Chapter 62: Bob's Birthday

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Chapter 62: Bob's Birthday

*doorbell rings*

Bob answered the door to his apartment with his wife and looked down to see a package that was addressed to him. Bob smiled and picked it up. Although he didn't order anything he knew this was from one of his son's. "Did you get a package hon?" Chris asked while cutting some cucumbers. "I did! And it's from Radley actually," Bob said, placing the package down on the counter. Bob then grabbed a kitchen knife and opened the package. "Oh! Hot sauces!" Bob said, wagging his tail. "Well, that's sweet of him! Are these new ones?" Chris asked, looking in the box. "Yeah! There's also a card in it," Bob said as he grabbed the card. Bob read the card as it was from all three of his boys to wish him a happy birthday. "Aww that was nice of them," Bob said with a soft smile.

"I wish they had some time to see you," Chris said while rubbing her husband's shoulder. "Yeah... me too," Bob said while putting the card down. "Unfortunately Bandit is working overseas, Chilli and the kids will be doing tournaments for Bluey, Stripe is on Holiday with his family and Rad is also working, but at least I can spend my birthday with my wife," Bob said as he turned and kissed his wife. Chris chuckled and kissed her husband back. Suddenly the doorbell rang again, "another package?" Bob said as he walked over to the door. Bob answered the door and to his surprise, Thomas was at the door with a pink box in his hands. "Happy Birthday Grandad!" Thomas said with a smile. "Thomas! What are you doing here mate! I thought you would be doing things with the girls and your mum?" Bob said, wagging his tail.

"I actually asked to spend the day with you and Nana," Thomas said with a smile. "Come in, Come in," Bob said as he moved to the side to let his grandson in. "Is that my grandson!" Chris called from the kitchen. "It is sweetheart!" Bob said with a chuckle. Thomas and Bob then went to the kitchen and Thomas placed down the pink box on the counter. "And what do we have here?" Chris asked before she gave her grandson a hug and kiss on his head. "I ordered a cake ahead of time and brought it over," Thomas said with a smile. "Oh! You're going to spoil him but he deserves it," Nana said as she kissed her husband on the check. Bob blushed a bit and then opened the pink box of which the cake was in. "Black Forest! Mate this is my favorite!" Bob said now very excited. "I know it's been years but I still remember your favorite flavor grandad," Thomas said, placing his hand on his grandfather's shoulder. Bob looked at his grandson and gave him a hug.

Thomas then placed down some candles in the cake and then lit them. Thomas and Chris both sang Bob happy birthday. Bob looks at his candles and then blows them out. Thomas and Chris both clap for him, then they cut it up. The three of them sat at the table with their pieces of cake. "How did the formal go mate? Your dad was going to send us pictures but I guess he forgot," Bob said looking at his grandson before eating some cake. "Oh! I actually have some," Thomas said, pulling out his phone. Thomas then showed his grandparents most of the pictures that were taken that night at the formal. "You're so handsome!" Chris said with a wide smile. "Looking sharp mate!" Bob said also with a smile. "Thanks, it was a great night," Thomas said, blushing a bit. "And this is Tori mate?" Bob asked, looking at his grandson while putting on his reading glasses. "Yeah, that's her," Thomas said with a chuckle. "She's very beautiful," Chris said while looking at the pictures.

"Indeed she is!" Bob added. Bob then handed Thomas back his phone and went back to his cake. "I'll get these pictures printed for you guys, just tell me which ones you want and I'll make sure they get to you," Thomas said while looking at his grandparents. "Thank you sweetheart," Chris said as she placed her hand on his hand. Thomas smiled with a nod. "Having a good birthday so far Grandad?" Thomas asked, looking at his grandfather. "I am! Your uncles along with your dad sent me some hot sauces," Bob said before eating more cake. "Really? Any good ones?" Thomas asked before drinking some milk. "Here I'll show you mate!" Bob said as he went and grabbed the box that Rad had sent him in the mail. Bob then showed his grandson all the new hot sauces his son's had sent. "Oh! These ones are great!" Thomas said with a smile while looking at the new bottles of hot sauces. "Are you going to stay for dinner mate?" Bob asked, looking at the young Blue Heeler mix. "Yeah! Would that be okay?" Thomas asked, looking at Bob.

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