Chapter 53: Stripe's Birthday

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Chapter 53: Stripe's Birthday

Stripe woke up and yawned before sitting up. "Happy birthday dad!" Muffin and Socks said while Trixie brought her husband his breakfast in bed. "Thanks Muffy! Thanks Rock Socks!" Stripe said before looking at his wife. "And thank you Mrs Heeler," Stripe said in a teasing before kissing his wife. "Eww!" Muffin shouted before running off with her sister to the next room, followed by Socks. "Kids... remember when we were trying so hard to have them?" Stripe asked, now looking at Trixie. "We were lucky," Trixie said, kissing her husband on his cheek. "Alright so, your party starts at one, your dad is overseas but he said happy birthday and your mum is bringing your favorite Casserole, Bandit is bringing the sausages and burgers, Chilli is making salad, Rad is working unfortunately but of course he said happy birthday to his baby brother," Trixie said with a smile. Stripe rolled his eyes but chuckled at the same time knowing his older brother.

"Frisky is coming and she's bringing the drinks and our favorite and only nephew is making your cake," Trixie added. Stripe was a little surprised when he heard Trixie saying Thomas was making his cake. "Thomas is making my cake?" Stripe asked, sitting up and eating his food. "Yeah," Trixie replied. "I hope he doesn't feel pressured to do it, I know last year wasn't great timing," Stripe said looking down. "Stripe, Thomas loves you very much," Trixie said, placing her hand on her husband's hand. "I know he does, it's just I don't want him to be pressured since it's only been a year without his mum," Stripe said, still looking down. "I talked to Bandit, and he said Thomas is doing great and wants to give you a great birthday," Trixie said, kissing Stripe on his head. "Really he said that?" Stripe asked with a warm smile. Trixie nodded with a smile. "Okay I guess I shouldn't worry too much about him." Stripe said.


At the kitchen of Bandit's house, Thomas had gathered all the ingredients he needed to do his uncle's favorite birthday cake. "Alright! I have everything I need for Uncle Stripe's cake," Thomas said to himself as he started making the cake. "What kind of cake are you making?" Bandit asked, walking into the kitchen. "A cricket field cake," Thomas answered. "Really? Need some help mate? I can do the wickets, the bails, the ball and the bat..." Bandit asked as he grabbed some juice from the fridge. "Nah, I got it dad," Thomas said as he started making the mix. "Alright mate just ask for help if you need it, there's no shame in asking for help, I know how hard making a cake is," Bandit said while drinking his juice and then leaving the kitchen. Thomas nodded as he continued to do his cake for his uncle. He was determined to that... especially since he didn't come to give him the proper appreciation last year.

Bluey and Bingo were making cards for their uncle in the playroom. "I hope uncle Stripe likes these cards," Bluey said while drawing. "Yeah! We're putting a lot of effort on them," Bingo added. "I'm sure he will love it sweetie," Chilli said while watching her daughters. "I'm also happy that Thomas is coming to Uncle Stripe's birthday party this year" Bingo said. "Yeah, last year he didn't want to come..." Bluey said. "Well, your brother was having a hard time and he didn't want to spoil your Uncle Stripe's special day" Chilli told. "Is this Thomas's first time being with Uncle Stripe for his birthday?" Bingo asked. "I think so..." Chilli replied. "Second time actually," Bandit said, coming into the room. "Really? I thought it was his first," Chilli said looking at her husband.

"When Thomas was four Stripe and Trixie came and spent it with Emily and I," Bandit explained. "Oh, and how did it go?" Chilli asked. "It was a good birthday, it was Trixie's first time in the states that time," Bandit explained. "I just hope Thomas doesn't have any pressure on giving my brother a good birthday since it was that long ago and we didn't spend time with him after his mother passed away, we all know how he gets when he tries to compensate," Bandit added. "Our son told Trixie he was fine and I believe him," Chilli said softly with a smile. "You're right babe, he should be fine," Bandit said with a smile.

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