Chapter 27: Camping

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Chapter 27: Camping


"Emily time to get up," Bandit said with a smile. Emily sniffed from crying from the night before. "Oh, Emily what's the matter mate?" Bandit asked, trying to uncover his wife from the covers. "Leave me alone... just go without me," Emily said, trying to keep her covers on. "Emily, babe it's not going to be the same without you," Bandit said still trying to pull the covers off. Emily then started crying. "Why are you crying mate?" Bandit asked, confused. Emily then uncovered herself and looked at her husband. "I got poison oak," Emily said while crying. "Oh Emily," Bandit said while laughing. "See you're laughing at me! Go away!" Emily said as she covered herself in her sleeping bag. "Emily mate I'm not laughing at you I'm laughing with you," Bandit said trying to take the covers off again.

"No! don't touch me or you'll get it too," Emily said trying not to get poison oak on her husband. Bandit finally got the covers off and started kissing his wife. "Bandit, I'm serious! go away! Take our son to the lake," Emily said trying not to smile or laugh. "Bandit!" Emily said while laughing. "Bandit Heeler don't you dare kiss me there! Our son is just a tent away!" Emily said while laughing hard. Emily then screamed from laughter as the tent started moving. "Mom? Dad?" Thomas said from outside of the Large tent. Suddenly everything got quiet. Bandit then opened the tent and looked at his son with a smile. "Morning mate how did you sleep?" Bandit asked trying not to laugh. "Where's mom?" Thomas asked trying to look in the tent. "She'll join us in a minute mate I made some brekky in the pot son just help yourself," Bandit said trying to fight his laughter. "Oh, okay," Thomas said as he went over to the pot and got some breakfast.

Bandit then zipped up the tent and looked at his wife. "Now we're we?" Bandit said giving his wife the puppy dog eyes and ears back. Emily shook her head with a smile. "When did I get so lucky to have you in my life," Emily said with a smile. "Oh I don't know it started when we were teenagers and then In college and right now," Bandit said as he kissed his wife passionately. Bandit then started to tickle his wife some more and kiss her all over to place again. "Stop it you don't want to have our son thinking his parents are gross," Emily said with a chuckle.

(Present day)

It was the first weekend after the beginning of school and the Heeler family had decided to enjoy the summer a little bit more and so decided to go for a camping trip. Bandit was driving his family, with Chilli by his side and his kids at the back, with Thomas being between his sisters. While his sisters were playing with each other, Thomas was consulting his phone. "So, Thomas, are you excited for camping? It's the first time we get to do it ever since you were a kid" Bandit told. But Thomas didn't reply to him, focusing his attention on his phone. "Thomas, sweetie, your dad talked to you," Chilli said in a way that caught his attention. "What?" he asked, a little confused. "What's so interesting in your phone that is distracting you from an awesome weekend with your family?" Bandit asked. "Nothing," Thomas replied, a little defensive, as he put the phone away. "Probably he was talking with his girlfriend," Bluey teased. "No, I wasn't, I don't have a girlfriend!" Thomas replied, even more defensive. "Then who is Tori?" Bingo asked.

"No one..." he replied. "But... how do you know that name?" Thomas asked his little sister. "I heard you talk with her at phone in your room," she told. "Thomas has a girlfriend!" Bluey teased. "I already told you, Bluey, I don't have a girlfriend," Thomas insisted. Bandit and Chilli traded a look with a smile, knowing very well what a behavior like that from a teenager like Thomas meant. "Bluey, stop teasing your brother," Chilli said. After that, it didn't take long for they to get to the camping site. After they arrived, they got out of the car. Bandit stretched himself, taking then a deep breath. "There's nothing like getting out of the city and get some fresh air... What do you think son?" Bandit asked, turning to Thomas, only to find him on his phone again. He went there and then extended his hand to Thomas. "Okay, give it to me," he said. Despite not wanting to, Thomas knew he couldn't contest his father and so he gave the phone to him.

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