Chapter 11: Bingo Awakens

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Chapter 11: Bingo Awakens

After that episode of crying with his father and stepmom, Thomas fell asleep beside Bluey. Thomas then woke up in the middle of the night hearing his parents talking in the hallway. Thomas yawns before getting up to see what they were talking about. "You should take the kids home and get some rest," Bandit said to Chilli. Chilli refused, "No Bandit, you need rest as well," Chilli said crossing her arms. "Babe I don't want to fight about it please go get some sleep with the kids," Bandit said hoping his wife would go.

"I'll stay with Bingo," Thomas suggested. Bandit and Chilli were both surprised not only by Thomas' sudden appearance but also by that response from their son. "I don't know honey, you also need your sleep" Chilli said with a frown. "Look at it this way you both take Bluey home and get some rest and I'll call if anything changes," Thomas said confident. Bandit and Chilli looked at each other. "Are you sure mate?" Bandit asked. Thomas smiled and nodded, "not a problem Mom, Dad," Thomas said still with his smile. Bandit and Chilli looked at each other again and nodded. "Alright then mate, take care of your sister," Bandit said now forming a hopeful smile. Thomas smiled again and nodded.

Bandit then picked up Bluey, who was still sleeping on the chair, and took her out of the room and went to the car. "I love you son thank you," Chilli said hugging her son tightly. That hug made Thomas be filled with the kind of warmth in his heart he used to feel when with his mother. Despite it was not the same, nevertheless it was good and reassuring.

Later that night, Thomas was half-asleep, struggling to remain awake. "Thomas..." a weak voice called him. He turned and saw that Bingo was awake. "Bingo! You're awake!" Thomas exclaimed, relieved, going to give her a hug. "You gave us all a big scare, little sister." Thomas said.  "I thought you had run away..." Bingo said, sadly. "What? But I didn't run away, Bingo" Thomas replied. "I saw you getting out of the house. I waited for a long time and you didn't come back" Bingo told, starting to tear up. "I thought... you didn't like us anymore and went back where you came from." Hearing his little sister saying that made Thomas feel bad with himself as he was the reason why Bingo got hurt.

Determined to fix what he had done, Thomas made a tender smile. "Run away? Why would I run away when I have two little sisters like you and Bluey?" he asked, while caressing Bingo's face. "You mean that? For real life?" Bingo asked. "For real life" Thomas replied. "Bingo, I won't never run away... much less without saying goodbye. I love you. Not just you, but also Bluey, dad, mom... everyone." An expression of surprise appeared on Bingo's face. "What?" Thomas asked. "You said mum," Bingo said. Thomas smile and said, "I hope you don't mind. I mean, Chilli is your mom and Bluey's. Since mine is no longer here, I was thinking... maybe you could share yours with me." It was then that Bingo returned a smile to him and replied "That would be nice." The two of them then shared a hug.

Breaking the hug, Thomas said, "Now, why don't you rest? You need your strength so you can go back home as soon as possible. I promise I won't get out of your side," Thomas said. "Okay, big brother. I love you," Bingo said, as she closed her eyes to sleep. "I love you too, little sister" he replied. While hearing Bingo's soft snore, Thomas took his phone and sent a message to his father informing him about Bingo waking up.





Hey Dad Bingo woke up and we talked a bit.




Thank you son me, mum and Bluey will be over in the morning.




Alright dad love you good night




Okay mate G-Night.

(End of Texting)

Thomas then put his phone away and laid back in the chair, trying to go to sleep. Thomas dreamed about Bingo getting hurt and then Bluey also facing the same fate... all because of him. All that caused Thomas to toss and turn around until he finally was woken up by the doctor. "Honey are you okay?" The doctor asked placing her hand on Thomas's shoulder. "Yeah, I'm sorry," Thomas said sitting up. "Oh, it's totally fine," the doctor said with a smile. "Is there any changes with my sister?" Thomas asked now looking at Bingo, worried. "We're still running tests but it looks like she had been through a very stressful or anxious moment," the doctor explained. "I see...," Thomas said, confirming his fear of being the cause of Bingo's pain. "But try not to worry about anything until your parents are here, we have your sister under close observation." Thomas nodded, turning his attention to Bingo, who was sleeping peacefully.

When morning arrived, Bandit and Chilli came to see Bingo, having left Bluey with Stripe and Trixie. The doctor informed them of the possibility of Bingo's symptoms having been caused by some kind of distress, what relieved them a little bit. "So, when do you think she can go home, doctor?" Chilli asked. "Well, I'd be more at ease if Bingo just stayed one more night, just to be certain it's nothing serious" the doctor replied. "One more night?!" Bingo asked, disappointed. "No worries, squirt, it's just for one night," Bandit said. "Can Thomas stay with me?" Bingo asked, much to her parents and brother's surprise. "I don't know, sweetie, he must want to go home and rest a little..." Chilli started. "No it's okay, I can stay one more night" Thomas said. "Are you sure mate?" Bandit asked. "Of course, I've already promised Bingo I wouldn't get out of her side and I intent in keeping my promise," Thomas replied. "Such a wonderful son you two have here" the doctor said to Bandit and Chilli, as she signed the medical chart. "Yeah, we know..." Chilli replied, as she and Bandit looked proudly to Thomas.

After the doctor got out and Chilli went to comfort Bingo, Thomas turned to Bandit. "Dad, can I... talk with you outside?" he asked. "Of course, son," he replied. They went outside the room. "Dad, I think this is all my fault, maybe if I hadn't got out without a warning..." Thomas started. "Don't be like that, son, there's no way..." Bandit told. "She saw me sneaking out and she thought I was running away because I didn't like her and you guys anymore, maybe if I've done things differently..." Thomas vented. "Son, stop saying that, there's no way you could have predicted this" Bandit replied to his son, while putting a hand on his shoulder. "You are the best brother the girls could have... and the best son I could have asked for." That caused Thomas to smile. "Thanks, dad" he replied, hugging him afterwards, with Bandit hugging him back. After the hug, the two of them returned to the room so Bingo could get all the love and care she could and needed...

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