Chapter 39: How I'm Feeling Part 2: Bandit

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Chapter 39: How I'm Feeling Part 2: Bandit

Hours before Rad shows up...

Bandit was tossing and turning himself around, all while whimpering while sleeping. Bandit then woke up in cold sweat, breathing hard and sitting up, all while looking over his side and seeing Chilli sleeping. He couldn't believe all that was a terrible nightmare. Bandit then looked at his phone and noticed the time and date. It was 4:30 in the morning on Emily's birthday. "Happy birthday Em," Bandit whispered with tears in his eyes. Bandit looked at Chilli once more. Seeing her sleeping gave him some peace of mind even in the most troubled situations, but he didn't know if he would have peace on that day. He then leaned over her and kissed her on her head. That caused Chilli to smile in her sleep, cuddling up to her blanket. Bandit smiled before getting out of bed and heading to his study. On his way to his study, he stopped by his daughters' room and saw them sleeping. Bandit smiled at them before giving each of them a kiss. Bandit then left their room and went to his son's room. In about an hour or two Thomas would get up anyway for his run but Bandit wanted to check on him anyway.

Bandit opened his son's room and saw his son sleeping soundly. Bandit couldn't help but wonder what his son would react to that day. He knew that day wouldn't be easy for him, so he had to make sure he wouldn't think all about how much he missed his mother or at least let him know he wasn't alone. While watching his son sleeping, Bandit couldn't help but smile and walked over to his bed, being careful not to wake him up. Looking down at his son sleeping, he kissed him on his head. Thomas whimpered like his father for a second before turning over on his side. Bandit smiled again before leaving the room and heading to his study. While now in his study, Bandit worked on some stuff for the museum trying to take his mind off his ex-wife. But hitting him like a freight train, Bandit started to remember the last birthday he spent with Emily.


"Em, wake up," Bandit whispered to his wife's ear, while caressing her face. Emily opened her eyes and yawned before looking at her husband. "Bandit? Shouldn't you be at work?" Emily said sitting up. "I took the day off to spend it with you," Bandit said with a smile while handing his wife her breakfast. "And you made me breakfast, how nice," Emily said softly with a smile. "And coffee from your favorite coffee shop," Bandit said handing Emily her coffee. "Well aren't you my knight in shining armor," Emily said sitting up and taking her coffee. "Did you take Thomas to school?" Emily asked taking a drink of her coffee and then taking a bite of her food. "Yep, happy birthday babe," Bandit said with a smile. Emily chuckled before answering her husband. "I forgot it was my birthday, thank you," Emily said. "How could you forget about your birthday? It's your birthday, babe," Bandit said. "I know, but... I've been so busy that it went over my mind," she said. "It's a good think I have a husband like you to remind me," she added, before kissing her husband.

While kissing each other passionately Emily's moves her plate and coffee over so she and Bandot could have their moment. Bandit got on top of her and kisses her passionately some more. Emily held Bandit close to her while kissing him some more. "I love you so much Bandit Heeler," Emily said looking into her husband's eyes. "And I love you so much Emily Heeler," Bandit replied holding Emily. "Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve you," Emily confessed as she and her husband laid next to each other looking into each other's eyes. "After all, I did choose Rad over you..." Emily started, before being shushed by Bandit who placed two fingers over her lips. "I love you Emily with everything I have, you and our son, I don't care if I was your second choice or not, as long we are together at the now," Bandit replied with a smile. Hearing that, Emily couldn't help but chuckle before kissing her husband again.

(End of Flashback)

"Bandit," Chilli said, waking up her husband at his desk. "Huh?" Bandit said, waking up and looking at his wife. "Are you okay? I woke up without you next to me this morning and I got a little worried" Chilli said looking at her tired husband. "I guess I couldn't sleep," Bandit said now sitting up. Chilli chuckled. "Having to deal with two little kids, a teenager, work and households, it's amazing how you can do all that and still not be able to sleep," Chilli said. "Well, you sometimes don't make my life easy," Bandit replied, with his teasing smile. "Yeah, you got me on that," Chilli replied, chuckling. "Well, breakfast is ready if you want some," Chilli said, getting ready to leave the room. "Sounds good babe," Bandit said watching his wife leave the room. Bandit sighed before getting up from his desk and heading into the kitchen.

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