Chapter 24: Soft

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Chapter 24: Soft

"Uncle Prince?" Thomas said speechless. "We'll just don't just stand there give me a hug," Prince said pulling in his nephew for a hug. Prince squeezed his nephew tight and then let's him go. "Who's at the door... son..." Bandit said coming down the stairs and now seeing Prince at the door. "Hey Bandit, thought you could keep my nephew from me huh?" Prince said, crossing his arms and smiling, showing off he's golden tooth. "Prince? What are you doing here?" Bandit asked coming down the stairs and now standing next to his son. "Came to see my nephew of course," Prince said poking Thomas in the stomach. "You should've have called first uncle Prince," Thomas said rubbing the back of his neck. "What? Now there's rules to see you now," Prince said grabbing Thomas and puts him in a headlock. "Hey, go easy on him," Bandit said.

Prince then let's go of his nephew and looks at Bandit. "What? Did you make the kid soft or something?" Prince said before punching Bandit's shoulder. "Ouch," Bandit said rubbing his shoulder. "Oh I see, your the one who is soft," Prince said poking Bandit's stomach. "Need to work out more buddy otherwise you won't get rid of this puppy fat anytime soon," Prince said with a laugh."Puppy fat!" Bandit shouted. "Okay! Uncle Prince let's talk outside," Thomas said pushing his uncle outside. Bandit lowered his ears having his feelings hurt from Prince. "What are you doing all the way out here?" Thomas asked as they sat down at the porch. "Hey I told you that if you didn't come see me I would see you," Prince said sitting down.

"Yeah, but I didn't think you were serious," Thomas said looking at his uncle. "I'm always serious when I want to see you," Prince said rasing his eye brow above his sunglasses to look at his nephew. Suddenly Rusty walked up to the porch and interrupted Thomas and his uncle talking. "Hey Thomas is Bluey home?" Rusty asked. Thomas opens his mouth to say something but Prince beat it him to it. "Beat it kid can't you see the adults are talking," Prince said rudely. Rusty lowered his ears and walked away. "What was that for!" Thomas shouted as he stood up. "Well we are talking, and whose Bluey? Whose he?" Prince asked. Thomas face palm his muzzle and looked at Prince. "She's my sister and you just scared her friend away!" Thomas said.

"Oh, well anyways isn't this place too small for you? You'd have more freedom if you lived with me," Prince said picking at his teeth with a toothpick. "No this place is just right for me and I have freedom," Thomas said Prince laughed. "Sure you do I mean by the looks of it your dad made you soft," Prince said still with his toothpick. "What do you mean by that?" Thomas asked. "Remember when you didn't care about pinky and bongo?" Prince said with a dark smile. "It's Bluey and Bingo," Thomas said now getting upset. "Whatever, remember you wanted nothing to do with them or that loser father of yours," Prince said throwing his toothpick away. Thomas's blood boiled with anger. "You don't care about us?" A small voice said from a far. Thomas turned and saw Bluey and Bingo at the side of the house. "Bluey... Bingo..." Thomas said. "Leave us alone!" Bluey said with tears in her eyes as she and Bingo ran into the house from the back.

"You Jerk!" Thomas shouted looking at his uncle "there's the Thomas I know not so soft after all," Prince said with a laugh. Thomas then grabbed Prince and threw him out on the lawn. "Wow a strong one too!" Prince said still laughing. "I never want to see you again ever!" Thomas said as he ran into the house. "Bluey! Bingo!" Thomas said as he ran through the house. Bluey and Bingo slammed their door. "What happened?" Bandit asked now worried. "Prince happened," Thomas said as he went up stairs to Bluey and Bingo's room. "Bluey, Bingo, are you in there?" Thomas said as he knocked on the door. "Go away! We don't want to see you ever again!" Bluey shouted. Bandit walked outside and saw prince getting up from the ground. "What the heck mate?" Bandit said walking up to Prince. "Oh don't mate me ex brother in law," Prince said slurring his words. "Were you drunk the whole time mate?" Bandit said now standing a few feet away from Prince. "Emily was way too good for you Heelers and you all know it," Prince said with dark smile. "Get off my property mate or I'll call the police," Bandit said crossing his arms "you made that kid soft! he hated you with his whole heart! You replaced him with two new kids and you know you hurt him by doing that!" Prince said, stumbling to his rental car.

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