Chapter 18: The Last Day

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Chapter 18: The Last Day

Two months later...

Thomas was in the bathroom as he grabbed a glass of water and took his pills. "Last day Heeler just one more day" Thomas said to himself as he flushed the water down the drain. Thomas then brushed his teeth and then got out of the bathroom. It's 6am and a little dark outside, as the sun had barely raised, but Thomas wasn't bothered by it as he went out for a jog. It was something he had decided to do after recovering from his panic attack, finding to be a good exercise that could help him clear his mind, control his breathing and focus on what was important.

After jogging around the neighborhood a few times, he run down to the coffee shop and picked up some coffee for himself and his parents while also getting fresh banana bread for the girls. Thomas walked back home after it and got inside, with the time being now 7:15 am. Thomas placed down the bread and walked up to his dad's office where he was working. "Good morning dad," Thomas said handing Bandit his coffee. "Up already? And with coffee? You're the best mate," Bandit said with a smile. "Your welcome dad," Thomas said drinking his coffee. "Did you take your pills?" Bandit asked his son. "Yeah," Thomas replied, a little annoyed that he would ask that every day, but not minding it as he knew he was just concerned.

"Are you sad for your last day of school?" Bandit asked. "Not at all," Thomas said placing down his coffee. Bandit chuckled while taking another drink. "Yeah, I bet a kid your age is always looking forward summer break," Bandit commented. There was a silence of a few seconds. "Do you think I'll ever be normal again?" Thomas asked looking down away from his father. "Son there's nothing wrong with you, mate," Bandit said softly. "But..." he started. "Look at me, for the last months, you've been through a lot, more than any kid your age should go through, and that's nothing you should be ashamed of," Bandit told. "What you're doing now is to get better and that's what you need to focus, do you understand?" Bandit asked. Thomas nodded, while making a smile. "Thanks dad..." he said. "You're welcome, son."

Moments later, Chilli came into Bandit's office. "Do I smell some coffee?" she asked. "Here you go mom," Thomas said handling his stepmom her coffee. Chilli kissed Thomas on the head. "Thank you sweetheart," Chilli thanked before leaving the room. "You Don't have to get us coffee every morning mate," Bandit said looking at his son. "I know but it's something I want to do for you and mom, for everything you've done." Thomas said with a smile. "And we're the ones who are supposed to be taking care of you mate," Bandit said with a smile. "Bluey and Bingo should be up soon," Thomas said looking at his phone and checking the time. "Yep, they sure will be," Bandit said as he got up from his chair and stretched.

Thomas then grabbed his coffee and headed towards the kitchen for some breakfast. It was long later until Bingo and Bluey got up and joined the rest of the family in the kitchen for some breakfast. "Thank you Thomas for the bread!" Bingo and Bluey both said. "No problem, kids," Thomas said with a smile. It felt so good be like that, surrounded by a family like that, something he got to truly appreciate after what he went through two months ago. "Alright kids to the car!" Chilli said grabbing her purse. All the kids ran to the car and got ready for school.

Thomas was the last one to be dropped off at school. "Do you got everything mate?" Chilli asked making sure her stepson had everything. "Yeah I think so," Thomas said getting out of the car. "Remember you have an appointment after school," Chilli said. "Oh yeah," Thomas remembering his first therapy appointment was today. "Hey, don't be nervous you'll be fine," Chilli added hoping to cheer Thomas up. "Thanks mom I love you, I see you after school," Thomas said closing the door to the car.

That last day of school went as much as Thomas could expect. In order to avoid any problems before his first therapy appointment, he decided to get as far as possible from any of his usual rivals. It was hard enough they messed with him for being American, but after his panic attack, it was like they couldn't pass a day without tormenting him. Fortunately, he had Alfie and Liam to keep him company and help him through that day. When the bell rang, ending the last day of school for the year, all the students got out as fast as they could so they could start their summer vacations. Thomas got out with Alfie and Liam and, seeing Chilli's car and her signaling to him, he said goodbye to his friends and went to her.

