Chapter 4: If You Let Me

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Chapter 4: If You Let Me

Thomas yawned as he sat up from his bed and noticed Bingo was already gone. Thomas chuckled as he shook his head before checking his phone that was sitting at his nightstand charging. Thomas checks all his social media before getting startled by Bandit. "Shake that Tail son or you'll be late!" Bandit said with a smile barging into Thomas's room. Thømas nearly jumps out of his fur and throws his phone in the air. "Jeez, Dad!" Thomas said, looking at his dad. "Sorry son, but we have to get going," Bandit said before shutting the door. Thomas sighs before getting out of bed.

Not long Thomas walks out of his room and with his backpack and rushes out the door to Bandit's car. Thomas hops in and puts on his seat belt. Bandit starts the car and heads off. "Where were Bluey and Bingo?" Thomas asked, looking at his father. "Oh, they left early with mum," Bandit replied. "Oh, where did they go with Chilli?" Thomas asked looking out the window. "Listen, mate, I know it's a little early to say the most about calling Chilli mum," Bandit said while driving. "Why would I ever call her mom?" Thomas asked. "Well... I just thought... well um..." Bandit tried to place the words to talk to his son but couldn't find them. "Thought what? I only have one mom and she's gone..." Thomas said as the car pulled up to the high school. "I know mate but..." Bandit tried to speak up as he stopped the car. "I gotta go or I'm going to be late," Thomas said as he grabbed his backpack and exited the car, and slams the door. Bandit sighed in defeat before leaving the school.

The day went normal as Thomas passed through the halls. Thomas was then tripped by two teens next to their locker. "Watch it!" Said a tall German shepherd. "Yeah! Watch where you're going!" Said a Husky next to the German shepherd. "You watch it!" Thømas growled back as he picked himself up from the ground. "Go back to America loser!" The German shepherd growled pushing Thomas. "Back off!" Thømas said pushing the German shepherd. The Husky then held Thomas against the locker while the German shepherd punched and kicked Thomas repeatedly. A teacher sees the whole thing and stops the group. "To the principal's office all of you!" The teacher shouted. "You're dead new kid," the German shepherd whisperers in Thomas's ear.

After about an hour of waiting, Thomas sits in the office waiting for his father to pick him up from school. Chilli rushes through the office doors and takes a real good look at Thomas. "Thomas, what happened sweetheart," Chilli asked looking at Thomas's cuts and bruised face. "Need mummy to save you from your battles new kid?" The Husky said with a laugh. "She's not my mom!" Thomas growled as he grabbed his backpack and left the office. Chilli picks up her purse from the ground and follows her stepson out of the school. "I thought Dad was coming," Thomas said rudely while walking to Chilli's car. "He couldn't get out of the office, what happened today?" Chilli asked now concerned for Thomas. "This stupid place happened!" Thomas shouted before getting in the car. Chilli sighed as she got in her car and started it up and left the school.

It was a little quiet on the way home until Chili decided to break the ice. "Bingo told me she slept in your bed last," Chilli said softly. Thomas doesn't say anything as he just looks out the window. "She normally would in mine and your dad's bed but I think she really is taking a liking to you," Chilli added. Again Thomas doesn't say anything. Chilli then goes silent as she focuses on the road. Chilli hopes to get through to Thomas if not as a mother then maybe as a friend. They pull into the driveway and stop the car. "Listen, Thømas I think we should..." Chilli tried to speak but Thomas had already got out of the car and headed inside. Chilli again sighed as she gets out of her car. Thomas walks inside the house and rushes past Bluey and Bingo who were playing in the living room with their toys. Chilli walks into the house and places her purse down. "Thank you, Frisky for watching the girls while I get their brother," Chilli said as she walked into the kitchen. "It's no problem Chilli," Frisky said with a warm smile.

