Chapter 66: Hope We Meet Again

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Chapter 66: Hope We Meet Again

Eleven years earlier...

"Your daughter is very bright for her age! And we think she could be very successful in the coming years! Maybe even be able to start college early on in high school!" Mr. Blake the school principal said with a huge confident smile. "Thank you," John Tori's father said with a smile. "She's always been a bright child," Celine added while holding her husband's hand. "Well, you should be very proud parents of having such an intelligent girl like Tori." Mr. Blake said as he went over some papers. "Absolutely, me and Celine couldn't be anymore proud of our little girl." John said with tears of pride in his eyes.

"I bet in the future she will have many opportunities," Mr. Blake said again with a smile. "Which class is she in now?" John asked wondering what his daughter was doing. "Oh! Music at the moment! Would you like to see her play the piano?" Mr. Blake asked while starting to wagging his tail. "Of course!" Celine said having high hopes to see her daughter play. "Great! Just right this way!" Mr. Blake said as he stood from his desk. John and Celine followed the school Principal until they arrived at the Music Classroom. "Your daughter should be right in here." Mr. Blake said as he showed the window into the classroom.

John and Celine saw their daughter playing the piano. "She's so great John," Celine said while resting her head on her husband shoulders "she is indeed," John said proudly with a smile.

(Present day)

"Well Tori, your grades are outstanding!" Mr Husky the school principal said with a smile. "Thank you Principal Husky, I do the best I can to succeed." Tori replied as a small blush crept across her face. "Well, you should be very proud of yourself." Mr. Husky said as he adjusted his pair of red reading glasses. "You have alot of potential and you have a very bright future ahead of you." He added. "Also I have this, that you may be interested in," Mr Husky said as he handed her a Pamphlet. "This is a full ride for a four year travel around the world of learning, you get to graduate early and get university degree," Mr Husky said with a smile.

Tori's eyes widened in shock and disbelief, this was an opportunity to widen her options and broaden her horizons. "I-I... I can't believe- you mean-" Tori tried to find the words to express how excited she felt. "It's really up to you but this would be a great opportunity for you," Mr. Husky said with a kind smile. Before Tori could reply, she suddenly thought of Thomas and how she and him shared their first kiss at Formal and moments they shared together.  She then realized if she took this, how would Thomas react and what would this mean for their relationship?

"Would it be okay if I think about this?" Tori asked looked at her principal. "Oh of course, I understand this is a huge decision for you and you need time to think it over. This is your future and it's alot of pressure, so take all the time you need Tori." Mr. Husky replied with a warm smile. "Come back and see me when you're ready to decide." Tori nodded with a smile before she grabbed her bag and the pamphlet. And went to her next class.

Later on the school day coming to an end, Tori grabbed her backpack from her locker and her belongings. She looked and Thomas by his locker talking with a couple of his friends. She began to wonder how was she going to explain to him about the opportunity that was shown to her today. Tori then sighed and then walked over to her boyfriend. "Hey Thomas," Tori said with a smile. "Hey! I was just about to go find you," Thomas said with a smile as he shut his locker. "See you later mate!" Alfie said waving. "See you later Alfie," Thomas said waving to the dingo. "Anyways, I was about to go find you and asked if you want to grab something to eat after school," Thomas asked, wagging his tail.

Tori then looked at her boyfriend for a moment and saw how excited he was, she couldn't bring herself to tell him... at least not yet, "Sure, let me just text my parents and see if it's cool first." She replied to him with a small smile. Thomas nodded with a smile. Tori then texted her dad about it.

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