Chapter 56: Verano

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Verano, a white German Shepherd wakes up in his bed and yawns. He gets up from his bed and checks the time on his clock. It's about 8:30 in the morning, he stretches and walks into his bathroom. He takes a shower and then shakes himself off and dries himself the rest of the way with a towel. Verano then looks at himself in the mirror and looks at himself over. "You think you're better than me!" Verano said, looking deeply into the mirror.

"A wise guy huh? Put 'Em up buddy!" Verano said, pretending he was in a fight. Verano chuckled and then smiled looking into the mirror. "Today is going to be a good day," Verano said with confidence as he smiled looking at himself in the mirror. "Verano! Breakfast is ready!" Verano's grandfather said from downstairs. "Coming!" Verano said before looking in the mirror one last time. "You're a good dog Verano," Verano said to himself before heading downstairs.

Chapter 56: Verano

Thomas was eating his oatmeal while scrolling through this phone as sisters came into the kitchen. "We don't talk about Bruno!" They both started singing. "Really guys? Enough with that song," Thomas groaned. The girls giggled as they sat at the counter. Chilli had brought over the girls Breakfast as Bandit came into the house from his morning walk. "Hey family," Bandit said, getting some juice from the refrigerator. "Hey dad!" The girls said before eating their food. "Hey dad," Thomas said while looking through his phone. "Hello husband of mine," Chilli said as she kissed Bandit on his cheek.

"Dad, can we go to the park today?" Bluey asked while taking a bite of her toast. "Ah mate I have to work today," Bandit said looking down. "Aww," the girls said in a sad tone. "Can mum take us?" Bingo asked, looking at her mother. "I'm sorry kids, I have some Errands to run today," Chilli said looking at her daughters. "Aww," they said again. Then the whole family looked at Thomas. Thomas was about to take one last bite of his food as he looked at his family. "Oh no! I already had to hear them singing that same song for the past week!" Thomas said, looking at them. Everyone then gave him the ultimate look of desperation. Everyone at the same time gave Thomas a please face.

"Aww man," Thomas said looking at his family. Thomas bit his lip while looking at them, Thomas blinked and looked at his dad and then gave in. "Alright I'll take them," Thomas said looking down in defeat. "Hooray! The girls cheered, Thomas chuckled and cleared his plate and washed it. "Here mate;" Bandit said, handing his son some money. "What's this for?" Thomas asked, looking at the money. "Just to make sure you kids can get some lunch later," Bandit said softly. "Oh okay, thanks dad," Thomas said, taking the money. "Your welcome mate," Bandit said with a smile. Thomas nodded and then looked at his sisters. "Alright! The brother train leaves in ten minutes!" Thomas called out to his sisters. "Coming!" Bluey said as she and Bingo raced down the stairs.

"Have fun! And listen to your brother!" Chilli said waving to her daughters. "We will!" They both said as they got into their brother's car. They buckled themselves in and Thomas then started the car and started to drive them to the park. Bluey and Bingo were whispering to themselves and giggling. "Alright! Spill it!" Thomas looking in the rear view mirror. "Can you play we don't talk about Bruno?" Bluey asked, looking at her brother. "Do I have too?" Thomas asked in an almost groan.

"Please!" they said again with their please faces. "Fine.." Thomas said, turning on the song. It wasn't long that they then found the park with Thomas parking his car. "Alright girls will be here for an hour or two and then we'll go get lunch," Thomas said as he locked his car. "There's Graham!" Bluey said pointing at her friend. "Who?" Thomas asked, looking at his sister. "He's new to school and he has two dads," Bluey said, wagging her tail. "Oh okay, alright I'll be sitting here and you two have fun with your friends," Thomas said sitting down at the bench. "Aww won't you play with us too?" Bingo asked, looking at her big brother. "Maybe, in a little bit," Thomas said, sitting back on the bench. "Okay!" Bingo said, wagging her tail before joining her sister at the playground. Thomas smiled while shaking his head and then looked at his phone.

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