Chapter 37: Busker

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Chapter 37: Busker

Thomas took a deep breath, standing in front of the school building, holding one of the straps of his backpack, before walking in. He quickly went to his locker and opened it. "Hey," Sam said from behind Thomas, making him jump. "Oh sorry, did I scare you?" Sam asked. "Sorry Sam, I'm just a little jumpy from maybe seeing Zach, if I'm back, so is him and having in count what happened..." Thømas confessed. "Hey, don't worry about him," Sam said with a smile putting his hand on Thomas's shoulder. "I mean, after you broke his nose, I doubt he will try anything," he added. That caused Thomas to drop a chuckle. "Obviously you don't know him well... but I'll try not to worry," Thomas said with a smile. "Hey did you hear we got a guest speaker today?" Sam said as Thomas finished putting his stuff in his locker. "Really? Who?" Thomas asked, shutting his locker. "I think his name is Busker," Sam said as he and Thomas started walking to class. "Busker? Is he by chance a musician with glasses and orange fur?" Thomas asked. "As a matter of fact, yes," Sam replied. "And he's coming here?" Thomas asked, surprised. "Yeah, you know him?" Sam asked. Thomas chuckled, "kinda I went to his concert for my 14th birthday and I met him just before I got here," Thomas explained. "Thomas!" Alfie and Liam said walking up to their friends.

"Welcome back again, mate" Liam said with a smile. "Thanks," Thomas said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Coach was looking for you and Zach," Alfie said. Thomas sighed, "Probably I'm getting kicked off the team, I'll be back," Thomas said as he went to the coach's office. "Coach, did you want to see me?" Thomas said walking into his office. To Thomas's surprise, Zach was already in there, with his nose still recovering from being broken by him. "Heeler! Good timing now I can talk to both of you, have a seat," Coach said pointing to the chair. Thomas nodded as he sat down in the chair that was next to Zach. "Now, you two are my best players, I don't want to kick you both out of the team, if I want to win the league to the school, so I need you two to fix whatever problem you may have," Coach Wolf said looking at both dogs. "I've trained with both of your parents and I've seen their limits," Coach explained. "And now I want to see yours," Coach added as he sat back in his seat. "Thomas, you're still team captain and..." Coach started to say. "That's not fair! It's his first year doing this and I've played longer than him!" Zach protested.

Coach Wolf stared at Zach for a few moments. "Zach, do you want to know why I gave the role of captain to Thomas?" he asked. "Because you got too comfy in your position... you started to find yourself the star of the team and that has been happening for a while now, even before Thomas made it to the team, but I didn't say or do anything because you were able to put the team's needs in priority, but after Thomas made the team, I don't know, you started to get threatened by him and you started to try to prove yourself and the result is what happened at the first game, we could have lost the game miserably, if Thomas hadn't step up and did your job for you," Coach Wolf told. "I already told you that wouldn't happen again," Zach said. "I know, Zach, but I can't take any other risk, if I want to take the team to victory, so as I was saying..." Coach said, turning then to Thomas. "You're still team captain, Thomas, and Zach... you have to watch his back at all times, clear?" Coach explained. "Yes, coach," Thomas replied, while Zach just went to nod his head once while dodging his look.

"Good... now, on another matter, both of your parents agreed to have you two stay an extra two hours after practice to work out your problems while training some more," Coach added. "What?!" Both boys said confused. Coach nodded. "And I have a little surprise for you," Coach said with a smile. "Both of your fathers will be coaching you but you'll be switched, Thomas you'll be coached by Rex and Zach you'll be coached by Bandit," Coach said still with his smile. "But, coach, you can't..." Zach started. "I would mind your words, right now, Zach, after all, this idea didn't come from me, but from your dad, so, if you want to complain to anyone, complain to him," Coach Wolf replied. Thomas could notice Zach contorting his face with rage. Thomas also didn't like the idea of spending extra hours training and have his schedule thrown out, but Zach seemed even more disgusted with the idea than him... much more. "I can't believe this!" Zach shouted, as he grabbed his bag and left the coach's office. Thomas stayed behind and looked at his Coach. "He really didn't like this punishment," he commented. "Don't mind him, he's always been hot headed like his father was," Coach said with a chuckle.

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