Chapter 51: Coffee Date And Love Race

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Chapter 51: Coffee date

Tori was getting ready to leave for her little date with Thomas at the coffee shop that was near his house. "Tori," her mother called for her. "Yes mum?" Tori said as she walked out of her room and went downstairs. "Your father and I have a business meeting to attend, could you watch your brother for us in the meantime," Tori's mother asked while getting ready to leave. "Oh, I had a date with Thomas today at the coffee shop," Tori said looking down. "Oh that sweet Heeler boy?" Tori's mother asked. "Yeah that's the one," Tori said. "He's a keeper Tori, I know you really like him," Her mother said with a smile.

"Yeah, I really do," Tori said blushing. "I'm sorry for asking you to watch over your brother at the last minute, sweetie, but this meeting is really important," Tori's mother said looking at her daughter. "I would ask for a babysitter, but..." she added. "I understand mum it's no problem, I guess I will have to ask Thomas to delay our date, he'll understand" Tori said, with a smile. It was then that Tori's mother had an idea. "Didn't you tell me he had two little sisters?" Tori's mother asked. "He does and they're so sweet," Tori said again with another smile. "Maybe you can still have your date," Tori's mother said with a smile. "Really? How?" Tori asked. "Ask to see if his sisters would like to go to the park and you and Thomas can still have a date while your brother plays with his sisters," Tori's mother explained. "That's not a bad idea," Tori said with a smile. "Then make it happen honey," her mother said before grabbing her purse. "Okay," Tori said with a smile.

Once her mother left Tori went upstairs and went into her brother's room, where he was reading a book, while sitting on his bed. "Hey Ronnie," Tori said looking at her little brother. "Yes?" Ronnie said, looking at his sister adjusting his glasses. "Do you want to go to the cafe with me and then go to the park to make new friends?" Tori asked. "B-but I like reading at home," Ronnie said looking down. "You might like these kids," Tori said. "What if they don't like me?" Ronnie asked. "Do you trust me?" Tori asked, kneeling down to his level. Despite his uncertainty regarding making new friends, Ronnie did trust his big sister. "Yes," Ronnie said again, adjusting his glasses. "These kids are super sweet and you'll fit in just right," Tori said with a smile. "Really?" Ronnie asked. "Yes," Tori said as she handed out her hand. Ronnie then took his sister's hand.

(Meanwhile with Thomas)

Thomas was helping his sisters paint pictures. "These are really good!" Thomas said, looking at his sisters' paintings. "Will we be as good as you big brother?" Bingo asked. "Maybe with a little more practice," Thomas said with a smile. "Then we will have to work really hard if we want to be as good as you, big brother" Bluey told. "You're right on that, Blue" Thomas replied, while rubbing his hand on his older younger sister's head. Thomas then heard his phone ring. "Hang on guys I should get this," Thomas said as he went to his phone.

"Hey Tori!" Thomas said on the phone.

"Hey Thomas, so I just got a little situation here, don't worry, we still are going to have our date, but I got to watch my little brother and I thought maybe we can make it a playdate/coffee date? He could play with your sisters while we have our date" Tori asked.

"Sure! I don't see why not," Thømas said with a smile.

"Great! Meet you at the coffee shop?" Tori asked.

"Sounds like a plan," Thomas said, wagging his tail.

"Great! See you soon," Tori said before hanging up the phone.

Thomas hung up the phone and then looked at his sisters. Bluey and Bingo wagged their tails and Squealed. "What?" Thomas asked nervously. "Was that Tori?" Bluey asked. "What made you think I was talking to her?" Thomas asked. "Because you wagged your tail a lot just now and you do that when you talk with her," Bingo commented. "I do?" Thomas asked, while looking back to his tail." "Yeah, you do!" the two girls exclaimed, giggling. Despite feeling a little embarrassed by that, Thomas quickly recovered. "Yes... we're going on a coffee date," Thomas said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Ohhhh! Are you going to kiss her?" Bluey asked. "What?!" Thomas asked nervously, completely caught off guard. "Are you going to kiss princess Tori?" Bingo asked with her puppy eyes. "Yes-I mean-no-I... she's bringing her little brother so that means you have to come with me," Thomas said, getting his things together. "Hooray!" Bluey and Bingo cheered. "I want you to be on your best behavior and don't embarrass me!" Thomas said strictly. "Love Race!" Bluey and Bingo cheered. "Love Race?" Thomas questioned.

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