Chapter 6: #Gametime

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Chapter 6: #Gametime

"Rocket ship please!" Bingo and Bluey pleaded with their father after playing with their dolls. "Alright kids," Bandit said as he picks them up. Thomas chuckled knowing his dad used to play this game with him when he was little. "Helmets on!" Bluey said putting on her pretend helmet. Bingo did the same and then they were off. Thomas looks at his phone and noticed his dad sitting down next to him. "Did the rocket crash land?" Thomas asked with a chuckle. Bandit then gives his son the puppy dog eyes with his ears back. "What? I was joking," Thomas said looking at his dad. Bandit then hands Thomas a card. Still, with his puppy face, he waited for his son to open the card. Thomas opens the card and sees a ticket. "A ticket?" Thomas said looking at the ticket. "Come on son we're going to a cricket game!" Bandit said with a smile while jumping up and down. "A cricket game?" Thomas asked confused.

"Yeah mate," Bandit said sitting down. "I don't understand dad," Thomas said placing the ticket down. "Come on mate it'll be fun," Bandit Insisted Thomas wasn't sure about it but went along with it. "Alright, I'll go," Thomas said picking the ticket up again. "Yes!" Bandit jumped up with joy. Thomas just shook his head before getting his stuff together. Thomas then meets his dad out in the car and gets his seat belt on. "You gonna have a fun time mate I can tell," Bandit said as he started the car. "Just let me know when we get there," Thomas said sitting back in his seat. "Come on son we can talk along the way," Bandit said now leaving the driveway, "Alright, if you say so, dad," Thomas said now looking to his dad. "So how was your weekend with Rad?" Bandit asked. "It was actually fun, besides the firewood part," Thomas said with a chuckle. Bandit laughed, "Well I did tell him to put you to work," Bandit said.

"Oh, so you were the one who wanted me to work in the woods," Thomas said with a smile. Bandit laughed again, "Well mate, it was good for you," Bandit said as he drove down the freeway. "Rad also told me that he used to date mom," Thomas said looking at his father. Bandit then suddenly felt uncomfortable, "Yeah... they used to," Bandit said now sinking into his seat. "Something the matter dad?" Thomas asked hoping he didn't upset his father. "No, nothings the matter mate," Bandit said perking up again. "Oh, okay," Thomas said looking down at his phone. "Do you play most of the games you used to play with me with my sisters?" Thomas asked looking up from his phone. "I do and some new ones as well," Bandit said with a smile. Thomas nodded in response. "Remember playing space dog in the park?" Thomas asked looking at his father. "How could I not remember," Bandit said with a smile. Thomas chuckled also remembering the good times before the divorce.

They drove for another hour until reaching the stadium.  After getting the parking space they head on up to find their seats. "Nice seats dad," Thomas said as he sat down. "Thanks, son," Bandit said sitting next to his son "hot dogs! get yourself some hot dogs here!" A guy selling hot dogs shouted down the walking lane. "Two over here mate!" Bandit said catching the guy's attention. The hot dog guy then gives Bandit his hot dogs and two drinks. Bandit and his son both eat while watching the game. "Isn't this fun son?" Bandit said looking at his son. Thomas looking bored as ever. "Yeah this is fun dad," Thomas said waving his little flag of his dad's favorite team. "Come on dad let's make this interesting," Thomas said taking out his phone and getting ready for a selfie. Thomas and Bandit take the picture together and posted it on Instagram with the hashtag #Gametime.

Things started to pick up with the game and Thomas started to enjoy the game more as it went on.  After the game was over Thomas and Bandit went back to their car. "Hey Mate?" Bandit asked as they walked along to their car. "Yeah, dad?" Thomas said looking to Bandit. "Thank you for coming with me tonight son," Bandit said as he unlocked the car. "You're welcome dad, I love you," Thomas said before getting into the car. Bandit's heart felt heavy, he hasn't heard his son say "I love you" in a long while.

It was a little quiet on the way home but it was a nice silence as they drive into the driveway. "Home sweet home mate," Bandit said softly. Thomas gets out of the car and noticed all fruit bats flying out. "Wow, Fruit bats," Thomas said looking into the night sky. "Hey mate, your birthday is coming and well what do you want to do for your birthday?" Bandit asked while playing with his keys. Thomas sits on the porch and continues to look at the night sky. "I'm not sure... it's my first birthday without mom and my first in a long time with you," Thomas said now looking down to the ground. Bandit sits down next to his son. "I know it won't be the same mate and I promise I'll make it the best birthday ever," Bandit said softly. Thomas smiled at that, "then I'll hold it to you dad," Thomas said as he stood up and walked over to a football in the grass. Thomas remembered the times his dad would tell him stories of playing touch football in high school.

"Come on old man, let's play before bed," Thomas said throwing the ball to Bandit. Bandit smiled before saying "old man huh?" Bandit said as he got up and started playing with his son. Bluey from her window watched as her brother and dad played touch football and then play catch. She sighed as she turned over in her bed and went to sleep.

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