam were heading towards their class.

"Man, I can't wait for the weekend... I'm exhausted!" Thomas said. "No wonder, you practically haven't stop one second, you're either at class, training or studying, I just hope you're sleeping," Liam said. "Oh, I am, but I think it's not working, I just can't wait to get a hold on my schedule, I'm dying for some quality time to play at my guitar, to be with my family, to hang out with you and Alfie..." Thomas said. "Not to mention Tori," Liam said. "Really?" Thomas asked him. "What, I'm just saying..." Liam said. At that moment, Tori just went passed by them, nodding to Thomas, what caused him to feel the nervous feeling at his stomach. Seeing that, Liam knew what his friend was thinking. "Go on, go talk to your sweetheart, I'll see you in class," Liam said to him, starting heading to his class. Despite a little annoyed for what Liam said, he headed towards Tori. "Tori, wait, can I talk with you?" he asked, as he reached her. "Of course, what do you want to talk about?" she asked.

Thomas tried to say something, but it appeared words wouldn't come out of his mouth. "Are you okay, Thomas? You look a little weird," Tori commented. "I'm... fine... it's just..." Thomas said, while trying to find the words. "I'm a little out of balance with my schedule and I was thinking if you could help me with my studies," Thomas said. "Sure, I guess I can give a hand," Tori replied, much to his happiness. "Great! What about tomorrow after school? At my place..." Thomas said. "It's a date," Tori replied, making Thomas to giggle slightly when she said the word 'date'. "I can't wait to meet your family," Tori replied, while moving away. After she wasn't near, Thomas came to realize what he just did. "Oh my... What did I do? I just... I just asked her to come to my place... she's going to meet my family... and they are going to meet her, I can already hear Bluey and Bingo's teasing and my dad trying to give me dating tips," Thomas stressed, taking then a second to take a deep breath. "Okay, let's calm down... one thing at the time," he said, while the bell started to ring for the classes. "First, class, then training, after that I will try to make sure the family doesn't embarrass me tomorrow," he said, as he started going to his class.

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