Chapter 17: If Walls Could Talk

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Chapter 17: If  Walls Could Talk

Thomas whimpered as he tossed and turned. "No, no, no" Thomas said pulling his cover around him. "M.... mom," Thomas said coming to toss and turn. Thomas woke up, opening his eyes and sitting up quickly. Thomas was covered in sweat as he was breathing hard from his nightmare. Thomas's fears then turned to tears as he cover his eyes with his hands and cries. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Thomas are you awake!" Bluey called from the other side of her brothers door. "Yeah I'll be out in a minute," Thomas said looking to the door. "Okay!" Bluey said leaving the door. Thomas wipes the sweat from his fur and gets out of bed. Thomas then checks his phone and sees he almost late for school. "Great," Thomas said as he raced out the door of his room. "Son! Don't you want to eat?" Bandit said making breakfast. "I'll get something on the way," Thomas said, putting his head inside the kitchen and then proceeding to get down the stairs to the entrance and going out the door.

Thomas raced down the street, hoping to reach the bus stop in times. At that moment, he felt quite light and then noticed and remembered he forgot his backpack in his room. "Shoot," Thomas said running back home. Thomas got inside the house and grabbed his backpack. He couldn't believe he had forgotten his backpack and that would cost him the bus ride... and all because of that stupid nightmare. When the thought of that nightmare came to him, Thomas could feel his heart racing and his skin transpiring again, while he started giving short and hard breaths.

"I can drive you son," Bandit said coming into his son's room. "It's... okay... dad..." Thomas said, keeping breathing hard. "Mate are you okay?" Bandit asked now worried, not liking on the look on his son's face. "I... just... need... to... go... school..." Thomas said slurring his words. "Thomas? Mate? You need to sit down... Chilli!" Bandit called his wife trying to stop his son from leaving. "No... I... have... or... I'll... be... late...." Thomas said trying to push his way through his dad. The room started spinning and Thomas's vision started to blur. "You're not going anywhere like that, son," Bandit told, while containing Thomas.

"What's going on? Oh my gosh Thomas are you okay?" Chilli said rushing to her son and helping her husband. "Mum is Thomas okay?" Bingo asked, at the entrance of the room with Bluey, now scared for her brother and hiding behind her older sister. "Just... Let... me... go... to... school..." Thomas's final words before passing out on the floor. "Thomas!" Bandit said worried catching him before he could hit his head. "I'll call the doctor," Chilli said rushing to the phone. "Mum?" Bingo asked scared now tearing up. "Bluey take your sister to the other room," Chilli said getting her sell phone.

Thomas woke up in the hospital with his dad lying his head on the bedside. "Dad?" Thomas said trying to sit up. "Thomas! Mate you gave us a scare!" Bandit said looking at his son. "What happened?" Thomas asked. "You had a panic attack and you were dehydrated," the doctor said walking in with Thomas's charts. "Panic attack?" Thomas asked. "Yes, is there something on your mind? Maybe trouble at school? Or at home?" The doctor asked. "Hey! There's nothing going on at home! My son is very happy at home," Bandit protested. "I'm just trying to get the facts Mr. Heeler, panic attacks can stern from any worry, for much little or insignificant it may look" The doctor said looking to Bandit. "Mom," Thomas whispered to himself. "What was that?" The doctor asked Thomas.

"My Mom passed away a few months ago," Thomas answerd not looking at the doctor. "Have you had someone to talk about with it," the doctor asked. "Yeah! He has me!" Bandit spoke up. "Dad we haven't talked about it in a while," Thomas added. "Well then, we can get you someone to talk to and maybe some anti-depressants," The doctor said, writing it down in her charts. "He doesn't need that!" Bandit protested again. "Mr. Heeler we just want the best for your son right now," the doctor said looking at Bandit. "It's okay, dad, let the doctor do his job," Thomas said, with a soft voice. "Okay, I think we'll have you under observation for a few more hours and then you can go home, I'll also prescribe an anti-depressant for you to take for the next days," the doctor said, putting down the charts and getting out afterwards.

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