Chilli sighed as she sat down at the table. "Something the matter?" Frisky asked. "It's nothing really, I just wish I could bond with my son," Chilli said looking down away from Frisky. "I'm sure he'll open up to you," Frisky said as she looked at her phone. "Oh, I gotta head out I'll give you a call later okay?" Frisky said Chilli smiled softly with a nod letting Frisky go. Frisky nodded back and heads out the door. "Mum we're hungry," Bluey said as she and Bingo walked into the kitchen. "Oh, you are huh?" Chilli said with a smile. "Mum, how come Thomas is home so early?" Bingo asked. "Well, something happened at school and we'll just leave it at that," Chilli said softly. "Oh, okay," Bingo said. "Now let's get your girls something to eat and I'm sure your brother is hungry too," Chilli said as she started to make lunch.

Thomas sits in his room doing his homework until he heard a knock at his door. "Yeah," Thomas said still doing his homework. "I made you a sandwich," Chilli said coming into the room. "I'm not hungry," Thomas replied not looking to Chilli. Chilli could hear Thomas's stomach growling. "I think you are," Chilli said as she placed the plate next to Thomas. "So, am I suspended?" Thomas asked keeping his eyes on the paper. "For a few days... Dad is gonna want to talk to you about that," Chilli said softly. "Right," Thomas said continuing his work. "But I'd like to hear it first," Chilli said as she placed her hand on Thomas's paper. Thomas sighed as he sat back in his chair and looked at Chilli. "I'm not going to get mad if you tell me what happened," Chilli said crossing her arms. Thomas chuckled, "something funny?" Chilli asked. "My um... mom used to say that," Thomas spoke up. "I know I'm not your mum and you don't have to call me that, but if you let me I can be your friend," Chilli said placing her hand on Thomas's shoulder. Thomas nodded as he looked at his stepmom. "Alright then, why did those boys hurt you?" Chilli asked.

"It's because I'm not from here," Thomas answered. "And I don't have an Australian accent I'm just too different," Thomas added with his head down. "I don't think you're different, I think your a handsome young dog who's gonna do great things," Chilli said with a smile. Thømas chuckled. "You get your good looks from your dad that's for sure," Chilli added. "And so what if you're not from here or sound like everyone else, me and your dad love you just the same," Chilli said softly. Thomas smiled at Chill, "thanks Chilli," Thomas said softly. "Now get your homework done and be sure to eat," Chilli said as she made her way out of the room. Chilli leaves the room and Thomas finish's his homework and eats his sandwich.

Bandit enters the house and is greeted by his daughters. "Hey kids," Bandit said as Bluey and Bingo jumped around their father. "Where is your brother?" Bandit asked. "In his room," Bluey said. "Alright kids, I need to talk to him," Bandit said as he made his way to his son's room. "Bandit," Chilli said stopping Bandit from going any further to Thomas's room. "Yes babe?" Bandit asked now looking at his wife. "Well, me and our son had a talk about today, so just go easy on him alright?" Chilli said softly. Bandit smiled softly and nodded in response. Bandit knocks on his son's door and waits for the approval to come in. "Come in," Thomas said as he puts down his guitar. Bandit walks into the room and then sits down on Thomas's bed. "Hey mate," Bandit said looking at his son. "Hey dad," Thomas replied looking at his father. "Look mate, I know things are harder out here for you and all I want to do is be close to you again," Bandit said with a smile.

"I know dad," Thomas replied with a smile. "So... when your principal called there was a fight," Bandit said looking at his son. Thomas nodded in response, "were you being bullied son?" Bandit asked. "Dad, we don't have to talk about it," Thomas said. "Are you sure mate? I'm here if you need me to be," Bandit said placing his hand on Thomas's hand. "I'm good dad, I talked to Chilli about it earlier," Thomas said with a smile. Bandit's heart warmed up to the thought of his son and wife would be bonding. "Alright then mate, wash up for dinner," Bandit said patting his son on his back. Thomas nodded and did as he was told.

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