"Hey, mom," he said, while getting to the car. "Ready for the appointment?" Chilli asked, as she started the car. "As ready as I can be..." Thomas replied. "You don't have to force things, okay, this is just your first appointment, take all the time you want and tell what you want," Chilli said. "Thanks, mom", Thomas thanked. "And I have a surprise for tomorrow," Chilli revealed. "A surprise, what kind?" Thomas asked. "I'm taking the girls to my dad's and I was thinking you would love to come, I've told him a lot about you and he is hoping to meet you," Chilli told. Thomas got surprised by that invitation. Despite his slight discomfort, he decided to give that a go. "Sounds good," he replied.

They arrived to the therapist's office and, while Chilli waited outside, Thomas got inside. His therapist was a beagle named Marcus, being a friend of his dad's and father to one of Bluey's friends. They were both sitting on armchairs, facing each other. Marcus was holding a notepad and a pen. "So, Thomas, how you're doing today?" Marcus asked. "I'm fine... today was my last day at school," Thomas replied. "I see... summer break... you must be excited, for what I've now, December isn't exactly a month you were used to have a summer break," Marcus replied. "I'm not going to lie, this was the longest school year I ever had... literally, I'm so happy I'm going to have a good break."

"And how are you feeling... after the incident?" Marcus asked. "You mean, my... panic attack," Thomas said. "Call it whatever you want, just tell me how do you feel now," Marcus replied. "Actually, I'm doing good, not great, but good," Thomas said. "I've decided to change my routine a little bit, like I started to jog at the morning, it helps me control my breathing, and I've started to help my parents in anything I can, it makes me feel... useful and that makes me feel... good" Thomas told. "I see..." Marcus said, while taking notes. "And is there something troubling you at this moment?" he asked. "Not that I can think of..." Thomas replied. "Wait, no, there's one thing, but... it's not that big of a deal..." he corrected. "Any trouble, for much small it may look, can grow into something more serious if not properly addressed, please tell me" Marcus asked.

"Tomorrow, my stepmon is taking me and my sisters to her father's, she asked me if I wanted to go and I told her I would, but the truth is I'm not very comfortable with the idea," Thomas confessed. There was a pause that was broke by Marcus. "Thomas, do you want my honest opinion?" he asked. Thomas nodded. "At this point, you're trying to regain control on your life, what's normal having in count what you've been through, but I can't help but noticing you're trying to overcompensate," Marcus told. "Overcompensate? I'm not understanding," Thomas said. "I'm talking about this thing of you trying to be useful to your parents, I feel you're trying too much, but that's something we can talk about when you're more comfortable, now I want to try to make you feel better with your current problems," Marcus said. "And I believe this trip to your stepmom's dad's place may do great for you, you get to be out of your comfort zone, see new places, have some fresh air... It will be good for you" Marcus told.

After the session was over, Thomas got out of the office and met with Chilli, who got up from her sit. "So, how it went?" she asked. "It was... good, Dr. Beagle really made me feel comfortable and even got to help a bit," Thomas replied. "I'm so happy for you, Thomas, you'll see that in no time you'll feel yourself again," Chilli said. "I can't wait for that..." Thomas confessed. They went back home, with Bluey and Bingo being able to convince Thomas to play with them, taking advantage of the fact he didn't had to study, now that he was in summer break.

Meanwhile, Chilli went to see Bandit at his office. Seeing her getting in, he stopped doing what he was doing. "So, how it went?" Bandit asked. "He said it went well... and honestly I believe him, he looked good, more at ease," Chilli told. "You don't know how much relieved I am after hearing that," Bandit confessed. "I see it was a good idea to let Marcus help Thomas..." he added. "Tomorrow I'll take him and the girls over my dad's, I think it may help him getting him out of the confusion of the city, and my dad is always asking me to take him," Chilli said. "That's a great idea, like all your other ideas, thank you for doing this for Thomas" Bandit told. "I may not be his real mother, but... I'm the second best thing, and I'll do everything I can to help him pass through this," Chilli said, with Bandit giving her a kiss and a hug.

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