Chapter 33: Sick

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Chapter 33: Sick

Thomas woke up not feeling very well. He was feeling very warm, with a big headache that made him feel dizziness. Despite not wanting to, Thomas gathered strength to stand up from his bed and dragged himself out of his room and through the hallway to the bathroom. Once he got there, he threw up to the toilet and then washed his face at the sink. "I guess I should let mom and dad know I won't be going to school today," Thomas said to himself. Thomas then walked to his parents' room and knocked on the door. "Come in," Chilli said while making the bed. Thomas walked into the room not looking like himself. "Oh honey you don't look so good," Chilli said looking at her son. "What's the matter mate?" Bandit said coming out of their bathroom. "I think I'm sick," Thomas said with a sniff. Bandit then felt his son's head and muzzle. "Oh mate, your burning up," Bandit said taking back his hand.

"Go back to bed, sweetheart, and I'll make you some tea," Chilli said, while fixing their pillows. Thomas nodded before heading back to his room. "Poor kid, the last time I saw him this sick was when he was seven," Bandit said looking at his wife. "Luckily I have a special tea to help with just that," Chilli said before kissing her husband on his muzzle. Thomas went back to his bed and laid down. He moaned and groaned while tossing and turning, he coughed and sneezed a couple times before Chilli came in with the tea. "Here you go honey this should help you," Chilli said as she placed the tea on Thomas's nightstand. "Thanks mom," Thomas said weakly. "Your welcome, sweetheart, call me or your dad if you need anything," Chilli said before kissing Thomas on the top of his head. Thomas weakly smiled as Chilli left her son's room.

Bluey and Bingo woke up and went to the kitchen to eat their breakfast. Bluey found strange that Thomas wasn't there already. "Mum where's Thomas? Did he didn't come back from his running?" Bluey asked, while eating her French toast. "He's sick sweetie, he's going to stay home today," Chilli explained. "I better call the school to warn them," Bandit said, while taking his phones. "And I'll call the airport and tell them I need to stay home," Chilli said, also taking her phone. After learning his brother's condition, Bluey was speechless as she felt tears coming down her muzzle. "What's the matter mate?" Bandit said walking into the kitchen looking at his daughter. "He promised me!" Bluey shouted as she jumped down from her seat and ran to her brother's bedroom. "Promised her?" Bandit asked looking at his wife. "What did he promise her?" Chilli said as she and Bandit followed their daughter to Thomas's room.

Thomas was trying to rest a bit when the door of his room was burst open and Bluey got in, approaching him with tears on her eyes. "Big brother, you're a big liar! You promised me! You broke the promise!" she shouted. "Bluey, what are you talking about...?" Thomas started to ask, before coughing. "You said you wouldn't get sick, you promised me!" Bluey protested. "Little sister, I'm okay, I just have a little fever... and some cough..." Thomas said, proceeding then to sneeze. "And sneezes... Oh, my head! I really need to... take a quick nap..." Thomas said, before placing his head comfortable on his pillow and closing his eyes. "No, I want you to stay awake!" Bluey exclaimed. "Bluey, what are you doing?" Chilli asked her daughter, while approaching. "Your brother needs to rest in order to recover," Chilli said, while kneeling down to her and putting his hands on her shoulders. "But, mum, he promised he wouldn't get sick," Bluey said, causing Chilli to share a look with Bandit who had also arrived.

After taking Bluey out of Thomas' room to let him sleep, she told her parents about the talk she and Thomas had after his birthday party. "Oh, Bluey, you don't have to worry," Chilli said. "The kind of sick Thomas has is not very serious, it's just a little flu, like the one you and Bingo once had," she explained. "Your mum is right, Thomas' mum had a different kind of sick, one that she couldn't recover, but Thomas can recover from this," Bandit told. "Are you sure?" Bluey asked. "But of course, he is a Heeler, after all, and we Heelers are strong, it's not a little flu that will change that," Bandit replied. "But... he said he would never get sick," Bluey told. "He must have told you that so you wouldn't get worried," Chilli said. "Sweetie, dogs get sick and they can get better or not, but most of times they get better and Thomas will get better, all he needs is a little rest, care and love... and he has all that to spare here, with his family," Chilli said.

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