Chapter 29: Study Date

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Chapter 29: Study Date

Thomas and Tori were walking home almost reaching Thomas'. "Thank you for taking the time to study with me, the trainings have been too intense now that we're close to the first game of the season" Thomas said looking at Tori. "It's no problem, it's for the best you get the study organized as soon as possible, and I'm happy to help you." Tori said with a smile. Once they reached Thomas' house and were about to walk in, they heard sounds coming inside. "Come back here, you big blue monkey!" Thomas heard Bluey shout. "Oh no..." Thomas said face palming his muzzle. "Something wrong?" Tori asked confused. "Um..." Thomas said until he heard another sound. "Catch that blue baboon!" Bluey shouted. "It had to be zoo..." Thomas said, in almost a whisper. "Zoo?" Tori asked confused. "Um... sorry, Tori, but can you just wait here a second," Thomas said as he snuck into his own house. Thomas entered and shut the door behind him. "Alright now where is that blue baboon," Thomas said as he went through the house.

Thomas went through the house looking for his dad until he ran into Bluey and Chilli. "Jason the janitor there you are!" Bluey shouted looking at her brother, referring to him by his name in the game. "Bluey! Where's dad... I mean, the blue baboon!" Thomas shouted as he approached his little sister. "How should I know? It was your job to clean the cage! And now the baboon has escaped!" Bluey said waving her arms in the air. "Yeah sure..." Thomas said, approaching Chilli. "Mom, where's dad?" Thomas asking her in a whisper. "He's..." Chilli started to say until she looked to Bluey who gave her a look. "I have no idea where the Ape is and he took Snowdrop with him," Chilli explained. "Snowdrop? Bingo..." Thomas said as he ran off to the front room to check on Tori. "Hey Tori," Thomas said walking out the front door. "Is everything alright Thomas?" Tori said with a chuckle. "Um..." Thomas said until he heard monkey noises. "Snowdrop!" Chill screamed. "Yeah... I just need to find my big blue... I mean dad," Thomas said nervously. "Here sit in the shade and I'll be right back," Thomas said getting Tori comfortable.

Thomas then went inside the house again and grabbed his dad's cricket bat and helmet and shouted. "Come out you big blue monkey!" Thomas shouted as he ran into the house on the hunt for his father. It took him a while, but he, along Bluey, managed to capture the 'big blue baboon', using a sheet like it was a net and putting him to 'sleep' with a 'tranquilizer'. "There... this may put an end this little baboon's mischief" Thomas said. "No! Ooh-ooh!" Bingo, pretending to be Snowdrop, said, trying to reach the blue baboon, while being held by her mother. "Come on, Snowdrop, let's leave the zoo keeper and the nice janitor do their jobs" Chilli said, while "Nice job, Jason, now I hope you can handle this stinky baboon," Bluey said. "Of course, zoo keeper, you can count on me," Thomas said. "I do hope so, otherwise you're going to clean the lion's cage," Bluey replied, with her authoritarian tone, before moving away.

After Bluey was out, Thomas took out the sheet from his dad. "Dad, what's the big idea?! I told you I would bring my friend Tori to study!" Thomas told. "Sorry, mate, but you know your sisters, when they want to play something, there's no stopping them" Bandit told, while sitting up. "And now Tori must think I have the weirdest of families, with her standing outside," Thomas said. "Come on, son, it's not that bad, I mean, she must know you have little sisters who like to play," Bandit said, while getting up. "I know, but... I'm afraid that she will find me too weird and won't want to be with me again," Thomas replied. That caused Bandit to drop a chuckle, much to his son's confusion. "You know, you sound like your uncle Rad when he used to bring girls home," Bandit said. "What?" Thomas asked. "Before he met your mother, your uncle Rad was quite popular with the girls and, occasionally, he would bring them over, but he always tried to avoid them to meet me and your uncle Stripe, he feared we would make him look bad," Bandit told. "So, what happened? Did he look bad?" Thomas asked. "Why don't you find out for yourself... by making your own version of the story?" Bandit suggested, placing a hand on Thomas' shoulder.

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