Chapter 13: Babysitting Mayhem

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Chapter 13: Babysitting Mayhem

At the playing room, Thomas was playing with his sisters a game of Nail Salon, where Bluey and Bingo were having their big brother as a customer. While Bingo was doing his nails, Bluey was making face make-up on him. "So, how do you like this nail polish I'm using, big brother costumer?" Bingo asked. "How, I like it, it really suits my eye colors," Thomas replied, despite doing it only to incarnate his role. "And you'll love this face make-up I'm doing, it will really highlight your natural glow," Bluey told. "Oh, I can't possibly wait to see it," Thomas said. Bandit and Chilli were outside, at the veranda, enjoying the sunset, while also admiring the three siblings playing together.

"You know, Thomas really got good at dealing with the girls, to think he tried to avoid them when he arrived,"Chilli told. "That boy really has come a great way, but that's not surprising being him my son," Bandit told, proudly. "Yeah, but you better be careful, or else he'll take your place as the girls' favorite playmate," Chilli teased. "Please, he still has a long way to get at my level, although having him dealing with the little ones does give me a break to relax" Bandit replied. "Really? I bet you won't be like that on house cleaning day tomorrow," Chilli told, causing Bandit's smile to get down, as he remembered the one day of the week where they tidied up the house from top to bottom, which became more extensive when Thomas moved in. "Oh biscuits..."

It was then that the doorbell rang. "Uh, who could that be at this hour?" Chilli asked. They went to the door and they saw it was Stripe. "Stripe, what a surprise," Chilli said. "Yeah, you know, I was just passing by and I decided to visit my favorite brother and his beloved family," Stripe said, with some edginess on his voice. "Okay, what do you want mate?" Bandit asked, not one second believing on what his little brother was saying. "What, I don't want anything," But a look from his brother and sister-in-law caused him to sigh and say, "Okay, I want you to take care of Muffin and Socks tomorrow, just for a few hours," Stripe said rubbing the back of his neck. "I don't know, Stripe... we already have a lot to do" Chilli said.

"Come on, guys, Trixie and I don't have a time for ourselves for ages, and we're getting crazy for some alone time," Stripe said. "What about mum?" Bandit asked. "She's out with dad, come on, guys, I'll owe you one" Stripe pleaded. "Well, having my little brother owing me a favor would be nice..." Bandit said. "Bandit!" Chilli admonished. "What, I'm just saying..." "I can do it" a voice said, with it belonging to Thomas, who joined the talk. "Really, oh you the best nephew ever!" Stripe exclaimed, while going for a hug. "By the way, love the new look."

"Are you sure, Thomas? Muffin and Socks can be... a little difficult to deal with," Chilli told. "How bad can they be? I take care of Bluey and Bingo all the time, not to mention I would love to help uncle Stripe and aunt Trixie" Thomas said. "Are you sure you're not doing this in order to dodge yourself from house cleaning day?" Chilli asked. Crossing her arms. "What no, that's crazy, I didn't even remember that was tomorrow," Thomas said, while being too obvious. "Yep, you're your father's son, all right" Chilli said.

"Then it's settled," Stripe said with a smile. "See you in the morning!" Stripe said before leaving. Thomas nodded to him, hoping to do good for his favorite uncle. The next morning came along as Thomas showered and made sure he got all the remaining make-up off him. Thomas came out of the bathroom and noticed everyone was in cleaning mode. "Oh, good your ready mate," Bandit said passing by his son in the hallway. "Yep, sure I am," Thomas replied with a smile. "Just meet me by the car son," Bandit said, while taking the laundry to the laundry room. Thomas nodded and headed outside. Before he could step outside, Bluey passed by him. "Good luck, Thomas, you're going to need it," she said, apparently referring to him going to babysit their cousins. Thomas got a little confused by the way Bluey said that, but decided to not give too much importance.

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