Chapter 36: Not Perfect

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Chapter 36: Not Perfect

Thomas was washing his dad's car as Rad pulled up to the house parking on the sidewalk. Rad gets out of his truck and sees Thomas washing the car. "Hey mate, still grounded I see," Rad said walking up to the driveway. "Yeah, unfortunately I still am," Thomas while washing the car. "How long are you suspended for?" Rad asked. "Four more days," Thomas said now finished with the car. "I used to get grounded all the time," Rad said with a chuckle. "Gee I wonder why," Thomas said, crossing his arms and looking at his uncle. Rad shook his head as he puts his arm around his nephew's shoulder and took him inside the house. Walking inside the house Bandit was on the couch reading the newspaper while Chilli was watching TV.

The uncle and nephew walked into the house. "Hey mate, did you get the car washed?" Bandit asked. "Yeah I did," Thomas replied. "Homework finished?" Bandit asked. Thomas sighed, "Yes dad," Thomas replied tired of hearing it. "Alright mate, get out of here," Bandit said, putting down his paper. Thomas nodded as he went to his room. "Still going hard on the kid mate?" Rad asked, looking at his brother. Bandit sighed as he sat up. "Unfortunately I have to, it hurts me but I have to. He ran away," Bandit said looking down from his brother. "At least he ran to someone he knows," Rad said sitting down. "But it's the fact he ran away from me and I'm his father," Bandit said, feeling hurt. "Are you jealous of Stripe mate?" Rad asked. "I'll go make tea," Chilli said as she stood up and went to the kitchen. "No I just... I don't know what Stripe has that I don't," Bandit said, still looking down. "Stripes... well... he's Stripe," Rad said rubbing the back of his neck. "Do you think he would open to you?" Bandit asked, looking at his older brother.

This took Rad by surprise. "Me? Why do you ask?" Rad asked. "Well... you and I have history with his mother so maybe someone other than me could talk to him about it," Bandit said nervously. "I don't know Bandit... talking about Emily is well... painful," Rad confessed. Bandit nodded in response. "Right, I'm sorry mate," Bandit said looking down. "But I'll give it a try," Rad said with a smile. Bandit looked up at his brother and smiled. "Thanks mate," Bandit said as Rad stood up and went to Thomas's room. Thomas laying on his bed playing his guitar until he heard a knock on the door. "Come in," Thomas said as Rad came into the room. "Hey mate," Rad said coming into the room and sitting on the bed. "More chores or more homework?" Thomas asked while putting his guitar down. "You know he's doing this because he loves you right mate?" Rad asked. Thomas nodded, "yeah, but my two weeks is almost up and I'm getting tired of it," Thomas said, laying down.

"Well mate, you did run away from home," Rad pointed out. "I just went to uncle Stripes," Thomas said, laying away from Rad. "Is there something you want to tell me mate? Like why would you run to Stripe instead of your dad?" Rad asked. "It's just uncle Stripe gets me ever since I was a kid," Thomas said, now sitting up looking at Rad. "And you think your dad doesn't get you?" Rad asked. "He does but... I feel like I can talk to uncle Stripe about certain things like I used to talk to my mom about certain things," Thomas answered. "Oh," Rad said looking down. "Uncle Rad, we don't have to talk about my mom if you don't want to," Thomas said looking at his uncle. "No, that's the reason I came in here," Rad said with a reassuring smile. "Okay... then what do you want to talk about," Thomas asked. "Your dad and uncle filled me on with what that kid said to you and I know that must have hurt," Rad explained.

"Wouldn't it hurt you? If someone would have said that to you?" Thomas asked, looking at Rad. "Mate I... I don't have those feelings for your mom anymore but yes it would hurt me more than anything," Rad explained Thomas looked away from Rad before speaking. "I'm sorry uncle Rad," Thomas said, still not looking at his uncle. "What are you sorry for mate?" Rad asked, putting his hand on his nephew's shoulder. "I don't want to talk about my mom if it hurts you," Thomas said now looking back at his uncle. "Mate I've moved on and I'm okay with it," Rad said with a smile. "But inside you still care I know you do," Thomas said, looking his uncle in the eye. "Your right mate, I do still care because what me and your mom had was something else," Rad confessed. "Then how did my dad come into the picture?" Thomas asked. Rad suddenly felt uncomfortable about that situation. "Look mate I made choices I regret but I can't let those choices define me about your mother and me," Rad explained. "Oh... okay," Thomas said, understanding his uncle's wishes.

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