Chapter 43: Double Training

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Chapter 43: Double Training

Thomas was in the kitchen eating his breakfast with his sisters. "Come on kids, finish up or we'll be late," Bandit said while getting his backpack ready. Thomas quickly finished his bowl of cereal and took it to the sink before getting his things ready. "Don't forget mate you have that training with Rex after school," Bandit said while passing his son's room. Thomas sighed at the thought of that. He didn't know how Rex would act around him especially since he broke his son's nose just a few weeks ago. Thomas then grabbed his backpack and was about to meet his dad and sisters out in the car. Thomas then stopped himself and looked at the pictures on the wall. Thomas noticed there weren't many pictures of him on the wall and only pictures of mainly his sisters and the family. Thomas never really took the time to stop and look at the wall until now. Thomas felt a little bit left out and the only picture of him that was visible was when they had a birthday party for his dad.

Chilli noticed her stepson was staring at the wall of pictures, looking a little sad. "Is something the matter sweetie?" Chilli asked. Thomas, who then broke out of his thoughts, turned and looked at Chilli and forced a smile. "It's nothing mom I'll see you later," Thomas said as he rushed out of the house and went to the car. Chilli then walked over to the wall of pictures and noticed what her stepson was looking at. She noticed she really didn't have pictures of Thomas out and about like she had for Bluey and Bingo. "I think I have a little project to do," Chilli said to herself as she went up to the attic. Bandit pulls up to the high school and lets Thomas off. "You don't have to be nervous around Rex son, he really is a good dog," Bandit said as Thomas got his stuff together and opened the car door. "Are you sure about that dad? I did break his son's nose not too long ago," Thomas said, now getting out of the car. "You'll be fine mate," Bandit said with a smile. "Okay," Thomas said, not too sure about how the day would go. "I love you mate," Bandit said still with a smile. "I love you too dad," Thomas said as he left the car and went into his school.

Bandit then went to work and parked his car in the parking lot. He gathered his things and went into the museum. Bandit went to his office and started doing his work and reports. While only being a few hours into his work, he received a phone call from Chilli. "Hey babe!" Bandit said as he sat back in his seat. "Hey Bandit do you know if we have any more pictures of Thomas stored anywhere?" Chilli asked while looking through some more boxes. "There should be some in the attic, why do you ask?" Bandit asked. "Well I noticed our son was looking at our wall of pictures and well... we don't have much of our son on them," Chilli said, still looking though some more boxes. "Oh..." Bandit said feeling guilty for not having his son on their wall of pictures. "I know Emily has tons of pictures but they're in storage in Los Angeles," Bandit explained. "Maybe if we have them shipped here it would mean a lot to our son," Chilli said as she stood up. "Yeah, I'll see what I can do," Bandit said with hope. "Yeah, I love you Bandit I'll talk to you later," Chilli said as she got down from the attic. "I love you too babe I'll see you later," Bandit said as he hung up the phone. Bandit then sat back in his seat and then looked at a photo he had there: it was him and Thomas (when he was young) with the space needle as a background, and started to remember when Emily took that picture when they went to Seattle, Washington, for a weekend.


"Say cheese," Emily said, taking a picture of her son and husband by the space needle. "Cheese!" Thomas said while sitting on his dad's shoulders. "Good picture guys," Emily said while looking at the photo. Bandit then puts Thomas down and let's him run over to his mother. "Can I see mommy?" Thomas asked as he stood next to his mother. Emily smiled as she showed her son the picture. "It's a good picture mom," Thomas said with a smile. Emily chuckled at that as she put her camera away. "I'm glad you think so, I took photography in collage with your dad," Emily said as Bandit came to Emily's side and cuddled close to her. "Can I take a class like that too mom?" Thomas asked as he circled his parents. "I don't see why not," Emily said with a smile. "Is college where you met dad?" Thomas asked while walking in between his parents. "Oh no, I met your dad way before that," Emily said with a smile while looking at Bandit. Bandit smiled at his wife before going in for a kiss. "Dad?" Thomas asked, looking at his father. "Yes mate?" Bandit asked, looking down at his son. "Did you'll always know mom was the one for you?" Thomas asked, looking up at his dad. Emily chuckled, "I think our six year old is very curious about us," Emily said while holding hands with her husband. Bandit smiled softly, getting lost in Emily's eyes. "Always... even since I laid eyes on her mate," Bandit said with a smile. Emily chuckled even though she knew their Great history since they were teenagers.

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