Chapter 14: Alfie

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Chapter 14: Alfie

Thomas was in the living room watching TV until he saw a commercial for the local toy store. "New toys on sale now!" The commercial said Thomas sparked some interest as he sat up and watched the commercial. "Get the new kid smart watch! It comes in blue and pink!" The commercial said. "Aww I want one of those!" Bluey said walking past Thomas while also watching the TV. "You do?" Thomas asked looking to his sister. "Yeah! McKenzie and Rusty have one the blue one!" Bluey said before she walked along. This sparked an idea for the older brother as he ran up to his dads office. "Dad I have an idea for Bluey's present," Thomas said walking into his dads office.

Bandit was on the phone with his boss while sitting on his yoga ball. "Yeah I'll get those right over," Bandit said before hanging up the phone. "What was that mate?" Bandit asked while emailing his boss some documents. "I said I have an idea for Bluey's present for her birthday in a few days," Thomas said. "That's nice mate," Bandit said while still emailing. "Dad!" Thomas shouted to his father. Bandit jumped and looked at his son. "I'm sorry mate I'm just backed up from work," Bandit said rubbing the back of his neck. "It's okay, I understand dad but Bluey's birthday is coming up and I found something for her." Thomas said sitting down in a chair. "Then go talk to your mother about it," Bandit said. "She left for work an hour ago," Thomas said sitting back in the chair. "Oh.." Bandit said looking down suddenly the phone rang again. Bandit hesitated to get the phone or listen to his son. "Mate I..." Bandit started to say. "It's okay dad take the phone call," Thomas said before leaving the room.

Bandit felt bad about leaving his son to do the one thing he loves doing which was getting his kids things for their birthdays. "Hello? Yes I sent them over," Bandit said while working. Thomas went to his room and grab some of his allowance money and was ready to set out to get his sister a present for her birthday. The only problem was that everyone was either busy or either working. Thomas went into the garage and looked for some wheels to take to the toy store. "Dads skate board is broken and moms bike is flat and I can't find Bluey's bike and then that means oh no..." Thomas said looking at Bingos bike with training wheels "it's better than nothing I guess," Thomas said taking the small bike. "Where are you going for my bike?" Bingo asked looking at her brother. "Hey Bingo I need it for Bluey," Thomas said. "But Bluey has her own bike," Bingo said. "I know that but I need it to get Bluey a present," Thomas explained. "But it's mine!" Bingo protested. Thomas then got an idea. "Then go tell dad on me I'm sure he love to ground me for not giving you back your bike," Thomas said.

"Fine I will," Bingo said as she left for her fathers office. "Alright then," Thomas said before closing the garage door and starting riding the small bike to the toy store. Bingo ran into her fathers office and shouted. "Dad! Thomas won't give me my bike back!" Bingo shouted "that's nice Bingo," Bandit said writing down something on a piece of paper. "Dad!" Bingo said kicking the yoga ball. "Bingo I said... wait what did you say?" Bandit asked now paying attention. "Thomas took my bike! I want my bike!" Bingo said. "Cheese and crackers, Bandit said as he hung up the phone and walked through the house. "Thomas? Mate?" Bandit said walking through the house trying to find his son. "He really did take Bingo's bike but why?" Bandit asked himself. "He said something about Bluey's present," Bingo said as she crossed her arms. "Are you going to ground him?" Bingo asked now feeling guilty for telling on him. Bandit laughed at the situation and kneeled down to Bingo's level. "No mate just let your brother handle this one," Bandit said with a smile. "Okay," Bingo said wagging her tail.

Thomas was peddling as fast as he could go on the small bike until he reached the toy store. Thomas now out of breath and legs hurt from the small bike. He sets the small bike to the side and walks into the store. Thomas looked around and couldn't find what he was looking for. Thomas was just about to give up until he found a employee carrying some boxes from the back room. Thomas was just about to go ask about the kid watches until he noticed some kids he went to school with made fun of the employee. "Hey Alfie where's the latest Avenger action figure at!" Said a German shepherd who bullied Thomas a few months ago. "Yeah Alfie! Aren't you going to play with your dolls!" Said another kid. This got Thomas fired up. "Leave him alone!" Thomas spoke up. "It's the American!" The German Shepard said. "Come on they deserve each other," said the other kid. The two kids left as Alfie was about to drop the large boxes.

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