Chapter 16: Bandit's Birthday Part 2

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Chapter 16: Bandit's Birthday Part 2

10 years later...

Thomas stands in his messing living room as he looked for his phone in his mess. Finally he found it and called Bluey's phone. She didn't answer. "Come on Bluey," Thomas said to himself as he tried to call again but this time it went straight to voice mail. "Bluey please talk to me, I know I said some things and you said some things just please talk to me," Thomas said as he hung up the phone. "Maybe she's right," Thomas said to himself. "But it was my fault he got hurt," Thomas said looking at a picture of the family together on his dads birthday when he was sixteen. "Dad I'm sorry..."

Present day

Bandit was getting ready to go home from the long day at work. Bandit looked at his at phone to see if he had any missed calls or messages. "Nothing," Bandit said to himself, a little disappointed, as he grabbed his stuff and headed to the car. "Hey Bandit! Happy birthday mate!" Matt a co worker said. "Thanks mate heading now to the family," Bandit said as he started his car and headed home. Bandit was a little excited for this birthday of his as he would spend it with his son, since he has not been able to do it for the past seven years. Bandit thought about when Thomas was very young and had a great birthday with him.

Years ago...

Bandit was sleeping on his bed, beside Emily, who was also still sleeping, when he finally woke up. He sit up, while stretching and yawning. "Hi...," Bandit heard a little voice saying. He looked forward and saw a four-years-old Thomas right in front of him, with a big smile. "Hey there, mate, up already?" Bandit asked. It was then that Thomas went to a big hug to his dad. "Happy birthday, daddy" he said. Bandit smiled and then returned his son's hug. "Thank you, mate, I have to say this is the best way to start a birthday," Bandit said.

"Can we go make a great birthday brekky?" Thomas suggested, all while trying to make an Aussie accent. Bandit couldn't help but release a chuckle after hearing his son trying to copy his Aussie accent but with not much success. "All righty then, let's do this thing." And so he and Thomas headed towards the kitchen and the two of them started to make a typical Australian breakfast, at the sound of one of Bandit's favorite songs. As they prepared a typical Aussie fry up, one of Bandit's favorite breakfast meals, he couldn't help but notice Thomas was copying more than just his accent, but also his gestures, moving at the sound of the music.

Emily woke up with the smell of the breakfast. "What is this delicious smell?" she asked, while getting up. She went to the kitchen and got surprised, but happy, to see both her son and husband cooking together. "What's going on here?" she asked, while approaching. "We're doing birthday brekky, mate," Thomas replied, still trying to copy his dad's accent, while setting the table. "And a delicious one, if I do say so myself," Bandit told, as he started to serve everything on the plate.

"You know, Bandit, a birthday breakfast is normally not cooked by the birthday dog," Emily said. "Oh, I know that, but I just couldn't help it," Bandit said, while ending up serving the breakfast on all the plates. "Besides, what can be better than making brekky with the best son a father could ask for?" Bandit asked, while cuddling Thomas, who just couldn't help but making a big smile and giggle. Emily then made a tender smile, seeing how close the two dogs of her life were.

Present day

Bandit parked his car next to Chilli's and then walked up to his house with his backpack on his back. Bandit then walked inside, finding it to be dark inside. Bandit then turned on the lights "Surprise!" Bandit's friends and family shouted to him. Bandit's heart melted seeing everyone he loved and cared about there for his birthday. "Aw, thanks everyone," Bandit said, while putting down his backpack. Bluey and Bingo ran up to their father and jumped into his arms. Bandit held his daughters close to him, with them hugging him, as the party started. Bandit then placed his daughters down and walked up to Chilli. "Hey Babe where's my son?" Bandit asked.

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