Chapter 15: Bandit's Birthday Part 1

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Chapter 15: Bandit's Birthday Part 1

10 years later...

Thomas heard hard knocking at his door. Thomas groaned as he got up from his couch and walked over to the door. Thomas opened the door and saw his younger sister Bluey at the door. "Bluey? What time is it?" Thomas yawned looking at his watch. "It's noon you jerk!" Bluey said as he pushed Thomas to the side and walked into his apartment. "It's so gross in here you need to clean up," Bluey said crossing her arms. "Calm down Bluey, what are you even doing here?" Thomas asked shutting his door. "It's dads birthday you need to come see him," Bluey said looking to her brother. "You couldn't have called me for this?" Thomas asked rudely.

"Your 26 years old! You don't call or text us anymore! Did you even know Bingo won her first Soccer game last week?" Bluey said now angry with her brother. "Does Bandit know you here?" Thomas asked. "It's dad you jerk!" Bluey shouted with tears in her eyes. "I think you should go Bluey," Thomas said opening the door for his sister. "No! Not until you talk to dad!" Bluey shouted again.

(Present day)

"Hey Thomas did you get that math homework done?" Alfie asked. Thomas was in a day dream until Alfie shook him. "Huh? Oh yeah I got it done," Thomas replied still not all there. "Something the matter Thomas?" Alfie asked while checking over Thomas's homework. "Yeah, it's just.. it's my dads birthday and I don't know what to get him," Thomas said with a low sigh. "Oh, I get that," Alfie said before handing Thomas his homework back. "Alfie! Your mum's here!" Bingo said rushing in Thomas's room. "Thanks Bingo!" Alfie said with a smile. Bingo nodded before skipping out of Thomas's room to go find Bluey. "See ya at school mate!" Alfie said waving his friend goodbye. Thomas waved back as Alfie shut the door. Thomas sighed as he laid back in his bed.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Sweetheart are you okay?" Chilli asked her stepson as she walked into his room. "Yeah, I'm just a little stressed," Thomas said sitting. "Uh oh no child of mine shall be stressed, what's on your mind mate?" Chilli asked sitting on her stepson's bed. "What do I get dad for his birthday? I mean the last time I gave him a present was a drawing of us together with dad having a fat head!" Thomas said worried. Chilli couldn't help but to chuckle a bit of her stepson's humor. "Well he doesn't get home for a few hours since him being out in the field for work so you have time honey," Chilli said with a reassuring smile. "Mum! Bingo got her hand stuck in the peanut butter jar again!" Bluey called from the kitchen. Chilli sighed as she stood up from the bed. "Why don't you go to his office and see if anything will spark an interest for a present," Chilli said before leaving the room.

"thanks mom," Thomas said with a nod. Thomas looked out his window and saw Lucky's dad drinking his coffee. "Maybe Pat has some answers about dad," Thomas said encouraging himself to go outside. Thomas then left the room and walked over to the fence to see Lucky's dad. "Hey Pat," Thomas said while walking up to the fence. Pat looked up and smiled as Bandits son walked up the fence. "Hey there Thomas! What can I help you with?" Pat asked before taking a drink of his coffee. "Well today's my dads birthday and well I'm struggling to find him something for his birthday got any ideas?" Thomas asked. "I see, well you could always check his office to find something of a spark," Pat answered.

"That's what my mom said!" Thomas said

Pat chuckled "then maybe you should listen to her mate, but if I have to guess something about your dad he's a music lover he was in a band you know," Pat added before taking a drink of his coffee. Thomas had remembered his dad telling him about being in a band. "Alright I'll give it a shot, thank Pat," Thomas said before taking off to his dads office. "Not a problem mate!" Pat said waving goodbye. "It really stuck in there," Chilli said trying to get her daughter unstuck from the peanut butter jar. Thomas walked into the house and went straight to his dads office. "Did you find something sweetheart?" Chilli asked noticing Thomas walking by. "Not yet mom! I'll let you know when I find it!" Thomas said as he opened the door to his dads office. "Okay! Let me know if you need some help!" Chilli called back still struggling to get the jar of Bingo's hand.

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